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Everything posted by jackal68

  1. Im ok it's just that I am limited on what I can do since my back injury. I have a canoe but I cant lift or carry it. If i could I would be on the water as opposed to the side of the water. I just want to show my kids That there is fish and we can catch them. but everytime it's the same ol same ol. I didnt mean to unload on ya's Just wondering if someone could take a picture of a common river rig. I only use one hook and a sinker anyways. Again Thank you
  2. yeah I read the regs... You know the traditional bag limit and seasons. I never seen anything about hook issues. Never mind ! Im too flustered to explain! Thanks for the help anyways guys
  3. Well I'll be a monkey's uncle! Of all the people that Ive talked to that fish the grand not one person mentioned anything about hooks being pinch. Minnows yep I knew but hooks! well its official Im sticking to ponds. Thanks for the 411 on the hooks. Even my local bait shop didnt tell me! Man now I am frustrated! Anyone out there from Brantford care to go with me to the grand and give me lesson on river fishing? Im going to check my regulation book now!
  4. THE RANT!!! Man is it me? I was raised 1/2 of my adult life up north! I.E. Western Quebec (Abitibi area) I guess you can say I am spoiled when it comes to pristine bodies of water. I know how to fish them ,raft them, canoe them, heck even sleep overnight on them! But when it comes to fishing this Dang grand river, I'm just about ready to pack the whole thing in! I took my kids down there this morning for a couple of hrs and I maybe fished 15 min. Why? Because I was constantly "re rigging" my kids lines.The other night I went to the same spot with my son! No issues, I actually caught a fish! Carp mind ya! But albeit a fish! There was a local guy who kinda showed me how he sets up his lines, I set up the same way, and caught a carp. Today I just totally hated fishing.... I was even bitten by a horse fly on top of it all. At least I think it was! It was almost the size of a Cessna 185 aircraft. LOL. I really need some help with how to set up right for river fishing! As it stands I dont think I will be relocating up north anytime soon. I want my kids to actually catch fish, not watch their dad spazzing out. Sincerely One frustrated dad / angler
  5. theres camping there? Where at?
  6. Hi Anyone know where I could take the Family for the weekend and do a little tent camping? I live in Brantford and I went to Norfolk county last weekend to do a little scouting. While I was there I discovered that there are a lot of TICS. That is not something I need at this point because the wife doesnt want to go because of bugs, however I think I have her convinced. Anyhow maybe something within a couple of hrs from Brantford. Any Ideas?
  7. Are gobies edible? just wondering
  8. To nervous to go fishing

  9. Can Anyone pm me as to where I might be able to tell me where the Crappies are hitting , in and around Brantford? I'm doing it from shore, I wish I wasn't.
  10. Little Story to Share. When I was in my Teens I was a guide for an outfitter up north. It was a modest operation, with boats and cabins. When I first started there, the majority of the anglers from Canada and the states were more than helpful with teaching me the ropes. When I knew the bodies of water in the surrounding area, I did very well as a 13 year old guide. At times there were anglers that kept the tight lip, and did not want to reveal their "honey hole" but me being curious I would spot and stock. When New anglers came along and could not pay the outfit for a guide, I would take them aside and simply tell them to "wait for me to go out or, get up early and follow me and my party. I would then set them up for what they wanted. TO MAKE A LONG STORY SHORT!!!!In the end it was savvy anglers that taught me the thinks I needed to know, I reciprocated what I learned. I think this thread as nice as it may have started out will eventually turn ugly. And if it does I will be seriously disappointed. I havn't been on here long but I enjoy the escape. My shoreline is on the Grand river between Cambridge and Brantford, by the inter provincial gas pipeline As well as Waterford. Good luck to all who wish to fish from shore
  11. Hey folks I think I might have to sell my canoe. The problem is I cant lift it over my head to load it on the roof of my SUV. What does a 16 ft fiberglass go for. Its not new and it was given to me. I hate to sell it, but if i cant lift it I cant use it. What do you guys think?
  12. Thanks guys. That settled it.
  13. Hey can anyone tell me if you need the boaters card for a canoe?
  14. hey dutch go to Avast! Download their home program. My brother in Law is one of the top guys at Globe and Mail on line. (oversee a pile of websites like tsn) and he told me to use it it is the best for a home outfit. Never had a virus it couldnt translate
  15. I hope you dont mind my asking But where did you score that BONANZA. Its great when you're with the kids eh?
  16. Well this case is in court now, and the defence is saying that he did not shoot these guys... The guys were hurt running through the bush. They also claim that "shot" from a shotgun cannot penetrate at 70 yrds. I say go stand 70 yards lets try and see. The guys with guns that do this stuff really mess things up for the law abiding dudes.
  17. Took my kids out fishing today, They finally cought fish. little bluegills in a body of water with little respect. Mohawk lake in Brantford. I wasnt crazy about it because of this water's history, but I needed to instill Confidence in my Children when it came to fishing. So we went there, and wouldn't you know i! 15 min and we were catching fish. I am so happy.... Baby steps approach is working.
  18. Hey Guys I'm in the market for a used boat! is there any Marina's around that sell the "older,smaller less expensive stuff around the Brantford /Hamilton area. I have a Canoe that I might need to trade in because of physical limitations (lifting) and a used 12 or 14 footer on a trailer will not be a problem. Rob
  19. Send me a pm of that other board. Im looking for a hunting board (ontario/ Canadian)
  20. I was wondering if any of you go on the chat line
  21. I remeber a while back you could buy a not so expensive trailer from Kmart for a little skif. Is this still possible? or could one build one out of thin guage steel. Or where does one go to even look to buy said used / cheap trailer. 14 ft approx. Your thoughts guys?
  22. I am a memeber of a vintage snowmobile organization. Its forum like this one, was hit HARD by some kind of hacker. it was down for a long time until they could fix the site. So I say if tweeking is needed to stay ahead of these dough heads then im for it
  23. There isnt anything wrong with the Toyota's more than the domestics. It's just a lynch mob right now to promote better sales of domestics. I'd love to have an FJ I have a 96 pathfinder and its a pretty good vehicle with 300,000 kms on it
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