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Posts posted by bassfighter

  1. Golf is a challenging sport , fun to play , but is not an easy one. It is as challenging as any other sport. You have 13 clubs to master, and different course to encounter, power and finesse is needed. If you have the time, Go at at. Walking for few miles is good for one's health, similar to fishing, patience and concentration is very much needed.


    If you try to hang out with people who do not smoke or who are more health contiuos, you will be influence by them as well. To do well in golf, one needs to be discipline to practice on the driving range, you are your worse friend and enemy on the course. Getting lesson would always help to avoid acquiring bad habits.


    I play competitive tennis and fish seriously, if I have extra time, I don't mind adding golf here and there, unless one put their effort into a particular sport, no one will fully understand or appreciate it.


    To those who never fish, they assumed all we do is put a worm on a hook, drop it on the water, tie the line on our toe and wait for hours or go take a nap, until a fish stricks. To those who do not golf, it seemed silly to drive a small ball at a far distance on a hole that we cannot even see. It seemed to be a laid back sport, until Tiger wood proved that one needs to be healthy and fit these days to even play golf. Golf is the fastest growing sport among young people today, Callaway stock's, the golf club manufacturer , has been growing steadily in years. The sport is almost a must for most businessman these days, particularly in conducting international business.


    Clublink has some deals after twilight special. The course at Warden and sttouville cost only $12-$14 after 4:00pm for 18 holes, and takes at least 3.5 hours to finish, a good decent beginner course. They have different level course, the last course cost only $22 after 4:00pm and takes 5 hours to finish.


    I spend an average of 10+ fishing hours and $40 gas money (per person) each outing. Golf can be cheaper and less time consuming these days. If one golf with the right person, a boss , or an important business contacts, who knows it might even help us get a raise or close a contract for a business project. Golf is considered a political sport.

  2. Buy a tennis racket grip replacement from any sporting goods or wallmart, it will prolong it, and is somewhat tacky enough not to lose ones grip. Those replacement grip in black will last you for a while.


    Cork can be replace as well, angler specialist has them, replacing them is easy, cleaning the old one and getting rid of the old glue is the hard part.

  3. Fishing license is a must to fish in Ohio, I believe it is not cheap. I was in Sandusky area, pass cleveland on March beak and was tempted to fish, until I heard the license cost.


    Sandusky, 45 minutes west from cleveland, is a great place to fish with few Islands, famous for walleye as I was told by the locals.

  4. I bought some glow powder from Ebay that calim to last for 12 hours,and they do last longer than cleo or pre-made glow lures. however, it does not glow as bright as one wants it to be. You need to use alot to make it glow brighter.


    The best way is a combination of the special glow power and then use a UV pen light to shine on it. The glow is so bright and impresssive, and last longer as well.


    My tweak lure is the best glow lure I have seen so far, and Salmon loves it.

  5. I have caught more bass on mono than on braided line, due to the fact that the water I am fishing on is becoming clearer everytime. I used few different brand name such as Rapala or stren 6-8 lb.


    Braided line does not stretch and offers more sensitivity, Mono is close to florocarbon clarity. I carry different rod with Braided and mono line, and my mono line still outperforms braid in catching fish, but mono also has the potential of breaking and losing more artificial lures to toothy fish such as walleye , pike, or musky.


    For winter fishing, only mono line in 8lb


    See chart below posted on photobucket http://i223.photobucket.com/albums/dd294/b...inestrength.jpg

  6. Most Canadians of 50+ years old generation do not shop on line, therefore the owner might assume online catalogue is not that important.


    I have been selling on line since 1995, mostly to Americans. It is only within the past 4 years, that most of my potential Canadian customer will look at our web catalogue, they would still prefer to shop at our physical store in toronto.


    Americans are even more competitive lately due to potential recession, Cabelas and Bass pro are competing against each other heavily for on line shopping business.


    Their on line price can be cheaper at times, except for their shipping cost to Canada. I get both of their one line sale weekly and the way they bombard me with their Ads, it is hard not to be tempted to buy things there.


    Lebarons catalogue is helpful enough, though quite primitive compared to their Bass Pro. However, for the basic things, they still have good deals .

  7. I did study a course in business law at school regarding NEGLIGENCE. Even if the person is innocent and has no intention of hurting or destroying other's property, being negligent, he will have to be somewhat responsible for some kind of expenses determined by the judge, if he does not have any money to pay, than there is nothing anyone can do, that is when a person files for personal bankruptcy to protect his assets in case of a lawsuit that he cannot get out of.


    O.J was found guilty and needs to pay, but he showed no asset and protected from bancruptcy clause, therefore he is free to roam our world, and until he can generate some income, there is nothing our society can do.


    I have heard enough and seen too many cases of others being snagged from behind, more accident happening also due to more anglers on the water, or we are too much in a hurry to catch our limited fish, and with the internet news accessible to all of us, we can hear of this type of report more often than before.


    When an angler is too focus on fishing, he/she will not always remember to look back at every cast, and there will always be some unsuspecting bystander or jogger who is not familiar with anglers casting as well. I am still somewhat insulted when many people today assume that fishing is just adding a bait or worm on a hook and than wait for hours to catch a fish, they are the ones who are more likely to sneak behind an angler courteuosly not directly disturbing the angler, curious but potentially getting snagged, exactly what had happened on this case.


    Rather than be sorry that someone else got hurt because of my potential negligent casting action, I chose to correct my son's and my casting technique, it has given me a peace of mind whenever I cast, but I do get paranoid at times when I am too close to other anglers.

  8. I landed the fish within ten minutes after I got there, excited to get a small salmon for the table.


    Right after the accident, I was not able to fish too long, can't focus and felt sad, fishing does not seem to be too important anymore.


