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Posts posted by bassfighter

  1. Got lucky on thanksgiving day, Wife allowed me and my son to fish. Caught this 15 lber and found a new Salmon honey hole for the season while exploring, hardly anyone was in site , and no one was aiming for Salmon.




    We were originally just aiming for carp or bullheads as they were around, after realizing that the place had Salmon actively jumping, I took my Charteuse minnow plug due to the water was stained. After second cast , caught this Male Salmon with my new equipment. It took me roughly 10+ minutes to land this, the salmon jumped and cleared the air that acted more like a large mouth bass.


    I was using a brand new 10' Shimano convergence, 15 lb braided line, a used japan made Shimano symetre 2000 reel that I just received from Ebay for $20, and a new dollarama charteuse minnow plug that I tweaked ( to make it heavier, I drilled a 1/4 inch hole into the body and added sand to make it heavier and seal it with a glue gun). I was happy that the reel did its job, though there were few visible scratches on this used reel ,the drag was as smooth, it seemed to be even better built than the newer symetre made in China today. THe Dollarams lure hooks was sharp and strong enough to with stand the fight.


    I would have stayed way longer to catch more, but my son has to go back home to finish his home work, and we have to call it a day. We stayed and fish for another half an hour and headed back home.


    I was surprise that the Salmon hit my lure when it was a warm front where other places I have been , the Salmon won't hit anything. Hard work, perseverance, passion, and a little luck always pay off as I reminded my son that day. I did hand over the rod to him for few seconds to feel the fight and pull from the fish.

  2. Buy those use HD CRT TV that others are trying to get rid off, they are amazing and no need any maintenance, except somewhat bulky, but they are so inexpensive to buy a used one and colors are as good as the new HD. Unless one buys the newly develop HD LCD TV sold this year, any HD made last years are not too good, and many consumers complain. forget aboout DLP or plasma TV, no comparison to HD LCD or older CRT HD TV.


    HD CRT TV can last for years and sold for $2000+, the TV industry wants us to changed, they started this flat screen marketing campign, cheaper for them to mass produce /ship and needs to be replace in certain years, and maintenance cost to replace the bulb and keep some electronic appliance personel working.


    I bought a 47 inch Panasonic HD CRT last year for $600 from someone that hopefully can last for another 15 years, I live in a condo and have at least 12-15 foot space to view normal broadcast clearly, for that size TV. most people have even bigger space in their home so buying a CRT HD is not really an issue. One cannot even buy a new 46" HD LCD for that size today at that price, must cost at least $1500, and bulbd needs to be replace after 3 years of normal usage. Samsung 42 inch still sells close to a $1000 . 42 inch HD TV is actually very small. The height is almost similar to your older 32 inch crt TV. Without HD, every images is somewhat stretched or distorted.

  3. Happy Birthday PatrickG!


    Click this site http://www.spiritisup.com/birthdaywish.html


    As you grow older , May you grow wiser in your decision making process, and be even more fruitful in everything you do!


    Life always have stumbling blocks, your life is in a transition right now, however what you have contributed to others is your time and not easy to come by. You have been a blessings to many.


    Thanks for landing my son's first Pike to help him out just past summer, he does not know hardly anyone at OFC, but he sure knows you! http://i223.photobucket.com/albums/dd294/b...um/IMG_0011.jpg.


    You have been productive , a good company, more than you could have imagined.

  4. Thanks for all feedback. I will try to buy from this http://www.oil-store.com/ site and get it shipped to my New york friend who is by chance coming to see me in two weeks time. Shipping within US cost another $1 for each quart.


    I got lucky 6 years ago when someone sold me 30 Valvoline 2 cycle oil for $2 per quart at a close out price due to the plastic bottles being deformed, after 6 years of using them, I am about to run out of them by end of this season.


    I just do not understand why shipping anything to Canada is still expensive when our currency is almost at par. while shipping within US cost hardly anything.

  5. -How fast was the current where you were fishing on compared to what you see on Queenston launch?


    How deep were you fishing in general?


    Were you fishing US side or the Canadian Side?


    How strong was the wind? Pick a day when the wind is within 15km or less for easier control of our lures. Not easy to fish the river when it gets too windy, and we still have the current to consider.


    Fish close to the water grass/weedlines or search for some rocky bottom, try to locate the bait fish if you can, find a spot where it has slower than average current. Fish it like you were fishing on any other river.


