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Posts posted by asdve23rveavwa

  1. There were lots of atvs out today but they all looked to be 4wd. There is some pretty thick stuff out there I saw a few quads bog down a bit but nothing they couldn't power out of. A guy in an older grand cherokee got stuck for about 2 hours but there were about 4 SUVs out there as well. It is soft in places dues to slush on snow but the ice thickness is very good (not great quality ice but lots of thickness).

    Hope that helps a bit.


    For those walking it is not too bad. Stay on the sled tracks and it is fine.


    What's the weather like up there now?? We are getting dumped on down here in Woodstock...just shovelled more snow than I did on the "Storm Day" (that turned out to be a joke).

  2. So its the inlaws 50th this year. They live in the Soo and the warden has advised I should expect to be there for 4 - 5 days, but am allowed out for a one day excursion while she does the local visits and organisation. Any suugestions from some of our members up that way? I noticed this one showed up in a sponsor link - anybody tried this or know what it is like? Kawagama Lake I fished Superior Provincial Park before and had mixed luck with the brookies. Any suggestions welcome. Trout, Walleye, Northerns? Guess I should mention - Mid July is the timing..


    You lucky dog!!!!! I agree with Jacques, contact either Tyler or Doc Sal.

  3. Looks like a great trip Frank. Its beauty up that part of the province. Nice to get away. I understand thats what the pike said to you too?

    Fishin' Queen still rules in your house, eh?


    LOL, now she's "stealing" my fish :lol:!!!!!!!! It truly was a great trip, so relaxing, I almost fell asleep in the ice hut at one point. The emphasis definitely wasn't on catching alot. Had it been, I would have booked a higher percentage destination. This was just about the two of us getting away and doing what we love. That said, I'm definitely ready to tangle with some fish tomorrow on Simcoe with Juli's dad. One thing I know, we will definitely get some exercise trudging through the slush and snow :)

  4. Headed up to the Port Loring area for a two night winter getaway/ice fishing trip last Sunday. The "mission" was to head up north, fish, and (most importantly), RELAX.

    Hit the road so that the five hour drive, with a stop for some food, would have us arriving shortly after noon. Juli, of course, had to stop for a few photos of the ice hanging down the rocks...






    The trip up to the near north in the winter is beautiful, hardly any traffic...just the open road with some tunes playing. Made it up to our home away from home...




    We fished the first afternoon for about three hours, marked a few, but no takers. The cold front was really make things tough...always seem to be running into cold front conditions on my weekend trips :)

    Got back to the cabin in time to watch the third period of the all star game, "chill" and hit the sack in time for the Monday morning alarm. Morning came quickly, had some coffee and a quick danish breakfast, then stepped out into the -30 celsius chill! A quick ride out to the hut and back at it.




    We had a good time out on the ice, fish were really lethargic, but got a few to chase and hit. The best action actually happened in the mid afternoon, when I missed a couple, hooked one, lost it on the way up...only to watch it turn on the Lowrance and head towards Juli's spoon! Told her to start moving it, and, sure enough the crazy, or maybe just stupid, fish hit hers as well. She ended up landing her first pike through the ice...




    We snapped a few shots, and, back down the hole it went...with the usual splash in the face for me.


    Couple of shots of the fishfinder, and, me plugging away...






    Before we knew it the day was over again. It's amazing how fishing is like being in a time warp. Back to the cabin for another night of relaxation, Chris, our host, had loaded up the woodstove for us at midday so things were nice and cozy when we got back.


    We headed out for a few hours, the next morning, fish were slightly active for a really short time, but, none would commit.

    Shot of Juli in our toasty hut...




    We hit the road around noon, knowing that the forecasted storm was approaching. A stop for lunch and a shot or two of some inukshuks...




    Had a good trip home, even made it through the the 401 section west of the 400 without hitting a traffic jam at 4:30.


    The fishing was tough, but, the time away was priceless. It truly is beautiful up that way in the winter, peaceful, serene, surreal in the early morning.

    Our hosts Chris and Christine Brooks were great. Friendly, courteous, helpful. Even swapped a few fish/hunting stories in our extremely large huts with Chris. Can't wait to get back up that way again.


