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Everything posted by emjay88

  1. It's been a tough spring in some rivers especially the Credit. I have learned that downsizing everything, float, leader, hook size, and roe bags definitely pays off. I landed my personal best last week on a 4 lb test leader. Here are some highlight pics from the last few weeks.
  2. I couldn't agree more Chris!!! These animals were here long before us and it should be up to us to assimilate with them. Coyotes are hunters just like us and at least in the country I find it super interesting to listen to them bark and howl at night. Fair enough, I can see them as a problem in the city when they prey upon pets but I have a tough time faulting them for hunting in the country as they have done for hundreds and hundreds of years. Everytime I come across a coyote is while I'm steelheading and they present no danger at all, in fact they are 10 times more elusive than deer and take off the second they spot us. Last year was the first time I had witnessed a coyote hound hunt. We were fishing and heard dogs barking for about 10 minutes, and they got closer and closer. I looked to the far bank and I saw a yote run to the edge and it look panicked and terrified and then take off. 1 minute later we saw 3 large beagle type hounds with gps collars on run to the same spot and then take off in the direction that the coyote took. We were in an extremely remote area, and to be honest I just didn't see the sport in hunting these animals with dogs for nothing more than their fur at the most. No meat value at all!!!! I might have had more respect for the "hunters" if they tracked them down themselves.
  3. Some really nice walleye there!!!!
  4. Thanks Ron, please tell him I say hello. Just found a pic of him
  5. Managed to get up north and hit a Georgian Bay trib one last time a few days after Christmas for a kayak day trip with a good buddy. Conditions were perfect with some higher water but that perfect steelhead green hue. Temps were at -2C with a mix of sun and a few flurries. We first learned how to steelhead on this river over a decade ago thanks to our good friend who's family owns a private stretch, as well as an old timer named Chris Lyons (spelling?!?) a mystical figure we would run into every fall, a guy with a big white beard who seemed forever connected to this river and showed us the ropes as well as how to fish each hole. He taught us how to tie knots properly, run the right length of leaders and weights etc. and swing a well placed flatfish in the current. He was a staple on the river every fall but haven't seen him in almost two years now. Hope he is doing ok. This was the first time for me to kayak with my good friend for a long run from bridge to bridge. By far and away my favourite method of travel for steelheading. We ended up going 4 for 9 on the day which was a bad percentage but a great day nonetheless. Numbers seem to be down everywhere this year, and I hope it's not a sign of things to come, hopefully just something cyclical. Conditions like this in the past would have yielded twice the fish. Anyway, hope you enjoy the pics and tight lines to all for 2015!! Matt
  6. Hey Mike, we had put stuff on the back burner this summer and fall as we were in negotiations to buy into a fly in fishing lodge, unfortunately the deal has fallen through as of a few weeks ago. We will be doing a relaunch in the new year with a new kind of format and shorter release clips. We have dozens of hours of footage in the bank which is good, and hopefully get them into post production soon. Just need to find some sponsorship $$$$ LOL. All the best to you too over the holidays!! Looks like you have an awesome 2015 ahead of you!!
  7. Managed this nice buck today. Had to put in some hours searching, but found this guy towards the end of the day
  8. It's been a slow fall season so far, but there are still a few fish around. I have heard about low fall fish returns in most Lake Ontario tribs so far. Managed to hit a few up north on Georgian Bay tribs today! Tried drifting beads, roe, and pinkies but most fish seemed to hit a well placed flat fish swinging in the current.
  9. Great Video!!! I had a close encounter with a beaver this past winter.
  10. Wow, very cool video!!! Fast and furious action!
  11. Very interesting thread, and I'm happy to read everyone's different opinions and keeping things respectful. Personally I have nothing but respect for our system's front line workers and health care professionals and have always received great care for the few times I needed it regardless of wait times. I didn't mind waiting 6 hours to get an x rap removed from my thumb when there were clearly people in much worse shape than me (yes I tried to remove it myself, but the barb was stuck on my tendon). At the end of the day in terms of comparing our system with the American one, the question is who do you trust more with your money? The government or an insurance company? I realise this is not the ideal choice but our system is fundamentally better for a few different reasons. The government has voters to answer to, where insurance companies have share holders to answer to, which means in the States it's all about profits at the end of the day not the average U.S citizen. Hence why so many un-neccesary test are ordered, drugs with kick back incentives are prescribed by doctors (the drug advertising is beyond ridiculous), and a family member's illness could potentially bankrupt the family. There is a whole industry built upon advertising drugs to citizens that they probably don't need and give big rips to the doctors who provide them, to the hundreds of law firms set up to then sue "said" drug companies for not mentioning one of the 12 side effects they listed. Plus insurance companies reward agents if they can find a reason (usually in the fine print) to deny someone's claim. As far as political reasons go I think Canada has it right. As a fairly right wing person, I believe in less government involvement in our lives, except when it comes to health care and education. As a first world country, I believe it is in our best interest for our government to invest in its citizens to be educated and healthy, regardless of their tax bracket. The rest is up to us. I find it strange that the political right in the U.S based primarily in the bible belt calls our health care system fundamentally socialist because the government funds it for everyone?!?! If that's the case than I'd like them to try and make education a pay as you go system. Why is teaching a 14 year old calculus much more important than helping that kid through bone cancer without charging that family 100k at the very least. Yes our system needs work, of course, and there will always be things to improve on, but at the the end of the day there is no way the general public will receive better care with a for-profit system. Just my two cents. Cheers, Matt
  12. Thanks. We will definitely post progress reports this spring. Not to mention some summer time Kings hopefully
  13. Thanks very much guys. He is definitely doing most of the work himself in terms of new marine grade plywood, carpet etc. just need to have the engine looked at and some of the old wiring. Cheers, Matt
  14. Hey Everyone, My friend recently bought an older boat and I'm helping him do some restoration work on it. We ripped out all the old carpet and some rotten wooden floor boards etc. Was hoping you might be able to recommend somewhere local (427 and Browns Line area) where the engine can be looked at, as well as some of the wiring and electronics etc.
  15. Wishing everyone a great spring and steelhead season!!! Got this brute earlier this week.
  16. A great show tonight!!! Love watching fishing docs in that kind of environment! My vote for favourite vid was definitely the last Mending The Line! A bit of a tear jerker!
  17. Wow way to go!!! Laker of a lifetime!!!!!
  18. Thanks, ya the grips are long gone now!!!!
  19. Thanks very much Chris! ya those guys were tons of fun while we were there!! Ya shopping around for pickups now LOL that road is brutal at the best of times!!! Well we have 10 potential episodes written out right now. Kayak fishing for steellhead on a Georgian Bay trib for opener, a week or two and two episodes at Eddie's for pike and walleye, a 3-4 week rv trip to 3-4 different lodges in Ontario for 3-4 episodes (filmed in a Warren Miller kind of way), Temagami for lakers with the help of my friends vintage grumman widgeon float plane into some back lakes, and then a canoe trip into Algonquin
  20. Thanks! I have indeed. I needed a life change and this is the direction I wanted to go. Having said that, I'm not kidding myself, as I know how hard it will be to break in to the industry especially in the format I'm trying for, but nothing ventured, nothing gained in my opinion. Time will tell where this road takes me but I know I will always aim to be in the outdoor, adventure, and fishing industry in one capacity or another
  21. Awesome! Thank you very much! The grips are gone from here on out!!! LOL Lesson learned!
  22. Not bad this time around. The year before was way worse, but our first 2 days on June 1st and 2nd we saw snow during the day which meant zero bugs. It was a late ice out last year up there and it's looking like it might be the same this year. Matt
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