    Technique: Cast upstream, let your lure (grubs or spoon or crank bait or spinners) drop down close to the bottom before retreiving, and do it at the slowest possible speed occasionally stopping without getting snagged, at times let it drift but constant tightlines. Remember, the current is already pushing your lure at a certain speed, you do not want to speed it up further or fish will be too lazy in chasing after it. You can also troll with a spoon or tubes by casting it at the back of the boat and let the boat drift. Fish has tons of food source at niagara, they don't always bite too hard, even if they are monster size. Give them time to spot your lure to go after it.


    Fish under 12-15 feet of water if you can. Locate the drop off close to shore lines. Large mouth seemed to like calmer and shallower water during fall, while small mouth likes some mid current.


    You need more weight on your lure when fishing niagara compared to fishing other lakes, the added weight will ensure the lure reaches proper depth to cover proper area. Use 1/2 to 3/4 to 1 oz jig heads on 3-4-5" white or black grubs. Small and heavy Spoon, tubes, spinners and crank bait works as well. Buzzbait works on water under 8 feet. Add split shots one your line 1 foot before the lure for added weight.


    Use 6-8 lb mono or add flourocarbon leader on your braid. Used Lighter weight rod if possible, understanding the river current condition will help us adjust to control the depth of the lure, eventually landing more fish.


    Anchor down if possible when the current is not too strong(do not anchor down on heavy current, it can be dangerous), work at it for at least 1/2 hour to let the fish come to you. Don't stay too focus on fish marking on your Sonar, it can be deceiving at times. I always tell people, find the fish motel(weedlines or rocky bottom, shoal) and the Fish Restaurant(bait fish), just hang in there and let them come to you.


    Stop changing from one lure after another, we looses our touch/feel after a while and get frustated. Most lures works at Niagara, we just have to learn to let our lure get to the desired depth and slow enough to entice the fish. If you stick to one or two lures during close to initial boat launch, and get to understand the feel and control , you will nail them in a matter of time. Fishing success is at least 40% mental.


    The trout or pike or musky will also take grubs and spoon.


    Niagara river has amazing fishing right now, you just need to apply proper river fishing technique.



  6. Equipment is only as good as the sportsman or angler. New equipment is there to catch unsuspecting consumers before we even have a chance to catch a fish.


    Tournament Athletes or anglers defintely benefit from better equipment or lures. They already possess the skill and feel , therefore an additional new technology used will further improve their success rate. If you notice from the recent olympic event held in China, swimmers of both men and women, were wearing a new technology material that made them even swifter underwater. If we were given the same material, it will hardly make us swim any faster towards world record.


    Most average joe/anglers don't do as well as the Pros , not just because of their equipments. We do not possess the full God gifted-talent, we are not doing it full time, we do not possess the money or added support from sponsors. We do not have a chance to teamed up and get influence by those who are professionals in this field. We do not have enough time to experiment with lures.


    Some equipment(lures) might work with one person but might not work with another person.


    If we have the money and time to go to a remote Island 5 hours north of us, I am sure we will be able to catch our personal best size fish in no time without having to worry about which type of lures we will be using.


    People who prioritize making money, do not make time to go fishing, therefore they can afford expensive new tech equipment , and at times will be able to catch large size fish that might surprise us!

  7. Good job there Pat! , Always a pleasure to be with good angler. It was my first time there this season, inspiring to see you got one, your catch motivated me to go back there soon to put time and effort.


    I have yet to catch one. Hard work paid off for you last night, as Salmon fishing is quality fishing and we get lucky at times when we get the quantity.


    That was huge! I hope fighting with that monster did not further aggravate your semi-injured wrist. If it is too tough to fight with those Salmon again, you are always welcome to pass the rod to me and I will fight it in your behalf! HA! HA!


    I don't mind trading the excitement of catching 10 bass to the thrill of fighting with one of those Brute!


    It was also a true test to your Okuma reel , and it pass!


    Better Salmon fishing is yet to come. We'll hook up again soon. Next time I will bring some Dynamite!

  8. I saw some Capelin fish egg for sale at a decent price in some Korean stores, they have the same color as Salmon egg but quite tiny and still can fit the Roe mesh, anyone tried using it to hunt for salmon or steelheads?


    It does not seem to smell as strong as Salmon egg, but again I don't know what it smelled like if it is submerge under water and at normal tempearature. The price is less than buying a handful of pre tied eggs. One can tie a lot of roe for $5 worth of Capelin eggs.

  9. Longer the better! It is just a matter of time, 7ft+ rod will be out as standard equipment. longer rod having more guides also is good for lighter line.


    Long enough not to snag your buddies on a boat.