    Thanks, for reading.

  5. Most outfitters out there have a quad or sled or truck with a sleigh and I'm sure if you offer them a couple bucks they'll take you out to at least their huts! I know theres a bunch in gilford and a bunch at killarney beach. best bet is to give them a call and see.



    Good point, maybe I'll make a few calls tomorrow. I wondered about the insurance/liability for someone running an ice taxi service, but if they are doing it for their huts anyways, they probably would be covered.

  6. Looking to take the better half's dad up to Simcoe on Sunday. He used to fish it years ago, through the ice, but, hasn't been up there for a long time.

    The two of us are going on foot with the hut and gear, but, I was wondering if anyone offers a taxi service out on the ice?




  7. That's crazy. Never in my life have I gone looking for a fight, that's just not me. But Jocko's story reminded me of something kind of similar.


    I brought my girlfriend (now my wife Joanne) camping/fishing on the Bad river (delta of the French).

    It's one of my favourite spots and entails a 26km run to get there including shooting some pretty hairy rapids in the boat. It's remote.


    We set up camp on one of my favourite spots and went out fishing.


    Right at dusk we headed back to camp in good spirits. My heart sank as I approached our campsite and saw 3 boats moored in my spot and 2 large tents pitched RIGHT next to mine. laugh.gif


    Joanne knew what was coming. She's whispering to me "stay calm, don't do anything stupid!"


    I paid her no attention and was riveted on the 6 guys milling around our campsite.

    4 of them had beers in their hands, 2 were drinking whiskey straight from a bottle.


    They all approached as I moored the boat, one who was the "leader" greets us in broken english (they were local francophones from the area).


    "Hey buddy, how's it going?! Heeeey glad to see someone brought a girl!"


    Every one of them was hammered.


    I didn't respond.


    I hopped out of the boat and was immediately surround by 5 of the 6 guys, one of them hung back.


    I say to the leader "You guys have 5 minutes to pack up your crap and leave"


    He laughs at me, says "What the hell is your problem?"


    That's when I broke his nose.


    The other 4 swarmed me and Joanne started screaming. I'm far from a fighter but I was MAD and every one of these guys could barely stand up.

    I took them all down except the one older guy who was hanging back. biggrin.gif


    I threw their crap into their boats and forced them to leave brandishing a paddle.


    The older guy was pretty embarassed and apologized profusely to me.


    After they left Joanne was severely pissed at me though, and she let me know it. laugh.gif


    Anyhow it's amazing to me how ignorant some people can be.


    WOO-HOO!!!! :clapping::thumbsup_anim:


    That put a big Friday morning smile on my face.

  8. $19.00 to $30.00 CTC ice rod combos is all I ever use. I do change the line on most of them but that is about it. I don't know if I could fill a truck but I'd fill a good sized trailer!


    Nice! I only paid $32 for my St. Croix combos, so not a monetary disaster if they end up disappointing.

  9. I bought one of the premiers when they were on sale at BPS last spring. Broke the tip on my second trip this yr.

    I find the best ice rods are the cheap crappy tire/walmart specials.


    Yikes!!!! I've heard lots of good things as well...time will tell, might go to a Thorne Bros, or Jason Mitchell if I'm not too happy with these.

  10. Any unit would work too - I am sure Jocelyn could find a ducer that would fit humminbirds too and he has ones that fir eagle and lowrance units for sure - cost about 150 for whole setup.

    Plus I used the gps to pinpoint the better spots, which may save me some drilling next time with the auger.





    Good to hear, sounds like a great unit from all reports. I wouldn't mention humminbird in Jos's shop...just saying :D:whistling:

  11. You really can't argue "Gretz's" numbers. Personally my favorite players would be Bobby Orr (he changed the game for D-men), Darryl Sittler (skills, class and heart!!!!!!!!!!!!), Lanny McDonald (trading him was quite possibly the biggest of all Leafs screw ups, and there have been many!), and, Mike Bossy-he didn't score as many goals as Gretz or a few others, but, there weren't too many, if any, more "natural" goal scorers.


    Ooops, left out Cam Neely...power forward "extraordinaire"

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