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Posts posted by taper

  1. I have a friend that has a cottage in Wiarton as well and their is quite a bit of ice fishing for white fish in the bay. Also the small inland lakes in the area don't see a lot of pressure in the winter but can be a lot of fun. Isaac lake, boat lake, sky lake and Chesley lake just to name a few. Chesley does see more ice fisherman then the others do.

  2. I think if you dig into some of those problems a little deeper you will find that their is some truth, but if C&R is done properly the bad effects can be kept to a minimum. Any chance of survival to replenish the population is better than no chance at all if you don't plan on eating the fish.

  3. Two F-15C fighter jets based out of Eglin Air Force base in Florida crashed on a training mission over the Gulf of Mexico this afternoon, and it was just announced that both pilots have been found alive. Their condition has not been announced but all that matters is that they are still with us.

  4. Roy we have a couple of those running around London and they are amazing. Domestic car manufacturers quality was lost for quite a few years in the 90's it has really rebounded.If you talk to execs they will tell you after you get your quality up to your competitions standards or better it will still take 3-5 years to change public perception. IMHO we all need to try a little harder to buy North American aas much as possible, from our vehicles all the way to the Grocery store.

  5. Just remember cheapest may not always be the best. With insurance do some leg work and make sure you go with a company that has a good track record for dealing with claims. When you are all excited over losing a car of having a fire at home the last thing you need is a fight with your insurer. Take it from a guy that previously did insurance repair work their is a difference in how some companies deal with the problems.

  6. Before we make any recommendations we should know what you need it for. Standard or extended cab, how big of a boat, what type of ramps do you usually go into all this will help to recommend 2 or 4 wheel drive, 6 or 8 cylinder and do you want to buy new or used. In that price range you can get quite a truck a year or two old but no sense in buying a V8 4*4 if your pulling a 14 foot tinny and never leave the city limits.

  7. Yep skeeter at work we get the extra day on most of the long weekends through the summer making them 4 days off. When the new holiday was announced it was in our contract that because we already receive more than the mandated number of days we had to give up the Friday of May 24 weekend to get this one. Still a day off can never complain about that.

  8. I will put my recommendation in for Eagle, and if you can afford it get colour. You won't manage it in that price range so add a colour GPS after from Eagle and you wont be disappointed. Also if you make it to the London fishing show talk to Jos at Angling Outfitters he will steer you in the right direction.

  9. Pikehunters post reminded me of something that really PPP"s me off. A lot of our Ontario hunting and fishing camps/resorts are advertising their prices on the internet in USD only :wallbash: . I do realize that a large portion of their customer base is from the US and that some camps are owned by our American friends. In my opinion I still believe that if the camp is in Ontario the price should be quoted in CDN and if they would like add a currency converter as some sites have or advertise both not just in USD. I have decided that any camp I visit or meet at the sport shows etc. I am making it a point to let them know how I feel about this. Is it just me or does any one else feel this way. Doe ranting for now.

  10. Did any one else see the moon last night? It was showing a very pronounced ring around it. A fair distance out and almost cloud looking but definitely surrounding the moon. I wondered if it was a reflection on clouds a certain distance away. Tried to get a couple of shots of it but with my limited camera skills they did not show up.

  11. Bought the XOG for my father in law for Christmas, so far I am very impressed with it. The nice thing is it uses the same Navionics chips used in all Lowrance/Eagle products, so if you ever decide to upgrade for the boat you already have the chips. The base maps supplied with the units are very accurate as well. I personally use the older Lowrance model and still love it but the new one has a lot more features designed specifically for multi-use. If you are interested send me a PM and I can get you a number of a shop who is one of the best I have ever talked to about the Lowrance line up.

  12. Rick I agree with your complaint about the inspector. Just curios, you said you needed to replace the panel as well, as it wasn't up to code. It only needs to meet code for when it was installed not todays standards or is this a case of insurance hassle again. Hopefully you can recover some of your costs in the sale with new electrical service.

  13. Cliff I don't know if they will damage the shingles or not but I can tell you they really suck the hydro. We had to use them on our water piping for years in the crawl space and they can cost a fortune in hydro over a season. Hopefully a roofer will chime in hear but I believe if the roof has a decent pitch the problem lies with heat escaping into the attic and poor ventilation.

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