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Posts posted by bassfighter

  1. The algae was never a problem for us at Lake st. john. THE MNR tried to control the weeds and put some green chemicals all along the shore, it seemed to work as less weeds grew this year. However less fish also on the shore line.


    I would avoid the lake for now,until the Chemicals has dissipated.

  2. I wasted my time for 4 hours chugging spoon like a crazy desperate dud at Port Hope yesterday, and there was no one on site before 5:00pm. By 9:30pm. 10 people showed up to catch what? Maybe their line were dirty from storage and need to wash it.


    Few anglers submitted exagerated report at other board as well and some of us got sucked into it. TOO EARLY FOR SALMON FISHING! Stay home and save your gas, we got burned so others do not make the same mistakes. Wait at least two more weeks. It is still Bass and walleye season


    I did hear the story that there was a mini run last week, TWO SALMON Who were suicidal fish entered Ganny at port Hope, and everyone tried to catch it. The only way to catch the two is to use a dynamite , to cover the entire Pier and Bay.

  3. You have the option of getting the skeg fix. Go to ebay and buy a skeg protector, it might even be more practical than just getting the skeg fix. You can buy a skeg for your engine, it needs to be rewelded, and you must take the lower unit off which is too much of a hassle.


    I fish the shallows a lot and added a MAC protector which does amazing and protected my prop and skeg, it might add drag to the top end, but I would rather lose some top speed than get my prop ding here and there.


    It is normal for the boat to turn one way when you let go of the steering wheel based on the trim tab adjustment, this will prevent the boat from going straight to nowhere when you accidentally get thrown out of the boat, and no one to attend it. THis is a safety measure and should not be adjusted for your boat to go completely straight. It will also help you get used to putting both your hands on the steering wheel.


    No major problem on your skeg, you can always add fibreglass resin, sand it and repainted it, just to make it look good.

  4. I just notice the survey results, started by CCMT , many has not been doing well especially on shallow waters due to recent unpredictable weather change pattern.


    I also had 3 very good fishing days and 3 bad days. No mediocre fishing days this year so far. I spoke to few anglers at OFC , those that did well few weeks ago seemed to fish when the temp was close to 30's,and so happen to be on weekdays, not on weekends. The surface water temp at many Kawarthas is roughly hovering at 70's-75. It should have been close to 80's by now.


    To help me be more positive on my fishing day off, I try to keep track of 2-3 previous days weather pattern, do some educated guess and hope for the best on my fishing day off. So far, I was able to semi guess the outcome of those good and bad days. I am less disapointed with the lack of fishing activities if I know what to expect. It has been accurate right from the start.


    A Cold Front is probably the main reason we all do not do well. The weather should be warm and humid at this time of the year . Bass especially large mouth, likes Humid consistant warm weather, rain on a Humid day is very good for fishing, right before a pontential storm that about to come in. Small mouth bass seemed to be hovering on shallower water as well.


    Rain on a cold front during summer months might make fishing tough especially on shallower waters. If we all notice, it is so comfortable, cool, no humidity to fish these days. If the temp is comfortable for us, it is probably bad for our cold Blooded creature friend.


    Try to remember those good old summer amazing fishing days, were they not humid during the summer months? Where are the bugs or black flies that constantly bothering us? No bugs, equals no food for fish on shallower areas.


    I remembered last year on one rainy cold front day, fish got so active only for 15 minutes when the rain sporadically stopped the entire day, we even had a double header on those very short time frame, when it rained again, fish will not bite. It was raining the whole day, we only caught fish everytime the rain stopped for a limited time. By the afternoon, we have decided to stop moving around, stayed in one fishing spot, knowing fish will come out of their hiding place when time is right. It worked for us, a new found experience.


    Unless the weather stayed the same and move to consistant fall weather pattern, we will have to just accept the weekend weather given to us by mother nature and hope for the best, or start fishing deep water where barometric pressure is more consistant. I was reading an article that fish residing on constant water flow is less affected by Barometric weather change.


    Just some incite!

  5. The temp has been dropping, quite cool in the morning and cold at night less than 15 degrees. Constant rain and thunderstorm.


    Has the Cold front been affecting your weekend fishing?


    Todays weather a high of 20 degrees felt like Fall temp, some anglers are already thinking about Fall Salmon shore fishing. I am still very much into summer bass fishing.


    I read the river fishing is probable more consistant than lake water fishing , with this constant change in temp, should drive the cold Blooded creatures crazy.

  6. Inspite of the hard work and few decent fish caught by my son. He still said he hates fishing. It is probably his stage at 13 of trying to be rebelious. I remind him never to use the word hate.


    I constantly remind him of this video showing the angler without limb, and inspiring story for all of us. We all should be thankful that we have all it takes to accomlish anything in life.



  7. try Simcoe prop, 905 722 7767 . it is near pefferlaw, beaverton area and on your way to Balsam lake or other Kawarthas lake .


    Speak to Doug, tell him joshua refered you to him. Explain the problem and ask for a quote on the phone.


