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Posts posted by asdve23rveavwa

  1. As far as steelheading goes...I tend to stay away from the rivers on that weekend...too much of a zoo. Everybody and their brother seems to go fishing on the opener. Even the spots that are open to all year fishing get hit really hard.

    I agree with a few other statements, would rather be fishing a secluded stream for brookies or browns.

  2. I agree with both Mike and "Harrison"...it is definitely timing. Also, become a master at a few rivers instead of hopping around from "trib" to "trib"...steelhead are a fish of instinct, catching them is not difficult once you master presentation and timing.

  3. I agree with Caribou...if you have had no issues (other than mileage) stick with the Explorer. To get the necessary room and capabilities, you are going to have to sacrifice somewhere.

    I currently have a Pontiac Torrent...fine when it is just two of us going, but, add in the three boys and not nearly big enough!!

  4. I use a 102C.. it has a flasher mode as well, that I never turn on. There's no delay using the graph mode as the right side of the screen is instant.. everything to the left is history so that you can see the big fish you just missed!!

    Good to hear...he told me he had used it for ice fishing as well. Can't wait to try it out in that capacity next ice season...for now, bring on the softwater!!!

  5. Brine --- 2cups water, 1/3 cup of brown sugar, 1/2 cup of pickling salt, 1/4 cup soy sauce, 1/4 cup maple syrup...whisk until all is disolved. Lay the fillets in the brine for at least two hours up to 12 hours. Remove from brine, let air dry for about one hour. Place in smoker, for trout and salmon I prefer apple or cherry wood.

    Did up some Simcoe Lake trout last week...turned out awesome...find the bit of maple syrup gives it an awesome little sweetness...the better half, loves it, even got one of her young boys to try it. Two thumbs up from both.

    Man, I'm getting a craving for it now!!!!!

  6. Solo and I were discussing the shows just last week and he brought up a very good point.

    That being the internet being the downfall of these shows. Since the net became popular you see fewer and fewer exhibitors, especially outfitters. Back in the day the only way they could drum up business was to attend the shows, but now they use the internet to advertise their services. If you are looking to go on a fly out somewhere just Google it and you can spend hours pouring through info on the area you want to go to. Back in the day you had to go to the show, see the outfitters and pick up a brochure.

    Even tackle shops are selling there wears on the internet and don't bother to hit the shows. LeBaron's used to have a huge presence at the shows, then several years back they stopped going.

    Yup, that's exactly what I was getting at in my little comment. The internet has changed so many things....not all for the better, but, it is like having a library in your home!

  7. The point wasn't about the power of the rod, it was about the durability. The Voltaeus rods were designed to be significantly lighter than traditional "unbreakable" rods, with more sensitivity, equivalent pricing, more technique specific models and lastly an unprecedented Limited Lifetime Warranty for less than $60.





    Worth keeping an eye on for sure!!

  8. look like great rods! but did u seriously see how much longer it took dave to get his shark in, compaired to the other dude using what i would call the right equipment lol it was good for a laugh lol :)

    Made for a great fight, but, definitely would put alot more stress on the fish. Part of the reason why I asked the "musky" question.

  9. Just came across this post, after a busy weekend. What a great read. Along with yourself, BillM and a few others, I also discovered ice fishing this year. What a great way to get out fishing while waiting for steelhead to kick in again.

    Only got out on Simcoe once, but, will definitely be hitting it more times next ice season...lakers are a blast in the winter!

    Thanks for an entertaining few minutes, Mike!!!

  10. Very nice, Steve...good running into you yesterday at BPS as well. Good luck in the future, between working in the tackle industry, guiding, graduating from Sir Sanford Fleming, competing in bass tournaments...you are living the fishing dream (might not seem like it sometimes, but, enjoy it man!!!!!!!!

    Hope to see you out on the water again!

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