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Mike the Pike

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Posts posted by Mike the Pike

  1. Great bait report Bill!!! ;)



    Seriously though, the Pomp, Convict Fish, and Whiting will make a nice fry!!!... the Spics are excellent on the grill!!! :P


    Just thinking aboot the salt air and surf makes my sticker peck out!!! :wub:


    Thanks for posting that bit of saline aphrodisiac!!!...bo-yoy-yoy-ying!!! :w00t:


    Lay off the blue pills DAWG.


    thanks for the pics Bill

  2. I bought a pair last month Mike I tried them out in the boat last weekend very comfortable and they kept the cold air out while full throttle.


    I however just bought precription sunglasses and it cost alot of$$$$ when you are blind as me :wallbash:


    I think you should buy them I picked mine up at CDN Tire for $25.00

  3. I see lots of people continue to fish after they have their limit. The do catch and release.


    Some people never keep any fish all day doing catch and release, how is that any different?


    I see no problem with it.




    I agree with you Joey.But what would they MNR do if they caught someone.Big$$$$$perhaps

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