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About billyshort

  • Birthday 10/07/1947

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  • Location
    collingwood ontario
  • Interests
    renovations ,driving, fishing, friendly women

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  1. Hey Colin I love cross lake and have my own leisure islamnd houseboat and always looking for secret spots on cross lake    what do you think  thanks   Bill

  2. thanks Irish maybe Ill wait till the season and see
  3. yea thanks Cosmos, I was thinking of cabelas there,, they can probably give me a lot of information that Im looking for as a non computer type guy thanks very much
  4. also theres no cell after reaching the top of the main channel as it really is gods country
  5. big question guys I have a lowrance chirp 7 elite combo, had it for 4 5 years I think , never used the navionics or did any update thing, just a day or so ago I did plug in the chip into my computer and discovered it was out of date and coud be updated for around $120 I think,, anyway I fish Lake temagami in my houseboat all summer and take my 14 ft aluminum with me with the fishfinder installed my question is how long does the new subscription last and what do I get with it , I only plan to use it on temagami but understand it gives a lot of detail and thats what I want as Im retired now and want to discover new fishing spots on the lake, also I see theres conversations about phones with the chip in that can be used Im not a computer guy so its a little cloudy any direction would be greatfully appreciated
  6. hey sorry to hear the bad news , anything like that is traumatic for all involved , I know of 2 or 3 great honest as the days long builders if you are in need , they work mostly in your area around the lakes building timber frame homes , I actually do all the finishing inside staining, painting ,and so forth, these are multi million dollar homes of course but they also build smaller cottages whatever the clients wishes, they are young guys terrific at what they do , Ive been doing business with them and their father for more than 25 years, so if you need a contact let me know good luck Bill
  7. Hey Lou Lake Temagami would suit you all fish variety and a number of lodges on the lake, beauty abounds I personaly have been going there for 30 yrs and the last 10 years have taken my daughter, we rent a houseboat from leisure island houseboat rentals check out their website theres all the information you need and Mike and Gwen are the children of the owner and founder, the father actually built all the houseboats, salt of the earth trustworthy wonderfull people, anyway check it out maybe good for you , beauty of it also you have the ability to go wherever you want on the lake and have the comforts of home, the boat is not one of the huge 3 buoys things but has all you need ,you will see on the website, Ive caught pike 20lbs and over, lake trout ,bass, pickerel ,whitefish, all good fishing, Mike has a great knowledge of the lake and would recommend various spots for you to try, my daughter and I go the last week in May at the open or sometimes the first week in June, and also for a week in September, maybe see you there if you decide to go there at that time, good luck and tight lines, OH by the way Im 72 myself but still have a lot of casts left in me regards Bill
  8. that's right Goerge was the other brother he managed Brampton Brick great guy
  9. I fished out of Bronte many years ago on Phils charter boat in fact him and his brother had just bought it, we caught a lot of salmon they were friends of a Brit Keith Dickens who also chartered on Lake Ontario along with another guy Gibby Lauzon, Im going back a number of years here, in fact I went on a trip to Kasba lake with Dickens ,Lauzon, Danny Maloney, Jack Valaquette, and Dave burrows of the Toronto Maple Leafs, Phils brother was the manager of Brampton Brick back then also just a bit of history lads sucks to get old but the fishing is still good I spend time up in Lake Temagami as often as I can houseboating leisure island houseboats wonderful people hope I live forever, happy new year to all
  10. fished Temagami 1st week June bagged 10 all lakers

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