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Posts posted by bassfighter

  1. http://i223.photobucket.com/albums/dd294/b...inestrength.jpg


    This info came from North American Fishing guide book.


    Floroucarbon is not way more invisible than mono. No wonder I caught a lot of fish without having to use Florocarbon or braided line.


    Some superline is not any stronger than mono line, and the knot strength is not that good.


    Flouro line does not seem to be that good overall.


    Conclusion: can't go wrong sticking to just mono line.

  2. How's fishing today?


    We are thinking about heading out tomorrow and not sure if we should just cancel to end the season, the cold front came few days ago, and not sure if it would have shut down bass fishing condition.


    Shore Salmon fishing was not good last two days. It was freezing cold at night, with strong wind chill factor.


    It will get a little bit warmer again tomorrow.

  3. I had mine done 10 years ago using Lasik technology, and it was the best decision I had made so far. All my sisters and friends has done it after me as well.


    Try lasik MD, they advertise for $450 per eye. I hope there isn't a catch.


    The new technology cost a lot of money around $3000-$5000. The non surgical one. It is only good for those who are too scared of any kind of operation, and has to pay. The result is not any better.


    Lasik is painless and works very well. It is actually a 15 minute procedure. Price has dropped due to newer Technology. Lasik has been in exsistance for 20 years outside of north America.


    If you have a perscription higher than 600. I believe it will only go down to 100, and cannot completely give you 20/20.

  4. I was using my summer vinyl waders and can feel the water starts to get colder this week in comparison to the water temp from two weeks ago. The water temp has not reach the max desired temperature for the fish to spawn; the salmon are still staging and have not fully come in to spawn. I normally used my Neoprene waders this time of the year and my foot would have been frozen after one hour of fishing with them, but I am still using my summer waders and my feet still can last for more than 3 hours on the water.


    I lost the second even larger one when it bent my hook after pulling 100ft off my line. The first female one fought hard as well. I have to use my hand to add controllable drag to my reel, to fight the fish and the technique works well than just using the simple drag on the reel. Both are fresh that came in from previous day's rain.


    The weather was cooler at 10:00pm when we arrived and got warmer by 1:00am when we left, that was when the fish seemed to shut off. A warm front came in on monday


    I always release my catch, the advantage of having the wader is I can completely revive the fish before releasing it, many would have died by just dropping the fish upside down back into the water.

    Caught it with glow home made lures. The glow powder that claimed to last for hours came from Ebay, and it works great. I still have to shine my black light on it every so often, but it sure glows shiner than any glow spoon. Slow retrieve is the key!




    Another angler "Sharper" helped me take this picture.




  5. Try Shoe goo or Goop, the best glue you can use even on tennis shoe sole, after sticking it to a tennis shoe sole. I can play with it and it won't come off but still provide traction.so strong that I used it on filling a hole on my inflatable boat as well. My back pack strap broke, and instead of re-stitching it, I just glued them on, it has been 5 years and after numerous times getting wet, it still holds. My boat cover also got torn , and I glued it with shoe Goo as well.



    I recently punctured my waders and just Goop it and it is done.

  6. Wow! Great musky adventure. What a catch!


    The other image looked like you are releasing a giant morey eel.


    Do you have a leader on when you caught it?


    I am ready to trade catches, I want one of your musky in exchange for 5 of my salmon. I have to menatally move up to another notch after seeing you got that musky. I have not landed a musky at the whirlpool, they de-spooled me few times, and broke one of my rod ones. I have to start focusing on catching them to get even.

  7. I landed 3 salmon, lost two, one broke my braid after some fight, and luckily lost a cheap home made lure. See the lure that I had used last night, they look ugly,but sure works all the time. I lost a similar large one. The fish seemed to be hitting close to the surface last night


    I used 1 oz and 3 /4 oz lure, one fish took it as soon as it hits the water, almost like a bass hitting a top water lure. This is the first time it had happened to me. All fish are fresh and fought so hard. There were also current on the water last night.


    It took at least 10-15 minutes to land one of these, catching one of the largest one roughly 20lb+ fish was exciting. As soon as I cast the heavy spoon, was waiting for the spoon to sink a bit, have not set the hook for there was a slack on my line, and the slamon took the lure, just jumped right out of the air, like bass, and then I set the hook twice to make ensure a good hook set.


    I was fishing by myself, hard to land the fish and also take decent pictures afterwards, there were no flat grassy surface where I can do a better photos.


    All 5 fish caught were between 10:00pm to 11:30PM. I started fishing from 7:30pm till midnight. The pattern seemed to be the same lately, when the fish are hitting, they are hitting at certain short time frame, and then the feeding frenzy is gone.The moon was also out when it happened, and hours before that, it was quiet. I believe I could catch more if I stayed on especially the moon was so bright, but I started to get too tired, and contented for the evening.









