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Everything posted by mercman

  1. oh gee thanks !!!!!!!!!!!!! thats what i thought too, cause last nite i watched a docu on the lake champlain monster monsters.sharks, ya wanna buy a boat and motor
  2. matter of fact yes, there seemed to be tons of little knat like flies landing or taking off the surface of the water.humm
  3. was out fishing this morning with the wife. we were in the st lawerence just south of montreal in 30ft of water.i was positioning the boat into the wind and out of the blue i got a shallow depth alert !!! Lasted for about 20 seconds and then stopped and started to read 29.8 feet again. suddenly perch started jumping out of the water a few feet from the boat. that lasted for about a minute and the everything calmed down. Didnt really see a thing, but thought i saw a shadow in the stained water. anyone ever have this happene to them i know we have sturgeons here but dont know if that could make a sonar depth alert go off.
  4. thanks beats interesting. i didnt even know these fish existed around here, but after googleing i find that they are quite common in the st lawerence near montreal, where i live. He sure put up a fight, tired the wifes arm out, i had to finish it off for her. when i saw it close to the boat, i thought it was the biggest smallie i'd ever seen
  5. here are a few of the fish i've caught and released since july1 this year so...am i a fisherman or what !!!!
  6. here's the boat i went i went 65 mph in.along with a few pics of the LMB's we got me my bro owner of the bass blaster
  7. wife caught this tonite. what the heck is it i say sheeps head or fresh water drum
  9. winds 15kmh directly from the east, got a nice walley a few perch and a beautiful juvenile SMB. I'd love to post a few picks but when i try to upload it says file too big! any suggestions ?
  10. find where they are comin from. they usually follow walls or fences cause the cant see well in the dark. you sould see a dark trail on walls and around rocks where thier fur leaves an oily trail. trap them by placing traps on thier runs. they always use the same trails cause they follow thier own scent. and dont use cheese. only cartoon rats eat cheese peanut butter is best. sticky paper isnt any good. iv'e used it and all i had was butt hair stuck to it next day not mine!!!!!!!!!
  11. hummmm, let me see, not bad really. 500 for rods and reels maybe 500 for tackle 4500 for boat motor and trailer(got an insane deal) 40 bucks gas, got an 8hp 200 for life jackets safety gear and permits got the sonars for free, does that count. if not 500 for them thats about it. but after going to sail, i coulda spent loads more
  12. then i'm going for beast tonite. 15kph directly from the east. i'll let ya know later if we caught anything.
  13. mercman


    What a gator !!! how do you handle a fish that size if your gonna put her back? Always afraid to hurt it.
  14. it all comes down to being responsible and using common sense.99% of all the fishers in bass boats i've come accross are modest, highly responsible people who appreciate thier rides and avoid people like me in smaller boats. However, the 1% who pass you in warp drive, 50 feet away, should be forced to fish in a paddle boat for a year
  15. well in my area, Montreal on the St Lawrence river, the Rapala DT 1 foot ,chartreuse/lime green fished like a surface chugger makes em wild !!! caught a 5 LBer last week using it.
  16. Pike will play with your bait. It's not uncommon for a big Pike to hit and let go several times before the bait is taken. With this in mind you have to show some patience. If you get a big pike on and then lose him, just wait a little while and he will hit again. Their appetites are so ferocious that they forget quickly and start to feed again. There are many reports by fisherman of catching the same pike over again. taken from http://www.twin-lakes-air.com/pike.htm
  17. not sure if this has been talked about recently, but is there any truth to this. winds from the east fish bite least, winds from the west fish bite best. i cant believe fish know what direction the winds coming from.
  18. i hear ya. he has a 175 2 stroke, but i've seen them with 250 and up. Impressive as heck, but imho, its the old 'my dingy is bigger than your dingy like he said, he's never caught a fish at 60 mph.
  19. hey fidel ole buddy !!! thanks !!! my nipples are still hard from the cold.
  20. in my brothers case, he is living a dream. something he wanted since he's a kid, now at 50, he's a kid all over again. the way i see it, he and his wife make good money. kids are all grown up, fishing is his only vice. and he gets to live a dream. who could ask for more !
  21. WELCOME !!!! i returned to fishing on july 1 this year. Once a fisherman always a fisherman... a whole lot has changed over the last 20 years. ya need a good job to support the habit.
  22. OR A LOON MAYBE !!! lots of loons on the lake, i could just see showing up in emergency and having the nurse say. so what seems to be the problem. i have a loon in my face. how did you get a looney stuck in your face?? no, not a looney, a loon......
  23. all i could think of was Will Smith in Independance day when he got to fly the saucer. I got to get me one of these !!! had a blast, but i'd be happy with a princecraft pro series and a 70hp...maybe next year
  24. like my brother said, there are faster boats out there, but he never caught fish at 60 mph. Other than a comfortable fishing platform, you're no better off than any other boat. you maybe able to fish more spots in a given time frame, but a smaller slower boat has its advantages too.
  25. My brother invited me to go fishing this weekend in his new Ranger bass boat. I jumped at the chance cause i love bass fishing. Up till now, ive never gone more than maybe 15 or 20 mph in different fishing boats, mine only has an 8hp on it, and thats always been good enough for my needs. 5 am, its a cool 10 degrees, we get to this lake just west of Ottawa, put our gear in the boat and he tells me the rules. "if it doesnt have carpet, dont step on it, keep rods and lures off the gelcoat, and have fun." We backed away from the dock, and he hands me some ear protection. "whats that for" i said " to keep you from going deaf" he said. Now my heart starts to race, am i going to make it He points out the "holy crap handles" and slams his foot to the floor. i almost fainted. The boat went into a 45 degree stand, and as the bow began to fall, the wind began to howl, and the pressure difference between my protected ears and the outside air rushing over my face made my ears pop ! now i mentioned it was 10degrees. With a 65 mile an hour wind, whats the windchill factor,-40 i think 65 mph on water is a sureal exoerience. if i looked forward it was a blur, but when i looked to the side towards shore, we hardly seemed to be going that fast. He pointed to his GPS 65.8 mph, yup, thats what i thought i looked over to see my dear bro laffing his butt cheeks off. i looked down and saw that the wind had lifted up my sweater and shirt, and my big bare belly was taking the full -40 wind uncovered. i tried to pull the shirt back down, but it was twised behind me in an improved cinch knot that wasnt coming undone. In just under 9 minutes, we were in his sweet spot, 10 miles up the lake. My hands were so cold and shakey, i couldnt tie the hook onto my line. I had taken my hat off, and sat on it, but i think the wind lifted me a few times, cause it was no where to be found. my brother said something about where he thought it may be, and we laffed like idiots. Make a long story short, we caught our quota of nice LMB before noon, and had a great time. His boat drives like a cadilac, minus the shock absorbers, and is the most comfortable fishing platform i have ever been on. i'll post some pics if i can figure out how. It says that they are too big to upload. Going again is September, cant wait.
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