    6'6" vs 7' rod is not going to make one a better angler, the lightweightness and material use in the rod is more important.

  10. It all depends if one is finicky and can tell the difference between fresh fish killed and cook on the spot versus and frozen fish defrosted and fried. Unless you are use to eating fish killed fresh and then cooked immediately like many Asian do, Frying fish will not matter much in taste, storing it on freezer bag will last couple months at least.


    By frying, using freshly killed fish or frozen fish will not matter much.


    If one cook by steaming the fish just like the way Asian restaurant cooks them, or eating it raw like sushi, any fish dead for more than a day regardless of frozen or not does not taste the same. To make sushi out of any fish, the fish has to be super fresh or almost eaten after killing it.


    If you want to experience close to the taste of fresh fish, The fish must not be cut open or de-scaled, put the entire fish in a large bag, fill it up with water and freeze it immediately. It will be fresh and will not experience freezer burn.


    Freezer bag will not deter freezer burn, just prolong it. The freezer bag also prevents other frozen meat from creating different smell on the freezer.


    When is the last time we have tasted fresh cut fries taken off from the farmer's field fried in fresh oil? No other fries will beat the taste of it.

  11. The chance of you catching a fish release by someone recently is so slim, I pray they are not second or third generation species.


    If they are indeed Piranhas, what will happen 5 years from now? some areas will be unswimmable.


    Hopefully the fish will not cross bread with other species, adapt to our climate and produce really carnivorous kind.


    The Image of a Pacu fish showing human like teeth looks funny. They need some teeth whithener or brace to close tooth gap before picture taken.

  12. I agree with Tangled lines.


    I went through their site as well, and notice all the lawsuit going on. The site looks legit or well planned by professional scammers. NO telephone is an indication of something fishy.


    I typed on Google, and this new class action suit case was not found. All I found was the previous Class action suit before 2004.


    I need to investigate more as it might be worth for me to get my $1000 back. I lost the money in 2006 without getting a software developed. Paypal did not protect me at all.



    I am also searching for the reason how a scammers would benefit, if we are not to provide any info of our paypal account. Are they charging a fee?

  13. I just receive an email from this site http://www.steelesettlement.com/, and not sure if it is legit. Paypal promise to protect me and I am short of $1000 in 2006 for service that I never received . What do you guys think?




    -----Inline Attachment Follows-----


    Steele et al. v. PayPal, Inc. et al., Civil Action No. 1:05-CV-01720 (ILG)(VVP)


    Notice from Federal Court. Please Read.


    You may be eligible to receive a benefit from a class action settlement if you funded a PayPal transaction using a source other than your credit card between February 1, 2004 and the present.


    A federal court has directed that this notice be sent to inform you of a proposed class action settlement. Records show that you may be eligible to receive a benefit under the proposed settlement.


    The settlement will resolve a lawsuit against eBay Inc. and PayPal, Inc. (collectively, "Defendants") involving claims arising out of representations in the PayPal User Agreement regarding PayPal's policies and practices for responding to refund requests from those customers who pay for transactions through PayPal using funds from funding sources other than credit cards. Under the settlement, Defendants have agreed to establish a settlement fund of $3.5 million to pay claims to potential class members. The proposed Class is defined as:


    all U.S. based PayPal account holders who funded a PayPal transaction after February 1, 2004, using a source other than a credit card: (i) who subsequently requested a reversal of the transaction through PayPal's prevailing Buyer Complaint Policy and/or Buyer Protection Policy (collectively, "Policies"); (ii) who did not receive a refund equal to 100% of their transaction payment in response to such request from PayPal or their bank; and (iii) who, through the timely submission of a Claim Form under oath, attest to a reasonable and good faith belief that they would have received a full reversal of such payment had they used a valid credit card in their possession at the time of the subject transaction to fund the payment and filed a timely chargeback request with their credit card issuing bank. Excluded from the Class are any judicial officer to whom this Litigation is assigned; PayPal, eBay and any of its affiliates; any current or former employees, officers, or directors of PayPal or eBay; any Persons currently residing outside of the United States; and, all Persons who timely and validly request exclusion from the Class pursuant to the Notice.

    To see if you are a Class Member and to obtain full notice of the Settlement, the required procedures, the deadlines, your obligations, and your options, you must visit www.steelesettlement.com. This email is only a brief summary of the full notice that is posted on the website.


    If you are an eligible Settlement Class Member, you have rights, obligations, and options under the proposed settlement. You have until December 14, 2008 to file your Claim Form and Certification Form. Your legal rights are affected whether you act or not.