    You might be able to drop it off and pick it up at the same time on your way back after fishing one fo the Kawarthas lake. It is his house so you can always pick it up after 8:00pm.


    He lives up north away from the city, his rate got to be good as he works at home and laid back county.


    check ebay if you are willing to wait.



  8. Patrick, my son and I did not do too well yesterday as Patrick caught only 5 bass ( two were 3+lb bass). I caught only one small Pike, while my son caught 1 and lost another Pike. My son was more thrilled that he out fish dad than catching two pikes.


    My son almost lost the 6+ lb pike. After the initial first fight with him, it went right back down to the weedbed, didn't fight anymore and stayed there for 5 minutes, I tried pulling the line wiht my hands but nothing seemed to be there, we did not know what to do next, assuming we have to break the line, we were surprise that the fish came right back out and Patrick help land the fish.




    The second Pike roughly 3-4 lb was lost when the 6lb line that my son was using got wraped around the trolling motor this time, broke the line and we lost the fish and our storm fish imitation plastic bait.


    It was a tough day fishing as we worked hard, the weather was not humid just cool 18in the morning, no wind in the morning and the sun was out with no clouds. I would call it a cold front compared to regular summer fishing. The fish were not active, even the pike has the lure just outside its mouth and my son was using slow retrieve. Normally the Pike would have swallowed them considering , my son was using small lures. The Perch was ony nibbling on our lures as well.


    To cool our selves, while I was swimming close to shore I almost touch this 3' water snake,




    We also notice the edge of the lake turned into light Green color, and we assume it was the water weed killing chemicals that someone mentioned the MNR might have place there. There was tons of weeds last year , and many were not there this year. We normally do well on this spot but with the green chemicals, it has to bother the fish .


    PatrickG will post his catch



  9. Many of us agree that Fishing on a cold front is not too good.


    When is it considered a cold front?

    a. Previous day Temp has dropped by 5 degrees the following day

    b. 5 degree to 10 degrees change?

    c. More than 10 degrees change?


    Do we also have to consider the temp change the night before?


    How about humidity factor?


    Any tips on cold front fishing or just stay home?


    We did not do too well last week at Balsam lake, only caught 3 walleye in the slot size, one 2lb SM bass, and one 36" musky. The temp dropped over 8 degrees from previous hot humid weather, though it was a cloudy day, it was comfortably cool with no humidity at all. I considered it a cold front and too windy condition that shut down the fish. The water was quite rough and hard to control lure action.


    Normally if the forecast calls for showers and a cloudy day, not too windy under 15km wind, and still a humid day, fishing should be amazing.



    Interesting read on cold front fishing





  10. I know that we have to adapt to our kid's personality, some kids can be push while others will retalite if we push them.


    I am impress with Successful Athletes like Tiger Wood or Sharapova, their parents push them hard, IF you notice their background and history. Tiger wood, who is a Afican AMerican background, has a military background Dad, the Dad would try to distract him while he is Teeing off when he was being trained, and this makes him tough and distraction during play does not bother him, he can stay focus regardless of conditions. Sharapova Dads was so poor and gave up all his money so His daughter can be enrolled in a US Tennis Academy, Their upbringing and background makes them who they are today.


    Today's kid has too many obstruction, TV Video, Games, Internet, Facebook. We overprotect them and they cannot be alone outside the streetfor fear of Kidnapping.


    When we wear growing up , we were always on the street , we do not come home until it gets dark. We have our bike and we are gone, I got into plenty of mischief and has to learn from it, and yet we are more street smart then most of our younger generation. TV was not important for us then, We love the outdoor.


    I got hook fishing for carp and Catfish when our local creek has them, and we have to go through swamp to find them , there were tons of bugs and mosquitoes, but we never heard of west nile as well, we got bitten but who cares as long as we can get fish , salamaner, snakes, frogs, cray fish, etc... It was fun.

  11. I am impress with so many wise parenting advice here.


    I try my best to make it a pleasant trip everytime he joined us, I will fish against the wind or place where it is hard to cast, he is obedient and patient most of the time. Onc ein a while whe th ebite is slow, he might lose his patience and when I challenge him to catch his last fish before we go home, he always manage to get one when it comes to pressured situation. I have tested him in other sport and if it comes under pressure, he was able to peform.


    Conclusion: I will try not to be pushy and even cut down on some days when he really feels not in the mood to go fishing. I tried to show him the video of the angler without any limb, to encurage him that for those who puts their mind into it , nothing is impossible. That video always reminds me "never say it can't be done."

  12. My son has my wife's personality, nothing gets to excited for both of them. My son is not too competitive in nature. I have to bribe him at times to see a movie so he can join me on our next fishing trip. I can't use reverse psychology either, if I say you are not fishing next week, he will jump right up and be happy not to go.


    He just turn teen, therefore trying to be smart on everything as well.


    I am the opposite, I love every sport and competitive even at an early age, I will work hours on anything just to be good at it. I hardly remember my Dad taking me anywhere , if he did ask I would not hesitate to go golfing or play tennis with him. I remembered I would patiently wait for my Dad to take me anywhere, and sometimes it take months for him to find the time.


