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Posts posted by bassfighter

  1. I heard that anything over 10hp is not permissible at lake wilcox. But the crappie comes out at night, and I am not sure if others are allowed to fish there at night either. It is too weedy to fish from shore, as well. A small inflatable boat is advisable in this lake.

  2. I am just wondering how long of florocarbon leader does most anglers used? Why?


    For steelheading?


    For bass?


    Can you use a swivel to connect the main line and the leader line?


    Is two foot leader enough for bass or walleye on clear water?


    For pike or musky, will stainless steel leader spook the fish?


    How strong is a 20 or 30lb florocarbon leader? Will the teeth of pikes break it?

  3. I have not been back for few years during the Fenelan Falls Opener. There were too many anglers and not enough fish. Some people were fighting for spot and arguing here and there, and it was elbow to elbow crowd.


    Some anglers are just rude, pretend to be friendly and then sneek themselves in spots between those who came early to reserve their spot by 6:00pm.


    I fish during winter months, therefore I will pass for such an event, seeing the desperate attitude of many anglers during the opener, I don't think it is worth my while to be around them.


    Those who came early that are in the right spot, they do catch some of them in decent size, but for most anglers, it is almost like hoping to win the lottery ticket.


    I also agree with Big Cliff, many of the fish might have already head back to the lake as well, after the water was release.


    Go back few weeks later and aim for those giant carp , you will have more fun by then

  4. Night fishing seemed to be better when the temp is quite constant within the same day and evening.


    We tried fishing night time during full moon to no moon, windy evening to no wind, but we notice when the temp has a huge change from morning to evening, the fish tends to be more active in the morning, and slow at night. But if the temp is very hot during the day, evening fishing is very good overall.


    If you fish close to the weedbed, it does not matter which lure you use, if the fish are biting, you will catch all kind of fish from rock bass to 5 lb walleye. Walleye and bass seemed to be swimming not too far apart from each other these days.

  5. The grass is never greener on the other side.


    Be contented is the key to happines.


    Many small businesses in Canada do not make enough considering the risk and anxiety we all take.


    Go to the Government, and get tested if you have what it takes to be an entrenreneur.


    Here are some more additional pointer not mentioned by others:


    1. When you start a business, you must also consider how to get out of it or you will be stuck for good.


    2. Try to get into a business that you do not need a lot of inventory, a more service oriented business.


    3. Are you a good manager, Hard to find the right type of worker and also equally harder to maintain them.


    4. You work even longer hours on your own business, and when you go on vacation, you might even worry more .


    5. How good are you in handling failures?


    6. Are you competitive? What were you doing and who influence you when you were young will roughly give you some indication if you can be an entrepreneur.


    7. Are you passionate about your ideas, even if others are not too keen on it?


    8. How desperate and hungry are you will determine your success in the business.


    9. Some foreigners who do not speak english tends to make it in small business for they cannot get higher paying job that relys on good spoken english skill.


    10. Are you good in negotiation? Buying and selling?


    11. Does you wife work? or do you have a supplementary income in the mean time?


    12. Is your business Calamity, burgler, etc.... prone?


    13. What is more important to you money or integrity? You might not necessarily make it if you are honest.


    14. Work for similar industry if you can before you start your own to gain experience in the field.


    15. If is not only how hard you must work, but also who you know can help your business.


    16. Will you still work if you do not get paid? How long?


    17. Can your business survive through a recession?


    18. Whoever said that sitting on a desk job is more profitable than doing manual service job? A starting salary for an MBA is $27,000. In Alberta, McDonald pay $18 per hour, almost $35,000 a year.


    19. If you fail , Do you have the time, energy and courage to get up and start all over?



    Many who already have a decent income and hope to get into a more profitable venture usually fail, for they always have their previous income to compare it with.

  6. I kept a copy of this video, and also saw another Richard Attenborough's documentary two night ago on the same issue on Global Warning.


    It is nice to know that Al Gore is Gung Ho on this issue, I pray that his vision to pursue this issue will pay off and he will be remembered for something positive not just a mere defeated presidential candidate. I was impress and respected him for his effort on this issue.


    I was a pro Bush when the Sept 11 attack happened, but after seeing this video and what has transpired about the war in Iraq, I would vote for Gore, today just by this Global warning issue. Without being an important leader who can make drastic decision and an issue that is not important to many of us, who would take Global warning seriously!


    I was impress with the information provided, and my 11 year old son loves documentary movies. I told him that if we do not do our part, their generation will suffer more from it. We are already feeling the consequence of no snow in Toronto.


    The retail is being hurt for people will postpone their winter shopping; Where is the mighty Christmas Spirit these days: no snow during the holiday means no winter sport fun for the kids, no outdoor skating or ice hockey, they will end up watching more TV at home and do less outdoor sport.


    Fishing has not been the greatest either, all river system has been constantly dirty within the past two months, the ground has not frozen. Those who loves Ice fishing will miss their holiday Ice fishing.


    How will the trout know when to spawn, when they normally spawn during April or May?

    By Spawning too early , being confuse with the springlike temp, and weeks down the road, true winter temp comes , how can their eggs stand a chance to survive. When the fingerlings hatch too soon ,and not enough insect to feed on , they wil die as well.


    North America is considered the worse polluter among all the continents, we are trying to influence our habits, lifestyle and thinking to other third world nation like China and India, and they will eventually copy our bad system and habits as well. No wonder, many countries despises US policy, when they seemed to care about others, and yet they can be the worse culprit in destroying our environment.


    As Citizen of this nation, What can we do to help our environment? I notice that some us are throwing our personal garbage, such as lure packaging, styrofoam worm container, bottled water, and Timmy cup everywhere we fish, not only these are recyclable, but the beaufiful scenary is ruined by garbage everywhere.


    We can try to convoy or invite another anglers to join us when we go fishing to save money on gas, which cuts down on gas usage and lessen the emmission output . Buy more gas efficient vehicle, even if we have to sacrifice power and image.



    Global Warning seemed to be an impossible task to tackle, but by contributing our individual effort, and being a good example to those around us and to our children, there is hope that others will be influence as well!


    Thanks for the reminder and bringing this important issue to light! It is 2007, A good new year resolution that can be added to our list. We OFNers' can make a difference to our environment.

  7. Anyone have any advice on the type of GPS that is within $150 and can show Ontario lake maps or rivers and lakes in our vicinity? Ebay has some good prices, but I am still not sure what model to buy?


    I heard software or lake maps are quite pricey, and I do not want to accidentally buy one and get caught in buying the pricey software.


    Some recommended Lowrance model due to good warranty program.


    Thanks for your feedback.

  8. If you are or your spouse is an Alumni graduate of Canadian universities, you will get the best rate in the industry with Meloche monex, another division of TDwaterhouse. No one can beat their price as what I have heard. Everything can be done on the phone. But if a person lies about it, any claim will not be paid, and they will know by all alumni record.


    Good luck

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