    1. Submit The Claim Form And The Certification Form By Mail


    This is the only way to get a settlement payment. You must: (1) print and fill out the Claim Form and return it by mail to the address provided on the Claim Form; and (2) print the Certification Page of your Claim Form, sign it, and return it by mail to the address provided on the Claim Form. Your Claim Form and signed Certification Page must be mailed and postmarked no later than December 14, 2008. For more information on these deadlines, the Effective Date of the settlement, the Claim Form procedures, and the settlement benefit, you must visit www.steelesettlement.com.


    2. Exclude Yourself – Opt Out of the Settlement


    If you do not want to remain a member of the Class and participate in the Amended Settlement, then you may exclude yourself (opt-out) from the Class by mailing or delivering (email is not permitted) your written request. Your original, signed request for exclusion must be RECEIVED on or before October 31, 2008 and mailed to the following address:


    PayPal/Steele Class Action Settlement

    c/o The Garden City Group, Inc.

    P.O. Box 9309

    Dublin, OH 43017-4209


    Your request for exclusion must contain your name and address, be signed by you, and include the reference "Steele et al. v. PayPal, Inc. et al., Civil Action No. 1:05-CV-01720." If you exclude yourself from the Class, you will not participate in the Amended Settlement and will not receive any payment from the Amended Settlement.


    3. Object


    Write to the Court about why you do not like the settlement. Your objection must be filed with the Clerk of the United States District Court for the Eastern District of New York, Brooklyn Main Office, 225 Cadman Plaza East, Brooklyn, New York 11201, no later than October 31, 2008. Pursuant to the Court's Order, you may not be heard on or entitled to contest the Court's decision unless you have filed written objections no later than October 31, 2008. A hearing ("Settlement Hearing") shall be held before Hon. I Leo Glasser on November 17, 2008 at 10:00 a.m. at the United States District Court for the Eastern District of New York, Courtroom 8B South, 225 Cadman Plaza East, Brooklyn, New York 11201.


    4. Do Nothing


    You will automatically be included in the Settlement Class and give up your right to be part of any other lawsuit about the claims in this case, but you will not be eligible to receive a settlement benefit unless you submit a Claim Form.


    To get complete information about the proposed Settlement, the required procedures, the deadlines, your obligations, and your options, you must visit www.steelesettlement.com.


    Please do not contact PayPal, or PayPal's customer support about this Notice, or the Settlement. Instead, you must visit www.steelesettlement.com for complete information about the proposed Settlement, the required procedures, the deadlines, your obligations, and your options.


    Please do not reply to this message. We are unable to respond to inquiries sent in reply to this email. To contact us, please access the official settlement website at www.steelesettlement.com.

  14. Sign up at Basspro.com, and they have better deals than the store, They will bombrd you with their sale almost twice a month as US economy is not good this year.


    Bass pro is for your eyes only, nice to visit it for the fun of seeing a huge fishing store with tons of fishing stuff, and then you will be turned off by their prices.


    It is a good place to check out products such as reel and rods, and then buy them at ebay or other US on line retailers.

  15. Price vary depending on material use. Are you going to do shore fishing or deep water fishing?


    If you intend to use spoon or other crank bait, You need some kind of backbone. If you will be using floats with eggs you need a noodle rod. Noodle Rod can be bought at a cheap price starting at $45 on sale, while those with some backbone will cost from $70 and up. It is hard to use noodle rod using artificial lures on heavy current, you will have to work extra hard to cast and retreive each time.


    Noodle rod line weight range from 4lb-8lb, while Salmon rod line weight recomendation starts from 6-10 or 12 lb.


    For steelheading you can use 9' - 12 ft rod with enough guide. Salmon Rod tends to have more backbone. Length is the least you have to be concern off. It is the number of guides that Rod manufacturer has added to it.


    To catch Rainbow and Salmon, you might eventually need two different rods.


    Go check Peter's Tackle at st. Katherines, They have the best selection and price for Long rods. Le baron sometimes have some decent price ones depending on season. You should not have problem getting a rod $70 +.

  16. Go across the border, take you wife or spouse shopping for a day or two. buy tires there, it is very inexpensive to buy tire sin the US. their economy is also so low.


    You can call ahead of time in the specific area, and shop for prices and even haggle.



  17. It was fun fishing with you Jose, You really knew how to use those Senkos, and those fish were coming out of those Hydrela plants by your presentation, it was educational for me as I have never tried that technique before. Our couple of double headers were also funny after not catching for a short while.


