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Status Replies posted by buick14

  1. Someone pllllleaaase convince me fishing in Alberta lakes isn't terrible.

    1. buick14


      forgot to wish you luck JDogg. lol id rather fish alberta rivers to anything we have any day of the week

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  2. Trying to decide between Boston or Chicago or Chicago or Boston?????????????????

  3. Got stung by a wasp yesterday,last time i was stung was 1985!

  4. 8395 days sober today.I remember my last drunk like it was yeasterday.Never want to foget that.

  5. Off to Chataqua Lake this weekend...some early season BASS fishing!!!!!!! state side

  6. Work work work and more WORK...24 hrs booked since yesterday no end in site..Why does it always get in the way of fishing??? Im getting to old for this crap!!!May 24 wknd in jeoprardy.....

  7. ah, home. Now who wan't to take my fishing today or tomorrow? LOL

  8. Cooked for my parents tonight. Boiled burbot in garlic butter, walleye in fish crisp with onions and bbq lays battered walleye. We're sooooo full.

    1. buick14


      lol thats the only picture I would accept...bare hands no glove of course

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  9. Cooked for my parents tonight. Boiled burbot in garlic butter, walleye in fish crisp with onions and bbq lays battered walleye. We're sooooo full.

    1. buick14


      it was actually bowfin, and had the texture of bubble gum. MMmm mmmm!

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  10. This is strange, I think I might ice fish with the oposite hand that I regularly fish with.

  11. Figures, was going to leave in 2 hours to go ice fish, sick as a dog and can't sleep. Ah well, next week.

  12. Figures, was going to leave in 2 hours to go ice fish, sick as a dog and can't sleep. Ah well, next week.

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