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Posts posted by taper

  1. I have just had an opportunity to purchase an ATV at a very good price. I have my option of 3, a 2006 Suzuki Vincent 500 gear puncher, a 2007 Suzuki Eiger 400 auto or a 2007 Honda 500 electric shift. Do any of you have any experiences good or bad with any of these machines? Right now I am leaning toward the Honda.

  2. Brian I ran the auto pilot I bought from Jos last year at Colchester without a kicker and it ran 6 hours and was not dead at the end of the day. I was told to do exactly what eye tracker has explained and have the control with you at the back, that way if minor corrections are needed its an arms length away. I believe the cord is 20 ft long.

  3. I agree all these charges are not uncommon but if you look around you can find some great spots to stay without being gouged. The one that would concern me the most is $300 extra for peak season. That just tells me that they know they are going to be full and that the place will be very busy. I like to have a bit less traffic if possible.

  4. I don't care if he rides with a helmet or not but if they do allow people to ride without they should be forced to sign off all rights they have to OHIP coverage in the event of an accident while not wearing a helmet. To me it is the same as these skiers and snow boarders that deliberately go into areas marked no entry and cause avalanches and cost huge tax payers dollars to go get them, if it can be proven that they new they shouldn't be there they should get the rescue bill.

  5. Maybe this summer if we can arrange it, I could take you guys out Down in the west end of Erie. The walleye fishing is amazing and while trolling planer boards is the normal plan of attack, we could do some drift fishing casting your favorite walleye bait.

  6. I just received this in an email and thought some here might enjoy. Pretty impressive.




    I'm told that there is a huge rock near a gravel pit on Hwy.25 in rural Iowa.

    For generations, kids have painted slogans, names, and obscenities on this rock, changing its character many times.



    A few months back, the rock received its latest paint job, and since then it has been left completely undisturbed.



    It's quite an impressive sight.



    Be sure to scrolldown and check out the multiple photos. (all angles) of the rock.


    I thought the flag was draped over the rock, but it's not. It's actually painted on the rock too.










    Here's the artist



    Ray "Bubba" Sorensen.




    AWESOME Work, RAY...



    Thank you!




    "God Bless America "





  7. Pinch I think the service you are referring to is still only available in major cities. it uses the cell towers but still has its own antenna, we tried it here and we were just out of range.The local tower did not have the antenna and the closest one that did was about 8 miles away and I think they said 4 to 5 miles max.

  8. Wayne and Terry are correct, I have a point to point system from Xplornet, it works quite well. Not as fast as cable but tons faster than dial up. Explornet will tell you that there satellite service is the same speed, wrong. Its kinda like bell and rogers telling you that high speed was available at your new home.My sister has xplornet satellite as point to point was not available and it is a lot slower, even the tech installing the system admitted that they are slower. Point to point is also much cheaper, you can do a private deal as Wayne did or if you go to an ISP such as xplornet it is about $300 initial start up and $60 a month, when I signed up they waved the install fee if you signed up for 3 years. So cost is inline with cable in town and close to speed. If you have any questions shoot me a pm.

    I almost forgot, my old ISP used the same antenna system that Wayne shows in his picture, Xplornet uses a flat antenna about 6 inches by 12 inches.

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