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  • Birthday 09/05/1971

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Almost a Guide

Almost a Guide (5/10)



  1. Hello I was suppose to go fishing fishing tomorrow with a bud but he had to cancel. If anyone in the durham region ( Oshawa, Whitby etc etc ) would like to go ice fishing for perch, crappies whatever tomorrow please let me know, Or your renting a hut and want company letme know... I will pay gas and willing split expences.... I know it late notice, if you drive and want company give me a call (905) 434-7454.. Dave
  2. Hello The regs are unclear from the past yeARS, when does the rivers and Dams open up for walleye fishing this year. I have looked at the regs and as far as I can tell its the fri after the seconde sat in may, which means its this weekend (long weekend) Is that correct. any help would be appreciated \ Dave
  3. GAGNON SPORTS IN OSHAWA HAS GIVEN ME A $25 Gift card for the event see you all there, I am bringing 2 others Dave
  4. Great Shots
  5. Hello Bought all new equipment as my photography business is starting to get busy, usually shoot product placement shots but decided to shoot some b&w's As usual all comments are greatly appreciated Dave
  6. Well TJ I added a LIKE to your FaceBook Page. Let me know if you need any photography or anything, Looks good btw. all the best Dave
  7. Hello Over the course of fishing for tyler I only missed 2. O was wondering if it is going to be on again this year. I and my family love fishing this event and look forward to it every year Let me know if its a go Dave
  8. I would be interested as well. I do alot product testing for a number of companies, So helping you out would be fun..\ Let me know Dave
  9. I use a high viz line on all my setups. I like being able to tell where my line is at all times... The line I personally use is ANDE Green 8-10lbs dave
  10. Hello Just was told that I have Thurs-fri off, and I am planning to go fishing for some chrome... If anyone would like to go fishing, new or experienced, fly guy or pinhead. just let me know PM me or call (905)434-7454 Dave
  11. Hello Here is a link to the IGFa Good Luck http://wrec.igfa.org/ Dave
  12. took some photo;s with the niece today here is a funny shot
  13. DMASSE


    Hello I just purchased a new 50MM prime 1.4 lens and wanted to test out some photos... As usual all advice is more than welcome Thanks dave
  14. Hello Well we just got back from Restoule last week, As Dave Bailey posted the water was alittle rough but I managed to head out everyday mostly 2 hours before dark into the night on my fishing Kayak.. The Camp site was nice, and neighbour and fellow OFNer was right across from us. (DAVE BAILEY) I managed to catch some nice bass, I ended up catching 5 walleyes jigging at dusk in 20ft of water with a rapala jigging minnow. Marked tons of fish between 20-45ft of water... On a day trip I found a great little trout stream, full of rainbows, and below the dam some nice bass, and rock bass... Tons of wildlife, multiple pics of deer, raccoons, water snakes, and even a encounter with a bear... Again a quick sorry to Dave for the noise (2 teenagers and a 10y) and I hope you end up getting your stuff back.... It was nice meeting you and your family... Dave
  15. Thank your for you suggestions We have narrowed it down to Restiquoile and Samuel de Champlain Thank you again Dave
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