  8. I tweaked my lures by adding reflectorized sticker that looked like fish scale and it can be bought at the fishing store. Application, the sticker needs to be sealed with urethane paint to water proof it


    I caught a lot more fish with them, the fishlike scale sticker glithers, so lifelike and seemed to show more under water especially during a sunny day. The sticker can be applied to rattler, spoon and other minnow plugs. Bass salmon, trout, pike and musky loves my tweaked product.


    Since I tweaked my lures, I would take off some of the paint to ensure that the sticker stick well.


    I also caught more fish on my lure when the paints are gone or look natural colors.

  9. Salmon was from last night. 2 for 2. Bass was on monday. The blurry image was the largest bass and a personal best, and caught around July, close to 5 lber.









    All fish released as always

  10. The black/blue light is actually so tiny only as thick as your normal pen and 3 inch in length, small enough to be added to our key chain. It is not bright like your normal Blue or white LEd light to shine on object, you can hardly use these black light to see where you are going, they are indeed UV rays, that worked with glow products.


    The button batteries are also so small, I pressume it is very efficient in power consumption.


    Eaby sells them as well, but the larger models,

  11. Dollarama does not seem to carry them, some independent mom and pop store might carry it, the best is to call around before one shows up, I have been searching them since last year and they are hard to find. they are mainly use for checking authenticity of currency.


    Due to the high UV content, should one go and buy some sunscreen lotion and some sunglasses? Only if we are dead serious in landing a salmon.

  12. Ebay has some industrial strength glow powder that claims to shines for hours. The glow powder comes in many colors and need to be mix in other oil base spirit and then applied on objects. I just bid, won, and will be receiving it soon, but have not tried it in the past. I will post it here after I have played with it.


    Has anyone use this product before and does the glow really last longer?


    I have been tweaking my spoon and other lures using glow tape or glow paint from dollar stores or Michael's craft store, the glow paint hardly last, and the glow tape is decent, but Little cleo lure produces longer glow.



    For those who are concern of losing expensive lures, this product is worth investigating.

  13. I finally got my first black light from a dollar store, it works better than a camera flash, the results of the light intensity of a glow is more intense after shinning on it. Few dollar store carries them and it comes with 4 batteries as well. I got mine at a downtown dollar store by luck.


    The color looks blue, but it is not a blue LEd light and hardly visible when shine upon regular object, but when one shines it on glow product, it glows very intensely. I tried shinning the normal LEd light and the black light on money, and it had different effect, normal light brightens the shined object, Black light shows all the mini hair and hidden inscription on the currency.


    I have been using camera flash or LEd light for years and it works as well, but the black light has more UV rays, therefore works the best and one can shine on it for more seconds as well, but it does not make the object any more brighter.

  14. I took off around 20 ft and took courage to try again, This time the line holds and I landed 3 more salmon with it couple of nights ago, one salmon male was huge over 20lb. I bought 5 pack at bass pro for $4, and it was a good deal then.


    I suspect that it is breaking where the knot was tied on, for I had made a knot, pulled it and it broke, and then tried retying again, and nothing happens, even landing the big salmon.


    One reason I tweak my lures using cheaper ones,in case I lose the lures as well.

  15. I have 3 rods for salmon or trout application.


    I chug with lures therefore I prefer slightly stiffer rod that has some kind of minimal backbone but the rod is still considered a light action 12' rod and can use a max line weight of 6-12lb. It is difficult to find rod with sufficient backbone and yet light enough for 4 lb line. Especially fishing around some current flow.


    When I use the roe bottom technique for trout, I use more of a noodle like rod with max line recommendation of 4-8lb


    I always try to use the lightest possible rod and reel so I can feel the slightest nibble on the lure, but with sufficient flexibility when needed.


    Peter's at St catherine is a good place, they specialized in salmon and steelhead rod. Too bad he just past away this year.


    Quantum steelhead and salmon 12' rod is a good decent rod for using spoon and crankbait. It has some backbone. The price is only $65.


    I own another 12' Silstar crappy rod bought at ebay, I change some of the guides to accomodate my spinning reel. It was light and had some backbone, I love using it to chug with lures for salmon. The max line weight was 4-10 lb as well. It felt good even chugging spoons or 3/4 jigheads at Niagara river.


    Ebay has some good deal as well.

  16. Response to Frozen-fire


    The fish were not shaking when the line broke after a short fight, it felt like someone had cut the line, or it got cut from the salmon’s teeth, (unlikely) . More probable cause of line breaking might be due to defective product. I was using my last year's Spiderwire fusion 12lb, and it broke twice and cause me to lose two lures that cost me $10, I am now confuse why the fusion broke. Spider wire was discontinuing the line couple of years ago and I bought them at BPS, at a good deal. The braid never gave me trouble on bass, or walleye or trout this year. The fish were around 20 lber.


