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Mike the Pike

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Posts posted by Mike the Pike

  1. interested in coming out but would like somemore info have my own boat please send info




    Here is the website if you have any questions PM me if you have place in you boat then there are people looking to hook up for lodging and other expenses its that simple.It would also be wise to wear a floater suit.



  2. Did you have a bad taste in your mouth when you woke up from the surgery Mike?


    A buddy of mine had that same procedure done and said when he woke up from the surgery he noticed a rag on the table with feces on it... he asked the what it was and she said the surgeon didn't have enough light to see what he was doing so they shoved a light up his rectum and threaded it all the way up into his throat! :blink:


    It took a couple weeks to recover from the surgery.. dunno if he'll ever recover from the light deal though! B)


    Your Buddy should come to canada we have much nicer Doctors not to mention I was awake for the entire procedure.


    Here is a pic of my Surgeon.




    I must admit dog you made me laugh but it hurt like hell.I can't wait stop taking thse pain killers.


    In the last 2 days I have only eaten,0ne Mr.Freeze,One small rice pudding ,one bowl of Jello ,One cup a Soup and tonights gourmet meal a bowl of ice cream.


    I can't wait to eat steak again.



  3. Well after a decade of snoring I finally went to see a specialist for my severe case of snoring.


    My snoring was so loud my daughters would come downstairs into my room in the middle of the night and yell at me to stop or turn on my side.


    Luckily for me the wife sleeps like a log.On some past camping trips these last few years one daughter decided to leave the comforts of our tent trailer for the silence of our van.My eldest daughter has her own tent and refuses to sleep with her parents in the trailer.

    My snoring got so bad that when I would on my various fishing trips many of my buddies refused to bunk up in the same room as me.


    Well finally my GP gave me a name of a specialist and I chose Lazer surgery to remove my Uvila and to open up my airway.


    My question is has anyone else had this done and how was your outcome.How long did it take to recover.


    I was rather surprised Thursday afternoon about how many prescriptions my doctor filled out for pain.


    Well I am in extreme pain and my diet is mostly Jello and Cup a Soup.


    I had no idea I would be this soar.Drinking water is severe torcher.

    I am using those pain killers thats for sure.


    I tought I would be taking my son fishing this weekend and I know that is not going to happen.

    I feel like a Zombie and can't wait to recover.The positive outcome is I am losing weight very quickly.


    So if you have had the procedure done let me know how it went.


    So far I do find an improvment in my breathing but I am still very swollen to see the full results.



















  4. Ok guys we have booked a cottage at Perfectview November 12,13,14,returning home Sunday Nov 15th In our cottage is Percher,Slowpoke,Memart and GlennK.


    There is place at Perfect view ,Merlands is all booked up for that weekend.Just contact Joanne at Perfectvue to book a cottage.


    We launch our boats at the Public launch only five mins down the road .For those of you who would like to come book a cottage at Perfectview.






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