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Everything posted by FishingTheGTA

  1. Wife took the pics. We were trolling so no way to avoid as we had no idea he was aiming for the Rapala.
  2. Caught this morning he was fine thankfully.
  3. :thumbsup_anim:
  4. Done! Good luck.
  5. Voted and good luck to her!
  6. Not yet the full patent is available for viewing now and it still makes no financial sense for Panasonic to use it. They bought some but not all of the intellectual property and with companies more concerned with 3D than the accuracy of 2D TVs I expect my PRO-141FD - Elite® Signature Series 60'' Class will rule the roost for a time longer.
  7. There is an awful lot of misinformation here. I have the best TV ever made the Pioneer Elite Kuro and have yet to see any LCD that's remotely watchable. LCD suffers from poor viewing angles, cartoonish inaccurate colours and motion lag. LED sets are simply backlit with LEDs rather than CCFLs and may some have local dimming which will drive you crazy and some don't they also come in all white or RGB but regardless they are all LCD TVs. OLEDs will be a true LED set but the tech isn't ready yet as even a 20" is many thousands of dollars. For good information read up at avsforums.com. Just to clarify a 600hz plasma is a totally different specification than a 120/480 refresh rate on an LCD and one has nothing to do with the other. When Pioneer announced they were getting out of plasmas, they lost $500 on every set due to their advanced tech, I bought 4 of them and have turned down $12,000 offers for what was a $7K set.
  8. Great hear they are on the mend and things are looking up.
  9. :clapping:
  10. Very nice rig.
  11. :clapping::clapping::clapping::clapping::clapping:
  12. Thanks Sandmann was a real pleasure meeting you.
  13. Pretty sure there's a good chance I can find one here from someone looking to sell an older reel.
  14. :clapping:
  15. Still looking and would like to buy today. PM me!
  16. Yeah I'm hoping for a Toronto deal if possible. I am in the Beaches as well.
  17. Would depend on price but I think a 2500 or so is more in line with what I need. Please feel free to email or PM me.
  18. Boy that would have been great but just called and they're not on sale.
  19. Thanks I was hoping for a local Toronto deal if possible. Maybe someone here is considering selling?
  20. I've been looking for a good used Quantum Energy PTi, Daiwa or Shimano spinning reel and not having a lot of luck. Tried Craigslist and Kijiji here in Toronto. Any other suggestions where to look? I was hoping for a local Toronto deal if possible. Maybe someone here is considering selling? Thanks!
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