    I am not confident in using these spiderwire fusion for now, have to investigate further the product and had change to fresh new line.


    The third fish was caught and lost on another second reel with an 8 lb mono, and it also broke, but this time I was too anxious and pulled it way too hard after a good fight while the fish was going away from me, I was playing with my drag and set it way too tight It was my fault.


    The 3 fish caught and lost were first for the season, and I was not mentally prepared, I also caught them after 4 hours of being skunk chugging spoons, and was not expecting them to hit after midnight. I was half asleep, not too focus that anything else might happen, even contemplating of going home. The whole evening before midnight was not too productive for everyone, only 4 were caught by anglers using roe before midnight. I caught the first one at 12:30am. There were only 6 of us anglers left by then.


    The last time I went out to get even with the fish, I had new line, more at ease in using my tweaked lure, and more focus, got there after midnight and fresh in my touch, feel and determination. I landed the first fish after ½ hour upon my arrival. There were lots of anglers then. The guy beside me landed a 25-30 fish, and I had kept his picture as well.

  17. Try the US bass pro website for a better deal, I just bought the reel for Okuma stratamaster reel $39 US, if you buy for a total value of US$100 the shipping cost is just $18.


    I will only troll for lake trout few times a year, therefore do not want to spend too much money.

  18. Goldfisher,


    I caught more fish when I tweak my equipment and lures, meaning the tweak lure was able to give me more success, rather than just using lures right out of the package. Once a sportman of any field reaches a certain level of expertise, every moment is a personal mental battle, and skill is just secondary.


    The coins had to be bent to the shape of the spoon, use 5 minute clear epoxy glue to glue them on and apply glow tape or paint available from the dollar store. Dollarama or other cheaper spoon lures from le baron are way too light, and the spoon do not go down deep enough. Le baron sells them for 0.50 cents. If you do a lot at the same time while watching TV, it is worth the time and money. I also sharpen my hooks, re-tie my line, flash the lures and recheck them every so often when fishing.


    I used to just use glow cleo, and it can be costly if you lose them at $4 each, and one can lose our focus on fishing when using lighter line for fear of losing one, and we end up retreiving it too fast where the lures just barely sink to the bottom. I used these lures on rivers as well so I do not have to worry on few hang ups. We all learn from our past mistakes and failures and I lost tons of cleo when I started fishing for salmon or trout.


    To tweak our lures and catch fish is so psycologically and mentally uplifting. It will make an angler even more confident, these are my magic lures for salmon and trout, it also works on bass, pike, musky and walleye.


    Applying the slowest possible retrieve is also the key, but slow enough to avoid weeds or hang ups, I also stop my retrieve every so often so the lures will sink down again to create a different action. As for the rattler, I will jerk it gently once in a while and stop to let it sink again. The fish normally hits it hard and has more time to get the hook set. I lose the salmon once in a while because the hooks get bent or it became dull, or my line broke. Due to the slow retreive process of the lures, I can fill the fish hitting my lure but then they might choose to ignore it often as well. It takes years of practice to be able to control the lure to where I want it to go. I also use my rod to control the depth of the lure to cover the surface or bottom of the water.


    Another pointers: With the way I retreive my lure at such a slow speed, I will feel small tugs at times, I would like to assume that most of the tugs come from the lure hitting some weeds or bottom, therefore I do not necessarily get too excited and yank it, I believe that if it was a laidback salmon trying to catch the lure, I would give it few more seconds so the fish will not to give up in chasing my lure. It is only when the rod had bent or my lure was pulled hard, then I will set and reset the lure. I have seen many anglers using faster retrieve, I believe they might catch more if they slow down a notch, but again, everyone has their own personal style of retreiving lures.


    Having lots of Passion, Patience and a little luck is the key to success.



  19. It was a hot evening for everyone, I believe everyone has more than one salmon for the night, caught the salmon from 12:30am-3:00am with tweaked glow cleo and rattler.


    I landed 3 out of five, and was contented. I lost 3 spoon and three fish a week before, my braid spiderwire fusion from last year broke, I do not know the reason behind it. I was using 12lb mono last night on slow retreive and was more prepared.


    Another angler was nice enough to help me land these hogs. Most fish were caught by anglers using roe, but those that used artificial lures did their share as well.


    It is too bad that the best time to avoid the crowd is after midnight, and from pass experience, the fish were also more active. I hope I can do this every night, for it is so addictive.


    I also attached one image of the lures that I tweaked, One was cleo, and the other three were inexpensive lures from Walmart. There are some glow tape and paint on them, and the coins to make them heavier. I don't have to worry too much of losing the lures for they are cheap and do the job quite well.



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