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Mike the Pike

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Posts posted by Mike the Pike

  1. Well I have been back for a week now and am just getting around to posting a report .


    Although we enjoy camping the wife wanted to rent a cottage this summer for a week.


    I did some searching in February and found this place in the Quebec region of Parc Papineau Labelle

    not far from the well known Lac Simon region.


    When I found this place on the internet I knew the wife would approve :worthy: did not take long to convince her.

    This was the first time I had rented a cottage with my family for an entire week.My oldest daughter who is 14 wanted to bring a

    friend so I said yes .Got to love having the minivan when you need to carry more people.


    Here are the pics hope you enjoy!


    First morning out my son catches his first ever smallie and a nice one it was.






    Not to be out done by my son I caught this monster.Why do little fish hit wee lures?





    Ah my younger Daughter Robin who is 12 is fishing again now if I could just get the 14 year old back into it.



    It was a looney night fishing.







    view from the screened in porch.



    The wife doing what she does best painting a master piece.



    Ah if only she coud fish like she paints.










    I had a local tell me my son caught babv atlantic Salmon (lnd locked salmon)





    One of the nicer days only 21C but hey we got to go to the beach which is accessable by boat only.



    My daughter expressing her hate for deer flies and horse flies.







    my eldest daughter(right) 14 in the tube with her friend.



    about to blast off with the tube.This is the only time I miss my old 2 stroke it takes alot longer to get on plane.





    coming back from tubing.





    I get a lead on a good place to fish for bass and these ducks would not leave.

    every cast was follwed by the ducks :wallbash:



    coming back from fishing I could not get the lakers to bite off my downriggers.





    the yound lad wants his own boat someday.



    What I love most about vacation doing nothing.





















    Its july and a balmy 14C.what a heat wave.that was our vacation very cold and lots of rain.







    Falls in Duhamel




    This is my wife's completed painting.




    Well that was our vaction Hope you enjoyed the pics.



  2. Another excellent report Mike I always enjoy your adventures and good on you for taking all the wee ones ,It is extra work but the smiles show how it was worth it .I itching to sell my 16ft fiberglass canoe and swap it for a sportspal.I already have the Honda 2hp but it is a long shaft I am sure I could adapt.What I like about your adventures is you are all alone out there nothing but peace and quiet.



  3. Ah nice report there Joey looks like you and Paul did very well in a short period of time.

    Oh I really love the new boat what a sweet ride.


    Hard to believe we have to dress this warm in July but it is what it is.


    I will be down to Burlington on the 1,2,3rd for some more salmon fun.



  4. I have a Minn Kota Power Drive 2 with a built in transducer for the bow mounted sonar.On a 16ft Lund


    What I love on this model is the auto pilot just point it where you want to go push the auto pilot button and you require much less effort manuvering

    when casting in the weeds .


    Another great thing about auto pilot is when I am trolling in 2 to 3 foot chop I run my kicker motor in the back and use the autopilot up front on the minn kota.


    Boat control has a whole new meaning when using this set up.Its so stable that when I was in Quinte last November bringing in those big hogs my fishing partner and I were taking pics of the brutes and we let the boat steer itself.


    I am not sure if Motor Guide has that.So spend the $$$$$$$get a Minn Kota with autopilot.



  5. Glad to see your young lad isn't letting that danged cast get in the way. :clapping:


    Some how by boy has been very determined to go fishing despite his cast up to his shoulder.


    Next week he gets a shorter cast below the elbow made of fiberglass he can go swimming ,take showers and be able to cast further can't wait to see him happier next week.



  6. Great report and pics Mike!!! :Gonefishing::thumbsup_anim:



    ... yanno, if you had a console boat... you'd catch more and bigger fish!!! (just remember fishin' out of cousin Dan's boat just a short while back eh!!!)


    Glad to see Ryan didn't let the broken wing get in the way!!! B)


    50%percent of all fishing boats in canada are tillers.So is it tiller in Lakair in the woody or are you hallin sade console up North?

  7. Well Hello again its been awhile since I have been on the site but busy fishing.


    Haven't caught anything big lately but fishing has been pleasant.


