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Posts posted by asdve23rveavwa

  1. Great year, Steve!!!!! I see the pic of Juli's first Laker is in there. We were just talking about getting on the ice with the "new" hut last night. Can't wait to try some of the techniques you showed us that afternoon.

    I really am going to have to try those big beautiful bass of Simcoe a shot one of these days!!


  2. Y'now, I've never met the man. I'm sure that he's worked hard to get to be where he's at. It burns me to know that his son is on our board and reads (sometimes accidentally) negative comments about his Dad. Just sayin'....


    I met him years ago, at a seminar in Kitchener, Roy. Always outspoken, controversial, and yes did work hard to get to where he is at. Somebody needs to keep our MNR on their toes, and, he has done so for many years. Also was one of the pioneers of the CFIP (community fisheries involvement program) and led the charge to try to ban gill nets in the province.

    As for Josh, it is great seeing him follow in his dad's footsteps (although, a totally different style, lol).

    I mentioned on another forum, never underestimate what Darryl has done for our fishery here in Ontario.

  3. We bought ours in Michigan after ALOT of searching and investigating. We got ours from Maple Bay Marine. Not sure what they have in stock right now, but I'll see if I can find their website and post the link here. They were great and brought the boat to us on the Canadian side of the border, even got us a temp licence to drive home with.




    Now THAT is good service!!!

  4. Well done guys!!!!!! I was darn close to calling Lloyd for that open spot. Congrats Terry on the new PB!!! :clapping:


    Enjoy the time in Mexico, Lloyd!!! A well deserved break...hope you and the girlfriend have a great time. Looking forward to an ice fishing excursion together soon! :thumbsup_anim:

  5. It really is Frankie... room is BOOKED.. boat is FULLY EQUIPPED. . you need nothing but your fishing licence and wallet to pay your share of the room, a bit of boat gas and your food.. as this isn't a charter. It was a bunch of friends going fishing for the last weekend before the boat gets towed home. I usually do that.. but Terry's little Dodge is gonna try it this round...


    Yeah, I know, Wayne. I stayed at that motel, Thanksgiving weekends when we went out with Lloyd. Have been on his boat three times this year, so I pretty much know the routine "off by heart".

    Sorry, that you have to miss it, and hope all goes well with your daughter!!

    I'm a bit frustrated that I can't swing it, but, surely not nearly as much as you are!!!

  6. Nice fish Frankie...

    I should go out for some fresh chrome on hardware out at the piers!


    I need a long net... that's why I don't go LOL


    Thanks, I picked up that Beckman net last year. Finally retired my old one after many years. The Beckman is pricey, but, has a lifetime warranty.


    Still haven't figured out how to do multiquotes, but, Anders----glad to hear you got out as well. I love fishing the rivers, but, sometimes it's just nice to go out and chuck lures without having to put on the waders, vest, etc....

  7. Sounds like a perfect morning Frank. :thumbsup_anim:


    Y'know though..hardware is equally effective in the river. It's not a tactic solely for using on piers and esturaies.


    Thanks, Mike! Good point, on the river, I do at times toss spinners. However, I almost never throw spoons or kwikfish (not to mention those beauties you picked up yesterday!!) anymore. Some of the rivers I fish are definitely wide and deep enough to use those presentations.

    Ahhhh...more weight in the vest :D

  8. Nice steelies there ! Do you find that the red hooks make a difference ? Or is it just a confidence thing ?


    The main reason I use them is for the sharpness. Most days (not today, lol) I will land 80-90% of the fish I hook with the lazer sharps. I've also tried the Excaliburs (not red) and find they work well too. I'm not overly fond of the factory hooks on Little Cleos, so, I will always change them. As far as the colour, it definitely doesn't hurt.

  9. I am, and, always have been a Leafs fan...but seriously...MAKE THE PAIN GO AWAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm starting to think we just need to blow up the whole franchise and start new.

    I've said in the past few years, the last time they won the cup...I was in diapers, AND, the next time they win...I'll probably be in diapers again!!!!! Although that might be optimistic :wallbash::wallbash:

  10. Went to bed last night still unsure of whether to hit the river and drift for bows, OR, hit the pier and toss some hardware. Decisions, decisions......

    Woke up, and, said hardware...can't get enough of those wicked hits!!

    Got to my favorite spot about 25 minutes before daybreak, started tossing glow in the darks with that cool east wind blasting me, put on the gloves (I hate fishing with gloves on, but, the ones Juli got me for Christmas a couple of years ago, are okay to fish with). No luck with the glow spoons, but, as soon as daylight hit...

    To make a long (well semi-long) story short, I think I made the right decision. Had my first hit at about 7:10 AM, and, in the next two and a half hours hooked six nice bows. Went three for six (not my best percentage, usually do better with my red lazer sharp hooks)...all three of the fish I landed were males. I kept the 28 1/2"er for the smoker, and released the two chrome beauties. Only got pics of the one I kept and the last one, didn't want to keep the fish out of water for too long, on the pier.








    Not the greatest pics I've taken, but, better than nothing.


    Think it was Mike's (Solopaddler) post on the new hardware he got yesterday, that, helped to make up my mind...the more I thought of that strike, the less I could resist!!

    Back to work, tomorrow, bummer :D

  11. But right now as mentioned for steelhead. Not necessarily in frogwater either.


    They dive 6-7' and generally you're bumping the lip off rocks and occasionally stopping and letting them float up.


    Many of the hits are coming as the lure is floating up.


    They're a very tiny subtle bait with a very pronounced wobble. They cast incredibly well and are an excellent excellent bait for triggering strikes from inactive steelhead.



    Now you're talking my language Mike...much as I love getting chrome on the drift, feeling that strike on hardware is hard to beat. Nice looking lures!!

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