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About Bear

  • Birthday 11/27/1958

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  • Location
    Carleton Place

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Bear's Achievements

Almost a Guide

Almost a Guide (5/10)



  1. Incredible action ....... beautiful pictures ..... awesome fish ..... thanx for sharing maybe to much Beautiful fish porn ...... maybe the cause of the broken links ??
  2. Reelie hoping to land my first one this year
  3. Very Nice
  4. if we had a "Like" button :clapping:
  5. @MHBEAR, not there much ....... have a tough time with tweet and retweet Want some good tips and to follow Pro's and Am's alike try http://nationalprostaff.com/ I'm just a follower there .......
  6. the funny thing about that, when asked, it worked BUT I still had to confirm I lived in Ontario and Canada :whistling:
  7. I knew I'd find the answer here thanx
  8. Bear


    If you want to know whats going on with the OFAH attend your zone meeting ...... I know zone F meetings are long BUT .... VERY informative .... this way you'll be clear on the direction of the Federation. Zone F has roughly 12000 members yet only a handfull turned out for last weekends AGM
  9. nice report
  10. Awesome report, I love getting someone into the sport. I had this young man on my boat last weekend, it was a blast We were out for about 3 hours ...... he out fished me 13 to 1 , who ever said kids have a short attention span :clapping: .
  11. Thanx for sharing, awesome story, something you, your Dad , and the kids will cherrish for ever
  12. This is our home Lake ORWL.ca, many members do real well at all times of the day ..... Although I still suck on this body of water. Again Justin, great report
  13. put this up mainly for the Valley Lads, I know there's a lot here that may not have heard of us .... congrats on getting the Quinte league going, wanted to be there in Oct. but .....
  14. Eastern Walleye guys might be interested in this AWESOME Club. Check out the site for more info orwl.ca Ottawa Region Walleye League is holding the next meeting this coming Monday at Myers Kanata ... 6:30 to 8:45 All Welcome We will have two seminars this evening Gord Shultz - Ice Fishing Electronics & Gear. And Sheldon Hatch - Electronics - GPS and Sonar Tips and Tricks Looks like a fun and informative evening. pm me for more info
  15. sign me up in the Angler section
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