    Taking my Son out fishing with a broken arm had some challenges but he sure was determined to not let

    the cast hinder his fishing.


    So on with the report.


    June 6th GlennK and I fished as a team once again in the Laprairie fishing Tournament on the St-Lawrence River just east of the Champlain Bridge in the Belle Province of Quebec.Last year we had placed foutrth in the Grand slam Tourny but not this year.It seems many had a successful day

    fishing as well.One of my favorite fihing tourmaments for sure.We did catch our Grand Slam a Perch,Pike And Walleye.We had a member from our group of friends finish 3rd.All in all a great tourmament nice prizes and draw prize of a 14ft princecraft with 9.9 Merc and trailer.


    For the first time we tried real leeches and they were amazing we picked up some walleye and many perch unfortunately the Gobies have now

    found there way to Montreal.


    Here are some pics.



    First pike of the day .Darn Glenn had to show me up shortly after.





    It started raining so we just tucked under the Champlain Bridge and jigged no need for the rain gear.





    Too risky .Hello boyz time to move!!!!!!!!!!


    Not many picks from that day.



    June 20th I entered the Thomas Marine fishing tournament with my son in Varennes once again on the St-Lawrence. we were not close to the

    prizes but enjoyed our day.Managed to catch 4 pike thats it.







    Oh and GCD these are K-Bec fish caught in nothing but Tiller boats :P



    Draw prize.



    Kidz prizes.



    More draw prizes.



    My son Ryan he caught 0 fish but I promissed him he could have the boat if they drew my name which never




    2.5 Mercury another Draw prize there were 2 given away.



    Nice trophies.


    First place:


    Pike 9.6lbs


    Bass 4.25lbs


    walleye 6.77lbs


    Perch a whopping 1.3lbs.


    Thanks Thomas Marine for another great amateur fishing tournament.

    They raised $7500 for charity for Enfant Soleil.




    All the kids in the tourny .Luc our host and Stephane Gosselin from the fishing show Expedetions de La Faune.

    Every kid left with a fishing rod and many goodies.





    Trip #3 it was time to put my boy on some fish and thats what I did .

    So while you were all at work today in Ontario & USA we enjoyed our Quebec Holiday fishing. :P

    Today we were on the Richelieu River Sabrevois Quebec.


    He finally out fished my and he did it one handed despite having a cast I never helped him reel in fish

    .He was able to net all my fish during our last 2 days fishing.






    Our very own GlennK



    Trying to unhook the critter.





    Want to buy some bait.



    A surprize for Glenn a Bowfin.





    The man was happy a 5lb pike.He would not do the horizontal hold in fear of sliming his cast.





    can you say boat traffic.



    And the Lunker of the day GlennK a new PB a 4lb Largemouth.


    What a great day.MTP

  8. Tough luck.


    Our eldest did exactly the same thing, the same way, at the same age, and had a cast that looked identical. He was in it for 6 weeks and then the doc said the xrays looked so good he was taking it off. We were leaving that day for a beach cottage and had asked if there was any chance of getting it off early.


    Steve was really hurting when the cast came off. His elbow had been locked in that bent position for so long it just didn't want to move. You could tell he was near tears and that doesn't come easily for a rough tough 10 year old.


    As soon as we hit the cottage Steve was into his bathing suit and out into the waves. He splashed around out there for about 4 hours before he came out of the water. Turned out it was therapeutic as he said the aching was gone completely.


    Keep it in mind for when your guy loses his cast.




    Thanks John for posting that I really enjoyed that story so did Ryan.



    Well the pain is gone but frustration has set in Ryan can't write at school luckily they will let him write his exams on the computer something I did not have when I was young with a cast.

    The lack of outdoor activities frustrates him.He tried playing video games but with his wrist locked he just gave up for lack of performance.


    In 3 weeks he goes to the shorter cast so I think he can ride his bike .I may let him fish the Thomas Marine Fishing Tournament if he can hold the fishing rod.I think we will stick to trolling no casting.


    Has anyone ever fished with a cast on were you able to do so without pain or discomfort.I may just bend the rules for one day.