    I would make all my effort to spend time with my son today, and we bond by watching movies and playing Tennis, but fishing is still boring for him. Though I try to compare tennis and fishing and explain the similarity, where there is a competitor across th eother end, and if we strive to improve each time, the better competitor or bigger fish will want to compete with us as well.


    I just hope he will pick it up and be good at it some day, now that I have the experience to guide him, and get him to the honey holes.

  13. I have to presuade my 13 year old son to get more enthusiastic on this sport, he always say he does not like fishing and yet when he is on the water with me, he will work hard and cast the whole day. Regardless of his result, he just find fishing not exciting enough. He will find all excuses not to go fishing. Though, once he is on the water, he does not complain, we always enjoy swimming on the lake when the sun gets too hot.


    He just landed 4 out of 5 smallmouth bass(all close to 2 lb) few days ago and still after the day's work he said he only wanted to fish ones a month. He was not too excited of his results nor want to do better next time. I landed close to 10 , all average 2 lber , largest over 3+ lb for 5 hours of work.


    Anyone out there whose kid is finicky in fishing? How do you influence them into being more serious into the sport?


    I was advice by other friends that if there are other kids with us, he will be more challenge. I had my friend's kids who joined us one day last year, my son was landing fish and teaching them how to catch them.









  14. It seemed like there are more smaller walleye being caught than large ones lately. Hopefully, the larger ones are not being depleted.


    The weeds are not out yet therefore many larger fish are hiding on the deep waters. I believe the larger fish needs the weeds to hide and then they can ambush their prey. Once the weeds grow to its proper height, the larger fish will be staging close to waters under 15 feet.


    Surprise that you guys did not get other larger fish. Base on my experience, when the small fish such as sunfish or rockbass or perch are agreesively hitting your jig and grubs, it is just a matter of time other larger fish would also take your lures. We just have to keep at it! I believe the small fish will catch the attention of larger fish.


    Try casting and retreiving close to weedbed and place the boat 10-15 feet away from the area, sometime the larger fish will be spooked right underneath our boat unless there are tons of weeds around.

  15. I read at another thread that suggest we carry a large 10" long cutter to cut off the hook in case the larger fish swallowed the lures. The fellow had two of the three treble hook embedded in his arm, used the cutter to cut it partially and have to go to the hospital to get it completely removed. OUCH!


    Too many accident happening with treble hooks when the fish trash right when we try to take the hook off its mouth.


    Does using a cradle help prevent more potential accident? Do we need rubber gloves? I have never carry or own one at the boat, Are they necessary to help land the bigger fish?


    Is there a better way of handling larger musky or pike , so we do not spend unnecessary time to take the hook off its mouth and the same time prevent potential accident?


    I remembered sticking my hand inside the gills of a pike the wrong way, my fingers got stuck and started bleeding.

  16. Can we Say Carp fishing getting more and more popular for the Following reason:


    1. Fish are bundant, for most do not eat Carp.

    2. Good fighting fish

    3. Fishing for other species are harder these days.

    4. We can find them easily at local city habitat.

    5. They keep on getting bigger in size as they are being release.

    6. They like warm waters and waters have been getting warmer every year.

    7. Not always that easy to hunt for them.

    8. They are staying more consistantly in the same area.

    9. There is always the larger ones out there.

  17. Good job in spending time with Family and Friends, JWL, those times are very precious and once we have lost it, it will never be retreive. Your kids will always remember them someday especially when they grow up having their own kids.


    We are all so helpless in this gas increase, those who controls the Oil economy are laughing their way to the bank.


    Fishing, like any other hobby, we will have to continue to pay for it. It is our form of relaxation and challenges in life. Habits are hard to break.


    I have notice that more anglers are trying to open up their boats to share the cost, and this is a good thing. Probably, by cutting some of our trips and staying home will give us more chance to spend more quailty time with our love ones as well.


    I still will have to go to the US for few shopping trip to please my city wife and daughter, while my son and I have to patiently wait outside the shop for them to finish their shopping. I would also just visit the local marinas and waters, ask around on what is happening at their local lakes. No fishing(I will not bring my rods or I might end up going at it for hours), just some wishful thinking.

  18. Hey Alex/ Johnny,


    How hard was the rain?


    How strong was the wind?


    Was there some sunny breaks in between or was it constant dark clouds?


    Any Lightning or thunder at all?


    Too bad can't get out on weekends except mondays, I can't wait for bass season to open soon.


    We all can continue to learn from this!



  19. BE CAREFUL of the trails heading down, especially after a rain fall.


    The last time I was there, the trail were all ruined, I hope it got fix by then, I would take as much time as I can to get to head down there.


    I would agree with JWL about his report this time of the year, unless you are use to chugging lures of its current, and experience in fishing it in the past, it is better that you hold off for few more weeks until the moss were gone and water is more clearer. There are lots of fish there but hard to catch them, tons of hang ups where fish are hording mostly at the bottom, the current is more constant 15 feet down below as it is on the surface.


    All Said, the scenery is very nice and hard to beat. The work out hiking can be challenging!

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