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Posts posted by asdve23rveavwa

  1. How can you fish with a zero limit?

    What if you kill one?

    Now when you release it you are wasting it and breaking the law.

    You can't keep fishing when you have your limit, if the limit is zero, you can't fish em at all. :wallbash:

    HOLY crap, people I realise that...maybe I should have said if all of fishing had catch and release only zones...I WOULD STILL FISH AS MUCH AS I DO NOW. Lighten up everyone...

  2. I thought fishing was about the sport, not the table fare.

    Agreed, we were out on Simcoe today, kept two smaller lakers, let two larger ones go...I definitely enjoy eating fish, but, were all the limits zero, I would still be out fishing as much as I do today!! :D

  3. [i dont know what is going on around here lately but there seems to be some younger guys that seem to want a lot of attention and say some stupid stuff.Maybe they didn't get quite enough hugs growing up.Very predictable attention hoe's ,the net is full of them.Kind of drags the site down though.

    Maybe they got too many hugs...agreed though...a guy is making an effort to do something extremely difficult and somebody throws in a Bull cheeky comment...we all know that starting was a dumb thing to do, but, we did it.

  4. I just wear a speedo and dunk myself in a giant vat of vaseline before I go out.


    Works great and is fairly inexpensive.

    So that WAS you :lol::lol:


    Seriously the CT wetskins work fine for me, use them in the spring and fall.

  5. Welcome to the board...fished there once a few years ago, caught some nice bass. Have an uncle that lives in Astorville tells me some really nice musky are caught there every year. From what I've heard you really have to work for the walleyes.


    Good luck, might take the new boat up there once this year myself.

  6. This program is the first time Private monies have been given back to the fishery


    The "first time"?????????? What about all the private clubs that have reared and transported fish up to spawning grounds. Don't kid yourself, if it wasn't for them and American strays...we would have virtually no trout/salmon fishery on our side of the border.

    Before I start sounding too angry...nice on the Port D rainbow! :D

  7. It is tough to do, but, so worth it. It has now been 1 1/2 years for me...cold turkey, last cigarette was had in the Canada's Wonderland parking lot. The first 48 hours are brutal. To Rick O and any others thinking about it...just think of all the extra fishing tackle you can buy with that money!!!!

  8. I wouldn't say they always disappoint torco.... So far I've got a 2 man Trekker hut at 1/2 price.. a 2HP jiffy 9" lightning auger at 1/2 price. Last year a 3HP x 10" auger for Terry at 1/2 price...

    Agreed, CT can still be a great place to get good deals...I was hoping for an auger, as part of this sale...unfortunately not this week...the ice sale could still be coming, fingers crossed. How do you feel about your Trekker hut?

  9. Interesting information contained in this thread. :thumbsup_anim:


    Steelhead are rainbow trout period. Rainbow trout are a morph from the original Pacific salmon.

    Thus the Oncorhynchus genera tag. Steelhead are anadromous in the Pacific since they go to saltwater then freshwater to spawn. The stocked great lake steelhead are considered potodramous since they are always in freshwater but retain there steelhead name since they migrate upriver to spawn. Landlocked rainbow trout in inland Ontario lakes are referred to simply as rainbow trout as there is no spawning migration. Whew! :P

    So there is Pacific salmon(Oncorhynchus)(includes rainbows), Atlantic salmon(Salmo)(includes brown trout) and char(Salvelinus)(includes lakers, brookies) in North America.

    According to taxonomists the original trout is the brown(Salmo Trutta). 'Trutta' being latin for trout. Browns have evolved from Atlantic salmon bringing some identification problems here at times.

    Oddly this thread has been edumacational.

    That is the truth I've always known....until now, LOL!!!!! :D

  10. Um, you mean apart of completely eliminating the MNR chinook stocking program? Isn't that really enough?


    what are you talking about.you honestly think the omnr

    Not sure if this was for me???

    I honestly think the OMNR are pretty much useless..."put a fishing rod in their hands"as a well known fishing celebrity is fond of saying.

  11. A heck of alot of strong feelings on this issue...personally still think we could spend those license dollars in better ways. Yes the Atlantic Salmon is a great fish, but, we have enough proven fish already in the great lakes, IMO.

    We will never...NEVER...recreate the water quality/conditions of the long ago past. Let's stick with what works now and try to not screw up the fishery that we have. Is this fisheries progress or regress?

  12. [[]



    Only eight weeks til open water walleye......................


    Stay Tuned.

    Bring on those open water walleyes "superdad'...I still have to contact Bayview about that cottage rental for the early June weekend, David.

    Amazing that open water at Huffs...doesn't take long for her to open up when she wants to!!

  13. As a matter of fact biologists reclassified them a few years back. They're now officially a salmon. :D

    Wow...I missed that one, must have been to busy fishing, lol!!! So the grocery stores were ahead of their time when they were calling them "steelhead salmon" all those years.

  14. There is a difference between introduced and invading species.

    Bingo...steelhead (migratory rainbows) were brought to create a fishery.

    Somewhere back in this whole mess I read that steelhead are salmon...since when?????? Salmonoids yes, they are not part of the pacific salmon family last I heard. Correct me if I'm wrong guys.

  15. Actually the returns have been nothing short of amazing at least in my opinion. Very encouraging.


    From what I've seen the powers that be should be encouraged to continue.


    We don't have to look very far here in ON to find an already established fishery for atlantics. One that thrives and provides fantastic sport.

    The mid summer fishery at the St. Mary's rapids in the Soo is nothing short of spectacular.

    No reason whatsoever we can't enjoy a similar fishery down here.


    Hope you are right, because, they are an amazing fish...fingers crossed...perhaps I am a little "jaded" when it comes to what our governments have done with license dollars in the past.

  16. .


    Shouldn't it be called the ouannaniche restoration program? :D


    Should be called the "total waste of tax money program" IMO. Don't think the program will ever take off properly...steelhead are a proven success in our great lakes, but, the ministry in their infinite wisdom is trying to re-create the past.

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