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Posts posted by asdve23rveavwa

  1. I have nothing but nice things to say about him.

    He was a super nice guy, and sure knows his stuff!

    It was a blast and I cant wait to do it again, coming up soon for Bay of Quinte Walleye!

    Good for you Jamie, glad you had a good time. I've seen episodes of the show where Italo does seem to talk down to guests, I honestly don't think he even realises he is doing it at the time. Met him years ago, and he truly was a gentleman then.

  2. This was actually the first fishing board I joined, and, just last year at that. Never really bothered with any internet fishing info...now I don't know how I did without it, at times. I have met some great guys, learned some awesome tips, shared some fishing experiences, got into a few arguments...but, it all boils down to sharing with others in the passion and sport of fishing.

    Good fishing and tight lines to all, no matter what species or type of angling you prefer!!!!

  3. WOW....and, kind of sad. Stonefly, man, relax...enjoy your technique, but, take a trip up to the lower Saugeen below the first island sometime, and, see if the guys bottom bouncing are flossing/force feeding, sometime in the fall/early winter preferably.

    Good night all!!

  4. Have to disagree with alot of what you are saying!!!


    I almost never see anyone bottom bouncing unless they are trying to line the fish.


    Controlling the drag with your hand is way better than relying on the spinning reels drag...I constantly see guys loose fish because they cant lock down the way you can with a pin nor control the drag.


    Its interesting that 95% of the fish caught are by guys with a Centre pin,..not too mention 90% of Steelheaders use one. there are all facts. Most of what you said is heresay,..and I would bet yu use a pin >90% of the time. ;)

    Funny, I didn't want this to turn into a war, but, thanks Mike (solopaddler) for your comments!

    As for the flossing or lining of fish...the stretches I prefer to bottom bounce, I am making long casts, can't see the fish even with polarized glasses...I have seen as many or more guys float fishing with centrepins, force feeding bows on the spawning beds.

    Centrepin is not the be all and end all of steelheading...many of us caught many bows before a centrepin was even used on Ontario rivers.

    Again, yes they are awesome tools, but, don't be closed minded. Perhaps you fish mostly the Lake Ontario tribs where it wouldn't surprise me to see guys flossing...a technique I abhor!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. I know what your saying and I dont disagree, however...A Centrepin will put you into more fish and land you more fish than a spinning setup any day of the week and 3x on fridays,..;) all other factors being equal of course :)

    Centrepins are fantastic for steelheading, however, I know stretches of rivers such as the Saugeen where a bottom bouncing drift presentation will kick a float presentations butt!!

    That said, in many situations...slower water, log jams, etc...the centrepin is KING!!!! :D

  6. Hey, all. Anybody fish the inner bay for pike...didn't realise it had an all year season (not that I really want to keep any, but, the opportunity to fish for them is there).

    Asked the same question on the Long Point forum and got some great tips from Jimmy of Rotten Ronnies, just wondering if any OFNers give it a shot.

    Figured it might be a good spot to try the boat out for the first time this spring...if the pike fishing is off always have perch as an option :D

  7. That isn't the exact point I was agreeing with. I was more agreeing with the fact that their are fishing eliteists who think you have to spend $1000 on a set up to be a true fisherman and look down on those who use cheaper equipment. Same with alot of games, golf per say.

    Exactly, and, I didn't specifically mean cheap equipment for steelheading, I use a Diawa Tierra spinning reel and up until a few years ago a fairly expensive Fenwick rod...as far as catching steelhead, I have fished Lake Huron tribs for over 25 years, before many of the guys reading this were even born.

    All I was saying was any angler that shows respect for nature and the fishery, whether they can afford a $1000 outfit or a $40 one...should be judged equally.

    It all comes down to LOVING THE SPORT OF FISHING...not turning it into some contest of who has the most expensive rod and reel.

    Have fun out there people, THAT is what it is all about!!!!!!!

    Also, apologies to Doc, his original thread has turned into a bunch of rants about other topics, not necessarily a bad thing, but, just wanted to say that I love reading his reports as well. Don't change for one guys opinion!

