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T Fisher

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About T Fisher

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  1. Thanks guys that animal was massive what a rack.
  2. I couldn't belive what my eye were telling me a huge bull elk standing not 60m away he was massive what a rack has anyone seen this guy just south of the town of ZEPHER.
  3. A couple of taps on the carb with a screw driver the plastic end. Come spring clean the carb.
  4. Nice report thanks fishmaster. I've been to Dunville many time to vist family but never fished the big lake. Can you steer me in a general direction of where your fishing? I'm heading down on Saturday for a birthday. Question for you what's the story with the big catfish mount? My email address is [email protected] Thanks Tom
  5. Sent my info in for a new licence and card 48 days ago. No licence yet so tomorrow i'm poaching. I sent my info over the phone, used my VISA. I did get a confirmation # but no card.
  6. FORCE......... found on road certainly expired sounds like a wiring trouble check for open wires,corrosion,or other visible trouble.
  7. I told my wife that frigging aint just bit me !!!!! She laughed we contiued to enjoy the sun sitting on the beach in FLA when she got a bug bite. Red aints or fire aint they hurt like hell. My bite was a on my toe, one aint. My toe nail fell off the next day. CAN'T IMAGING WHAT A A BUNCH OF BITES WOULD DO.
  8. Four ethical, responsible deer hunters all are OFAH members all senior none drinkers or smokers. Looking to rent a cottage. Must be close to crown land or private land with access. The first week of November willing to pay $1000 for the right cottage. PM me please.
  9. Don't thank Dalton for screwing you,just wait until July then tell us if your hurting.
  10. A headgasket is no big deal just make sure you torq to specs. rebulding a carb is no big deal they are gummed with varnish from old gas. pull the bowls off spray them with a good qulity carb cleaner spraying librily in and out of the carbs use air to blow dry. Fill the tank with SHELL SUPER YOU'RE GOOD TO GO.
  11. Thanks for posting that was absolutley stuning. Been there done that in the Thunderbay area with many small lakes that hold big Speck's.
  12. Can anyone tell me if the flow of water at the dam in Lindsay is flowing or have they shut it down again?
  13. I bought four yokohama's for my Silverado. Yes they were new made in Japan for $560 installed balanced the price is half of what they sold for in Ontario. Drive 1.5 hours south to Barffalo buy your Mrs dinner at the new casino and save a bundle.
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