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Posts posted by asdve23rveavwa

  1. Going to be even bigger and better this year!! Let's shatter the number of $$$'s raised for cancer research that we put up last year.

    For those that haven't made it to either one of the first two, it's a fun event...on a great little spot. The cause is terrific and the support from various sponsors, last year, was amazing! :worthy:

  2. With all the oil fields in Canada and it's need to build it's population you would think a max of $2 per gallon and many would flock to Canada to live and work.


    See, Bob...it goes like this...here in Canada we constantly vote in governments that screw over the people. Doesn't matter what party, Liberal, PC, NDP, they all do it. We could be self sufficient in our gas, but, we sell it THEN buy it back (last time I checked anyways).

    I love being a Canadian, but, I have no respect for our governments, and, the way we get "hosed" over and over. :(

  3. Totally different sport, but, Juli's 1/2 sister played basketball for a boys team here in Woodstock these last few months. Made the team fair and square...she's that good...but, did she ever have to grow a thick skin. She's heard many things from opposing players, anywhere from "that's why girls shouldn't play on a boy's team" when she missed a free throw, to comments that I can't repeat on here.

    As far as wrestling, I say keep the two sexes separate. Team sports, such as volleyball, basketball, soccer, to name a few...if the girls can compete, let them play.

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