  8. Okay the problem with a 100+ forum is that eventually all the action slides into there. Then we get the main section dying a slow death.

    We can deal with it this way...

    People can post any pics they want. Don't like it?? Too bad...go away.

    I have never understood this issue and it seems to be trout guys. You do yourself no favours by coming off as elitist idiots.


    Here..I will prove a point..

    I have caught well over 100 ten pound walleye in Port Dalhousie from shore. I don't care who knows cause it will take a big amount of time and effort to figure out the rest. And if you are that dedicated, you deserve it. Heck if you PM me I might even meet you down there are show you how I do it. But there is still a touch to it... I have gone down with Aaron Shirley and other guys and it is alot of work..but well worth it. Supposed to go with Crazyhook but he keeps bailing :P


    We, collectively, own the fish...not just guys with fancy equipment. I see alot of guys complaining on other boards that they have to share the water with guys using a different system..that is amazingly arrogant.


    So lets just ignore and block the idiots and have fun doing what we do.

    There you have it. Thanks for the points Rick!!

    As far as the fancy equipment and whatnot...I have bottom bounced certain sections of the Saugeen river for over 25 years, and, will continue to do so for (hopefully) at least 25 more...I don't care how many guys fish there with extremely expensive centrepin reels. Give me a good spinning reel with a smooth drag and a 9-10 1/2 ft rod and I'm good to go. I also hate to see elitists in the angling fraternity...if a guy wants to go catch some fish with a "Walmart special" rod and reel and some worms, so be it. It isn't expensive equipment that makes the angler.

  9. and this one .. so how does a post count total mean the member is contributing???

    Valid points, but, how many people are going to actually bother doing that? Anyways it was a thought/suggestion that I'm sure the "mods" have already considered.

    In the end it comes down to the point that for better or worse the internet and fishing forums exist...if you don't like them...don't use them. Like anything else dealing with a large group of people, you will have many opinions. You will also have arguments, it just isn't worth taking them personally...two guys on another forum were ready to come to blows over comments made...ironically they met on a cruise ship not long ago...one of them recoginised the other, they talked and came to terms sharing a few "pops" over the duration of the cruise. Things can get really twisted on the internet!

    I for one am happy that I have met some quality people through this and other forums.

  10. Wow, been gone most of the day and missed all the replies to this...lots of good points. I still think the minimum requirement idea of 100 posts for a "special" members forum is a good idea. I think I know which forum Bill is referring to as I am a member there as well...the requirement is quite a bit less than 100, but, it does cut down on lurkers.

    I also agree with Steve R...I don't even bother reporting my steelhead trips, between either having to distort backgrounds, or worry about somebody taking your virtual head off for showing them it just isn't worth the hassle. That said, I still enjoy reading these reports when posted by Mike or Bill or whomever...I take it for what it is...enjoyment of the sport. There aren't too many secrets left out there, and, I am darn sure that any of those special spots are well guarded by the guys (as they should be)!!!!

    Going way back to the beginning of this post, don't let it bother you Doc, not worth it! :D

  11. So people will join up only to lurker the members forum....


    If anything you need to have a certain amount of posts in order to view the members forum...100-200 or something similar.


    That would weed out the lurkers for sure.

    Absolutely...100 would be a good number to start with...anybody that takes the time to make at least that many posts, would (hopefully) be worthy of member status!

  12. I believe it's time OFC started a sub-forum just for reports, and like many other forums, it should be viewable only by the members. Let the lurkers read the posts about repairing outboards, seminars by tv fishing hosts, how to cook an easter turkey, why my toilet doesn't work, where to store your boat, how to build a deer blind, how thieves can steal your money from a bank machine, happy birthday wishes, and pictures of vintage motorcycles. They will either join the forum and eventually become contributing members or find another place to poach fishing spots.

    I totally agree...have a members only forum!!!!!

  13. Nice fish, haven't had time to read all the replies...definitely not the states :D has anyone given you crap for revealing the location via photo yet???? :lol::lol:

    I prefer to fish there in the late fall, early winter, but, some good fishing to be had still at this time of year. Wish I could swing the days off!

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