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Mike the Pike

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Posts posted by Mike the Pike

  1. Good morning Lew ,Spiel,Slowpoke and Roy.


    Ok I know how Marc does it he is going fishing.


    Off to our Capital this morning for 2 days Ottawa and Gatineau.


    Getting up this early is brutal!


    Have a good day you consistent early birds.



  2. Do you think they grow the gas at each station?

    All gas stations are designed to take delivery from trucks; maneuvering with a trailer or motorhome shouldn't be too much of a chore.

    You should have been able to reach Windsor from Quebec with a quarter tank to spare in your Malibu!

    Next time I see a guy on the side of the road with a jerry can, I'll be thinking of you. :devil:


    Its nice to know you will think of me next time you see a Jerry can.


    Brian there always have been a huge areas for those big trucks to deliver gas .I pumped gas for quite a few yrs when I was younger as a student.

    Many have barely enough room for 4 cars never mind 20 vehicles.


    I have seen some of those gas stations like the Ultramar in Hawksbury Ont .Waiting in line Van in line at the gas station and the boat hanging on the street .You wait until next summer folks will be lined up at little gas stations creating small town traffic chaos.


    It may not seem to be a problem out your way I think its bloody hell in Eastern Ontario.

  3. Never ever never let you gas gauge dip below 3/4's empty when traveling!!! :rolleyes:


    Never ever never let your GPS do your thinking for you!!! :rolleyes:


    ... if you had PMed me before you left, i could've told you they were closed... have been since the last time I drove the 401!!! B)


    Nope Gcd there were many open just 3 weeks ago I basically new where all of them were without electronics but many were closed.

    I could not find a gas station open for 75kms this was not funny I regret not going way out of my way to get gas but this situation is rediculous.

    Only in Canada eh :wallbash:

  4. they are renovating all of them i think its some government economic stimulus plan or something there was an article in the toronto star a few weeks ago about it


    The folks in Brockville say they are permanent closures eviromental issues.


    If thats the case why close them all at once.Let them close all the Tim Hortons at once for renovations and would not want to see what happens.


    At least they could leave some open while renovating others.

  5. This week while travelling for my sales job on the road I noticed that many gas stations and service centres have been closed down along the 401 between Cornwall and Brockville.


    I left Quebec Thursday during the wee hours of the morning assuming I could gas up at my usual Petro Canada but nope all have been closed down.No problem I had my GPS which told me where the next 20 gas stations will be.After trying to stop at the next 4 gas stations none were open.3 closed down for good and one was closed at 6am.So I keep driving along and then the unthinkable happens I ran out of gas for the first time in my life(I am embarrassed).All these closures of gas stations I do not understand :dunno:


    Where is the common sense????????


    I later learned the enviroment minister dedided to close down all the service stations along the 401 because it is not good for the enviroment to have these right off the highway.


    So hundreds of people have lost their jobs during tough economic times because some bozo decided this is bad for the enviroment. :dunno:


    So now if you want a coffee ,want to use the rest room and purchase fuel.You must pull off the highway go way out of your way .Sit at several traffic lights where you are now polluting more than if you just pulled off the highway.

    Imagine all these new long line ups for the little rest rooms at little gas stations!!!

    So now when pulling a long trailer or driving a huge motor home you will be forced to go to a small gas station where you may

    find maneuvering in tight spaces not so easy.I will sure miss all that extra room from the pull off service stations!!!


    Oh and next you need a coffee so you get back into you car sit at a couple of more red lights while you polute the air even more.

    I pulled into a Timmies in Brockville absolutely no parking must be all the Highway traffic.People at the gas station and timmies

    said traffic has increased quite a bit.Yes good for business but more congestion they say.


    I told the tow truck driver I was embarrased to have run out of gas he told me not to feel bad they received 90 new calls for people who have run out of gas since the service station closures.


    So ladies and gentleman beware make sure you have plenty of fuel when travelling down the 401.

    I don't know why the other gas stations way off the highway are okay for the enviroment but not along the 401.


    If anyone has a clip of the real reason behind this I would love to read it.

