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Everything posted by Chance

  1. I prefer carpet myself.I steam clean it once a year and use stain guard.Looks like new,easy to walk on in the heat and cold and never slippery.
  2. If the product is so poor this year why are they ahead of the sens in the standings ?? My fav Alfie moment....oh the grit and determination !!
  3. You buy a ticket to be entertained on the night you sit in the seat.Ottawa fans are amazing in their own right.No cup EVER and they both still show up at every game.
  4. You have a dilussional concept of success as it usually involves winning something in sports.....you know that big silver thing at the end of the year.Ottawa isnt even successful in filling the seats with fans.tsk tsk always the dumb little brother nobody cares about.
  5. Never used them or are they being used by people I fish with or at any events I fish.Not that this is an indicator of how decent a rod they are but if they were that good I am sure they would be common.Kind of like the carrot stik craze a while back,now you dont see them. Go with the best you can that is in your price range.Remember a good rod will last you a lifetime if cared for properly so make a wise investment and you will not regret it.
  6. Should be lots available considering the stands are full of Leaf jerseys.Must be tough being the dumb little brother that nobody cares about.
  7. Dont worry that too shall go over his head. The fact that the Sens are a couple of points ahead of the Leafs has also slipped by.
  8. mmmm yeah thats how a winner is decided,the most points wins. Who in the league says he is the best player ?? All teams run drills addressing players and systems from each and every team. Might be new to you but that is how it has been done since the league began. As far as having more points than any Leaf player...nice attempt at avoiding the question. Have another whirl and tell us how he is the BEST player in the league , betcha cant , now THAT is funny !
  9. 18th in gaols,104th in assists and 42nd in points. Strange stats for the best player in the league.
  10. Red ? Red Green is that really you ?
  11. Oh I am sure there are all other sorts and means of watching TV but my point being the ones who complain about purchasing Leafs TV are usually the ones paying for cable to watch their team of choice.
  12. Last time I checked you have to pay for all TV viewing either dish or cable,no ?
  13. Yep,trouble is you cn only do it once so watch closely.
  14. LOL
  15. I run a Ranger with a 250 on the back.
  16. Sounds like a persistant lil bugger. One is better than a skunk !
  17. Sounds great ,was looking at launching from Island marina..good idea or no ?
  18. Anyone hit scugog for bass lately,how did it go?
  19. I havent checked the wind conditions yet but heres hoping for a west wind !
  20. Will have a look at them....Thanks Tracker !
  21. Thanks,greatly appreciate the reply !
  22. Looking for a decent launch in the inner bay,any recommendations? Anyone been out lately in the bay for bass,how did it go? Thinking of giving it a shot tomorrow. Thanks
  23. Congrats on the new purchase !! I was wondering what that new machine was doing parked in the garage.
  24. I have one for sale,,drop me a pm if interested,
  25. Naw, not even close.His game is a bit too obvious to get to anyone.Every post the same ....just lonlely I suppose.
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