    Too bad it was too windy at 30 km wind, When will forecast even be close? We were not able to catch those Big ones this time, we will do better next time. We got the quantity, but it should also have been more quality as I do well here in the past. The last time I was there, we hardly caught anthing under a lb.


    I was surprise at the amount of Small smallies we landed yesterday, the water was only 72 degrees to begin with, and got to 76 at 6:00pm. What happen to all the largies? How come the smallies are being caught close to shore than Largies? The largies just went hiding.


    Cool weather and cold front just came in on tuesday. More tougher fishing on weekdays for other angler.


    When are we going to have more predictable weather pattern? The weather is dropping to only one digit figure tonight, the temp difference is more than 10 to 12 degrees change from evening to morning for the next few days. Weather like this will drive fish crazy .


    Gotta do some river fishing soon.

  18. Being fit, losing weight and able to keep it off is a life accomplishment.


    Many who try to lose weight or to quite smoking ends up gaining the habit back because they are only changing a small part of their lifestyle, they are not changing their job description or Title.


    What is the difference between an Athletes trying to get into Olympic versus an average joe? An Athletes not only are disciplined, they also work towards earning the title of being called "an Athletes."


    What does an Athletes want to accomplish? They join tournaments and one goal is to win. To win we have to discipline ourselves in everything we do and prepare for it for that one day event.


    Imagine if we decide to join the next 10K Marathon raise or join the up coming Tennis Tournament at our local club, Would we try to prepare for it? There is no guarantee that we could win, but we sure can try to get into an athletic lifestyle.


    Golfer use to be somewhat overweight, until Tigerwood came around and show our generation that you can even do better when you are fit.


    Changing our lifestyle to lose weight and to look good can be short cited, wanting to change to earn the Title as "he is as FIT as an Athletes" is a result of who we can be.


    Try to get involed in a sport that we can enjoy. Let us say the sport " Basketball", don't just play basketball, Try to tell ourselves that we can be basketball players. Practice and try to be good at it, read, study, hang out with regular basketball player. You will be surprise how much your thinking of wanting to be a basketball player will eventually change our lifestyle, conditioning and eating habits.


    Quiting Smoking is not easy, My uncle who was a Doctor, quit 5 years before he eventually died of Lung Cancer. My grandfather also died of Lung cancer from smoking. I know three generations of smokers, and they find it hard to persuade the succeeding generation not to pick up smoking.


    Some start dieting or quit smoking after their doctor told them that without changing their habits, it will kill them.


    I notice that many so called Professional anglers are overweight, and they are not setting a good example to all of us, the only way to be inspired to be healthy is to pick some other sport to balance our lifestyle, so we can also focus on improving our cardiovascular health.


    Get inspired by success stories of people who are able to lose weight or quit smoking, Hang out with the right people of the same mind set, who want to be healthy, or want to win on a competitive sport. We cannot do it alone, we need the proper friends who can motivate each other to want to be healthy. Our affluent society do not motivate us to be healthy.


    I quit smoking two packs of cigarette at age 23. I stop drinking softdrink 10 years now, I don't enjoy double, double coffee, regular is fine. I compete in Tennis once a week, but takes me 3 other days to prepare for the event. I think, sleep, dream about it, practice like a Tennis player should. I don't have to worry too much of dieting because I burn it as much as I consume the needed Calories. I was a tennis player when I was in my Varsity Days, I still think like a tennis Player 25 years later, and still wining.


    When I hike the Whirlpool stairway, I appreciate what it can do to my legs, and when I play my tennis, I appreciate what it can do to my Whirlpool hiking/fishing trip.


    Whatever it takes to help me strengthen my legs, a jog to the fishing Aile at Wallmart, or using the stairway of a building or to take a cool swim while taking a time off on a hot fishing day , I will do it.


    My Two Cents.

  19. I own a Skeg protector called Mac Skeg protector, it is made in Canada and has protected my skeg and Prop from hitting rocks. See images from Bass pro shop.


    I got a used one from Ebay at a good deal, and my prop has not have a single ding since then. There are other smaller skeg protector, but this Model will protect the prop as well. I heard from others that it does create some drag on certain speed, I would sacrifice some drag rather than worry of getting my prop damage.


    I am still catuious when approaching 5 feet of water , inspite of being cautious, I still will hit rocks every so often, Thanks to the skeg protector, it has help me avoid potential damage to my prop and Skeg.


    I damaged my lower unit housing and prop once hitting Rice lake sunken railroad at 1:00am. Since then I am smarter and way more cautious.

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