    Hello Oh o goverment this is the busiest highway in the country!!!


    Give me a break.Thats my rant for the day and this was one that ruined my day Thursday of this week!


    Ok I did find a news article I should have done this ealier.It seems some are being rebuilt.

    It does not take a rocket scientist to figure out that closing all at once is causing havic and danger along the 401.


    Read this news clip


    Mike the Pike

  6. Darn I want one here in Quebec for the last 2 yrs I have heard rumors about either Cabelas or Basspro Shop building one in Mirabel Quebec.


    I have seen signs with Bass Pro logo on HWY 15 but keep hearing about Cabelas.All has been posponed due to the recession.


    Time will tell.


    Thanks for those pics of Cabelas!!!!!!

  7. Well good morning Lew!Good morning to you Slowpoke.Welcome back!!!!!!!


    Some days I now get up just after 4am(Lew Oclock) as of 2 months ago my sales job has me travelling to Eastern Ontario.


    Today I am off to Brockville,Gananoque,and Smiths Falls.I also now cover Ottawa.


    Have a good day everyone!!!!!!



  8. And she did it without any coloured nail polish. :P:clapping:


    Fine report Cliffy no crying now you did land a fish GlennK and I went out yesterday and as usual I caught Pike he caught the nice bass and some Pike.


    Oh ya was it ever cold fishing in the rain the sun came up the wind picked up but we enjoyed the day.


    WTG Bly nice fishies without nail polish. :clapping:

  9. Yeah Glen but when we go out with a guide I come home after boating 75 smallies or 15 walleyes or 5 muskies. You on the other hand are good enough to go it solo and then report on your 10" crappie or your 2 spots up to a pound or your half pound cat. I 'll stick to a guide once in a while to go home feeling like a man. And dontchya know only Marc's Summer afro show's up in the pics.



    Ah but our friend from down south does catch fish without guides here is the proof.


    This was shot in Canada eh.No guide at all.




    Great report Rob good to see you out with your boys.


    Looking forward to seeing you and Your Bro in November.


    Oh and I know what its like to catch Quinte seagulls.Here is a shot of one who took my lure in mid air





  10. Include me in. I don't know how, don't know when :whistling: . I could do with some OFC G2G, and mebbe some fishing too.


    Well it would be nice if you made it Doug I know the dog is hinting about a last minute voyage to the North.

    Perhaps you can keep each other warm.What worries me is the last time the Redneck showed up the Wall-Ice went South.


    Seriously can anyone take Doug out fishing and do we have room for Doug in someones cottage.Our cottage is now overflowing.


    Doug is a good Kitchen WENCH. BTW he also loves to clean dishes.


    Ah man its so far away .I would prefer to enjoy October right now though cause old man winter is coming.

  11. OMG another fishing report from the young Alabamer :w00t:


    3 fish on one line I would love to experience that.


    For a guy who has seen alot of rain lately you still have and awesone tan.


    What's up with the camera shots not one out of focus?


    Did you get a new camera or finally learn how to use the thing!


    Great fish pics and report Glenn !!!!!



  12. Speaking for my boat (14.5'), I can throw in an extra 100$ and have a snap cover made with support poles, which comes with a 5year warranty on the cover. I would consider that if I was you Mike the Pike.


    Hey fish4eyes I already have a snap cover from Lund a $750 option which is perfect for summer.


    I would not use that in the winter one huge snowfall and it would probably rip.


    I need something with high peaks that will rid the snow automatically.

    We get alot of snow here in Montreal .


    I would consider the PVC solution if I could only find the time to create something.


    And Bite me why don't you just come to Quinte and Chum the Bay!



  13. I am trying to decide how to store my boat this year and yes I am tired of paying the dealer.


    Also fed up with wooden frames that take up room in my yard in the summer not to mention the wood eventually rots and nails and screws rust.


    So I am thinking of this solution for the winter. www.navigloo.com


    boat storage system



    Does anyone have one of these is so are you happy with it.


    Its not cheap but it will last for quite a few years.



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