    This is the reason I would like to inform all of us to learn to cast properly or similar accident could happen to one of our love ones in our boat. It takes practice to break one's habit, but it will pay off in the long run.


    I have already trained my 12 year old boy to cast properly. I refuse to allow him to cast improperly when we are on our boat, and we practice a lot on the football field together.

  9. I always tell other anglers around me to learn to cast properly, meaning our rod tip should not go behind us during casting. Irregardless if we are doing overhead casting or side casting, the maximum distance the rod tip should be is straight towards the sky right above us during overhead casting, or the rod tip in front at the side of our body during side casting. I corrected the habits 10 years ago after breaking my 12' rod twice.


    If we are to fish for 40-60 years , should we learn to cast properly? What are the odds of us causing similar accident if we do not cast properly, especially casting on a limited space boat?


    I caught a salmon tonight http://i223.photobucket.com/albums/dd294/b.../lastsalmon.jpg. left the fish and went to my car to pick up a garbage bag, 4-5 Bystander came to see what was caught. When I got back, I heard someone's eye just got snagged with a crank bait, ambulance came and Police were involved. There were 3-4 adults hovering behind us to observe our fishing, another angler using a jerk bait, not knowingly bent his rod, accidentally snagged and caught someone's eye or close to his' eye. I was not sure exactly where the crank bait hook the person, but afraid to ask because of the commotion that happens afterwards. But I was told that it hit the eye.


    It is my prayer that nothing severe will happen to both parties who were involved. There might be lawsuit going on afterwards.


    Who is at fault? The angler or the bystander?

  10. I bought a Nikon DSLR with manual control, and have a question.


    If a person wants to ignore the Auto feature, Which is easier to use Aperteur priority or shutter speed to produce clear shot without a tripod?


    I tried playing with the camera, and it seemed like shutter speed control is hard to manipulate, and many images get blurry.


    It is not as easy to use as I had expected especially not using a tripod.

  11. I fish the niagara, on the upper river and own a 48 lb trust motorguide and two battery. Depending on the speed of the on going current for the particular day. My electrice motor is sufficient, but at times it is useless at maximum speed. The 16' fiberglass that I am using hardly moves against the current. Though I have two deep cycle battery, the electric motor does not have the power to move the boat against the current in some areas of the river.


    For maximum efficiency, usage and safety on this river. I would want to own a more powerful electric motor.


    For other river , a 40lb thrust is sufficient.


    For durability, I have never had a problem with it.

  12. Nice boat.


    Make sure the engine is protected from robbery. My friend 40hp FI new yamaha was stolen off his driveway during christmas one night, and was surprise that he did not hear anything the night before. How they did it still buffled us


    Just an advice, no intention to scare you.

  13. Calgary is probably the best in terms of being in a city and not too far from rural fishing areas.


    I did some research on kids education and job opportunities. My wife did not want to move is the only reason I am still here.


    Fishing is amazing there as I tried to get involved with some alberta fishing website, except no bass.


    Many of our drinking water comes from there, therefore less pollution than other provinces.


    It seemed cold from temp forecast but a dry cold and not too windy , many said that Toronto seemed colder.


    3.5 % jobless rate, the city is desperate for workers.

  14. Try to buy the glow powder on ebay, they work better than most existing glow lures out there. I made some and they glow brighter after initial charge from a UV black light and the charge last longer too. You need to learn to work with the power for it is so fine and can waste easily


    You can also apply the product on some crank bait or rattler. I ws lucky to but two ounce for 0.88 cents, the shipping cost is how the seller makes money, it only cost $1.50 stamp to ship it to me, but the seller charge me $7.

  15. My motorguide 48lb thrust skeg broke and here is the image, after I took the unit apart.


    It is called COMMUTER.










    I am not sure if I can just use a fiberglass and glue a piece of hard plasic to it. Will it stay put?


    There is a black rubber or soft plastic in the middle and I hope it will not melt after getting the amount of heat from welding.

  16. The skeg on my Motor Guide 36lb trust trolling motor just broke.


    Do we need to take the internal motor out before getting it fix due to potential overheating of the external housing during re-welding of a replacement skeg?


    My prop skeg broke yesterday when my boat was coming in a little bit too fast and hit the boat ramp on our way in, and the trolling motor skeg ends up hitting the side of the deck first.


    Any prop repair recommendation.


    Thanks for advice.

  17. I would disagree with Terry's report!


    Many would be rich sueing those that had performed lasik surgery today. Unless Terry has a personal bad eye operation experience that is worth sharing, of course we need to hear it as well.


    We also heard of someone died of car accident on the freeway, but we still drive, do we?


    There are few instances of laser surgery problems, however, how many millions are satisfied with the procedure. Just as many are scared of investing in the stock market either, and regretted.


    The new technology also tries to discredit older technology to essentially profit from people's fear.


    Fear stops many from being successful in life. Fear of getting married! Fear of investment! Fear of getting drowned at the whirlpool! Fear of losing a lure. Fear of a vasectomy! Fear of getting rob while fishing alone. Fear of eating our catch ! etc....


    I am Married, with two teenagers, own my business, have other responsibility to other organization. Why should I take unnecessary risk to potentially get blind and lose all that I have? Unless others had tried it and was successful, I don't think I am desperate enough to be a guinea pig to some doctors? I had mine done in Asia 10 years ago, where we can't sue the doctor if things go wrong.


    Now I can waterski, play tennis at night, endulge in basketball without an eyeglass. My vision is better than 20/20 at times. I do need reading glass, on few occasion. But the reward of being able to see cleary even at night without having to wear an eyeglass, our medical technology has come a long way. How about be able to fish during heavy rain without an eyeglass fogging our vision!


    I used to be blind! Now I can see! HOO HAA!

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