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Posts posted by asdve23rveavwa

  1. Thought this one was finished, but, still some good points being made. It does get you thinking, and, yeah it really sucks that it provides a sort of "loophole" for those who don't follow the regulations.

    I originally found this question on a great local forum, where many target Lake Erie perch. Great bunch of guys, many or whom are on this forum, as well. However, there are alot of fishermen down that way, that go out many times a week...are they keeping too many fish, not for me to say. One thing that does get me riled up is it seems the ones that fish the most (and usually keep the most) are the first ones to complain when the fishery goes in the toilet.


    Deep down I have always chuckled and thought our compulsion to buy more stuff is just like the:


    (50yr old "Bald" guy who is driving a corvette to make up for his tiny member)


    So that's why some of us steelheaders use rods over 12 ft :whistling::lol:

  3. Hell is a place with no fishing!!!

    Or the old story of the guy that dies, finds himself fishing on a river...lands a beauty 5 lb brown trout. Thinks he is in heaven, takes another cast, lands another fish exactly the same. Next cast, same thing, and over and over. Finally realises he is actually in hell. No variety, no chance of failure, no excitement....NO THRILL.

  4. "Absolutely! a "Single Set up" can effectively IMPROVE your fishing skills"


    Did my Wife put you up to this???? LOL


    What kind of fun would that be?


    :rofl2: Yeah, I've heard that one a few times..."how many rods and reels do you need???" AND SHE FISHES!

  5. Some good suggestions, for the "one"...Bill's for sure. My main reason for using different set-ups is to get the most enjoyment out of our sport. Basically the outfit that will give me the most feel---bite and fight, for the type of fish I am targetting.

    I want to be able to have a good fight, but, be able to land the fish in a decent amount of time, should I wish to release it.

    I, like many here, can't always afford the perfect outfit for each type of species, lure, line etc...but I try to come as close as financially possible.

    I COULD use a 7 foot light action rod for steelheading, in fact I did a few times "many moons ago", but, I much prefer a rod of at least 9 feet.

    What about you bass guys out there who like to fish heavy cover...are you going to use 6 lb test with a medium action rod? Good luck getting them out of there.

    Yeah, we take it to the extreme at times, but, for me and many others out there, getting that new outfit (for whatever species) is almost like a kid at Christmas. :D

  6. Hey Frankie65, Johnston Plastics is nearby me.


    If you are interested, I can get an estimate for you. I am down in the Kitchener area almost every weekend so I could easily bring it along if you decide you wanted it.


    I have been planning on doing my sled as well so I might just get a sheet and rip it to the size that was needed.






    Awesome, if you can get an approximate price, I'd appreciate it. My hut is a Clam 2000, so I don't need much.

    PM me with the details, if you get a chance. :thumbsup_anim:

  7. Opened my Envoy this morning and found that my auger was stolen. At first I thought I might have left it behind but the glove box and center console was all open and a few things left on the seat so someone obviously went through the truck. I live in Orleans which is just east of Ottawa. Stolen sometime between 5 pm Sunday and noon today when I noticed it gone


    So, knowing this is a pretty attentive group I ask that you keep your eyes open please.


    It is an older Model 30 - 3 hp Jiffy - 10" but easily recognizable because it has homemade handles on it which were made out of regular cast iron pipe.

    Serial # 3095564


    I bought it years ago from a pawn shop with no handles.


    They ignored my sleigh, rods etc.


    Thanks guys. Friggin low life slugs!

    If anyone sees or hears anything, please let me know 613-824-0059



    Good luck!! If you find it/them, perhaps an extra 10" hole for the "perp"!

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