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Posts posted by asdve23rveavwa

  1. Nothing that really makes me want to run there and be the first in line. Would have liked to see more deals. I will still go to the sale as I have a nice little $50 BPS card that needs to be emptied.

    Need to take the "old man" out there during that, got him a card for his b-day...usually only make one trip a year since I discovered Angling Outfitters. Still love going though, always spend a couple hours wandering through "tackle heaven!" :D

    Any deals on ice fishing equipment?

  2. Pictures added............. :Gonefishing:

    Nice, Jamie, but the "whiners" are going to say...how come you don't have 100 pictures, etc...blah, blah...

    Lets be done with the whole thing...you know what happened, everyone there knows what happened, anyone that knows you will believe it and those that don't aren't worth it. My last two cents on this entire brutal thread.


    Good fishing, buddy...hope to see you in May!!! :D

  3. I guess I should have known that it would turn into this on OFC....


    For those of you who acuse me of "spamming".....where in my post did it say anything about G2?

    For those of you who accuse me of being a Bull'er....Pictures will be up tonight.


    For those of you who see my creditability and rep on this site, THANK YOU.


    I just cant get over how a lot of threads on this site turn into flaming, it's unreal.


    My partner who made that other post on the Quinte site, didnt hear the final numbers of the days before he made that post.


    And for my ORIGINAL post....here's something to think about:


    108 fish caught by 8 guys = 13 fish per person (avg)

    90 fish caught by 8 guys = 11 fish per person (avg)


    Is that so hard to believe that a person can catch 13 fish in a 10 hr fishing day??



    For that dude who commented personally about me....


    When I made the first post back in January about the ice conditions and where to fish etc...I wasnt part of G2, and didnt have much experience on the Bay. I then hooked up with G2, and joined their team. I spent the next 2 weeks learning everything these guys know. You'd be amazed how much you can learn in one day...let alone 2 weeks! So, yes it was a HUGE change for me, but since joining the team, I now know how to smoke the fish on the Bay.


    I'm sure you wont believe that either...cause you dont see to believe much that I say...so all I have to say for everyone who thinks I'm full of it...wait for the pictures! They dont lie.

    Nicely done, Jamie...don't sweat it...not worth the aggravation!!!! :D:thumbsup_anim:

  4. Wow!


    Not once in my post did I say anythng about our guiding service.

    I posted a report.


    Don't see how a report is spam when there are no plugs about a business.


    Pictures are coming, don't you guys worry.


    There were 8 guys total and yes we landed that many fish.


    Most of you need to relax.

    I've been a loyal member of this site for a while now so give me some credit.


    Yes I do work for G2 and yes we are guides but I don't spam like some of you are crying about.


    If you guys have anything else to say please feel free and PM me.




    Well said... :clapping::clapping:

  5. I don`t really care if the photo`s/report are legit what is getting a little tired is people/outfits like G2 and others promoting their services,lures etc. in a backdoor kinda way I mean come on you guys want people to pay you for your service but don`t want to pay for advertising.


    If I owned this website I`d kick y`all to the curb.


    Did I just say y`all? good lord I need to get out fishing soon.

    LOL, on the y'all...you do make a good point, though...maybe just the paying customers should post results...let the guide services do their posts on their blogs.

  6. I don't see why anyone would pay hundreds more for a LCD display when the same information can be viewed on the LEDs.

    Thanks, Xeon...but, the price difference right now is only $85 plus tax. Agreed, though...the vex doesn't have it, and is still a great unit!

  7. Not going to say too much on this one...I know Jamie...he is legit, and, don't worry about pics he is a photography "wiz"...NOBODY, takes better photos on BOQ. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, as far as the competitions pics, and nothing against them...I'm sure they do an awesome job, however it seems that more than 50% of the photos they post are of themselves holding fish....hmmmmmmmmm.

  8. ICE 35 has no LCD... The LCD display is one of the main features that puts the hbirds on their own plateau ... Save up another couple hundred and go for the 45 or 55 .... I heard Radioworld is blowing out the 45 @ a crazy price !!

    Yeah, one of the reasons I hesitate on the 35 and yes Radioworld has a good deal on right now. :D

  9. Very true, but the pressure is SO much less in the winter than the softwater season.

    THen again it helps having hundreds of thousands of fish cruising through as well! lol


    It's sad that the Ice season comes to an end Sunday...what am I going to do until May?!

    Start sharpening those hooks, buddy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D Awesome numbers Jamie, wow!

  10. Im not sure if the 35 has the zoom or not? Im partial the the vex myself. Personally i would get a flasher that offers a zoom. You wont be sorry!
    Not sure if it does. It does have the dual beam though...used the vex when I was out with G2 this year, loved it, but many guys are promoting the humminbirds...and at less than $350 the Ice 35 seems like a good deal.

    Thanks, guys.

  11. The bass fishing down there is insane!

    The Bass in my avatar picture was in Florida right around Orlando too actually. 9lb 6oz


    I HIGHLY recommend spending the cash and getting a guide on the Kississimee chain of lakes.


    I did, and caught the fish of a lifetime, along with around 35 other fish ranging from 2-7 lbs.


    I got mine on Lake Walk 'n Water.


    You have to get a 3 or 7 day Florida license.


    Hope this info helps.

    I was going to ask you about that bass when we were out fishing walleyes. Figured it came from down south somewhere...amazing fish Jamie!!

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