    Anyhoo thanks to you all for the kind words of encouragement .Ryan read them all you guys did a great job cherring him up.


    OFC 'ers you are great folks.



  9. Thanks again Drew for the time you put into this report I had many chuckles your vocabulary is rich in poetry excitement and I got to love the sarcasm :lol:


    If you catch a Sturgeon on the next trip I dare you to kiss the beast on the lips.You have been dared :D


    Good to see ya out with that Esox Kid but seriously never had Fajitas yup he is a young Lad hope to meet up with you both one day.


    Lets forget about the technicalities.OK I did I prefered 47 and 49 inches.


    One more Question how is it that you abuse Rhonda time after time but she just comes back for more?


    How many props and scars does she get while on the French?


    Do you have pics of poor Rhonda's wounds. :stretcher:


    Supper was late tonite for the family my fault but who cares I enjoyed the long read of your adventure :clapping:



  10. hope you are feeling a bit better today Ryan. My son broke his lower arm bone in two places when he was your age and he ended up having to have two plates and some screws to fix it, then a cast on top of that. It was also his right arm and I think the thing that bothered him most was going to the washroom, being right handed and all...... I'll stop there without details :lol:


    Take care little guy.




    We had that conversation last night with him on the way home I was shocked to learn he is good to go :lol: he already routinely used the left arm.


    No messes :lol:

  11. Sorry to hear Mike!... good thing he was wearing his bucket! Next time he goes and has his cast removed (which he will) request a fibreglass cast for him.. ALOT lighter and more comfortable.




    I looked into the Fiberglass cast Gerritt but they only put them on below the elbow .


    After 3 weeks in this cast he will be going to the shorter version below the elbow and then I will request the fiberglass cast.

  12. That sux.


    Your boy seems tougher than most his age. He went through quite an ordeal but came out with a smile on his face...good for him. Mending a busted limb is pretty much part of growing up it seems. At least for kids who don't spend all day/everyday inside in front of a computer.


    Missing part of the season is hard to take, but it won't be long until you're both back out on the water. Perhaps a Dad-funded trip to your local tackle shop one of these days might help make the wait a little easier to take. I'm pretty much positive at least one of you will enjoy that.


    Well tough he had no choice bite his lip and wait for the limb to fall in place.That Sux.


    As for the Tackle store he had a recent trip to Bass Pro Shops where he was spoiled .He owed me a couple of weekends of chores and thats not going to happen.



  13. Was on my way home from work last night when my wife called to say my son had taken a spill on his Bike.

    Hurt his arm really badly luckily he was wearing his helmet he also hit his head but nothing happened up there thankfully.


    Well back over the bridge to Montreal Childrens Hospital.


    It didn't take long to find out he broke his arm 2 bones in the lower forearm :stretcher:



    Waiting to see the Doctor believe me he was in alot of pain.



    The phonecall to Mom telling her he had broken his arm.



    Cast #1 for the evening we went for X-rays 3 times.



    This was after Ryan had his arm set believe me you don't want to know what this is like to see your child scream

    while the doc resets the broken bone.All he had was an oral dose of Morphine.His fracture was a 14 degree break so any more than that and he

    would have been off to surgery.



    Back for X-rays for the 3rd time the first attempt at setting the break failed.



    This was cast number 2 .This time the Doc set his arm perfectly but not without Ryan suffering he was screaming very loudly

    but managed to get through his ordeal.I must say he was pretty tough considering what he had to endure the second time for 2 mins.










    It was not me who wanted to post these pics On OFC but Ryan.


    He really loves this fishing board.He will be missing his fishing the most .


    He is rather upset that he won't be able to fish with me in 3 weeks at the Thomas Marine fishing Tournament.

    Soccer had just started this week and he won't be able to play for 8 to 12 weeks.


    I just want to say a Big thanks to the Montreal Childrens Hospital who attended to my son rather well.

    I was in and out in less than 4 hours I never seemed to wait long at all we were taken care of rather quickly.

    I must say our Healthcare system works well when the patient has a serious injury.



    So everyone take your kids fishing and enjoy.I guess I have a tiller Pilot for awhile.



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