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Everything posted by irishfield

  1. Thanks Sean... just asking as I have two neighbours at the lake (well one now) that keep the ice road clean from the town ramp part way up the lake... and they would never think to charge for it's use... as matter of fact I had to hide money in one of their pockets last year to help with their gas budget!
  2. Absolute down pour up here.. snow is taking a beating and turning to fog ! As for cleats... bought some rubber strap ones in "as seen on TV" store the other day.
  3. DANG Joey.... I hope Leah doesn't read both pages of this thread......
  4. Would be perfect Albert... was my first time ice fishing a few years back, during the fishing for Tyler event. I always thought it was nuts... but I'm hooked and fully outfitted now !
  5. For sure... you want it to be nice, so everyone wants to make it a tradition/regular event !
  6. Next time Matt... Let Barry get wet ! Albert... did ya get a trip together??????
  7. Great stuff Sean !!!! What does the local "toll taker" charge?? Is it a "public" access point?
  8. Not much choice when my strip is on Tay/Midland Point ! LOL ..and no I don't live here .... (although many think I should !)
  9. Yep 9C tomorrow... I'm gonna use the day to get my floats off and my wheel/ski gear on, so I can start spotting some out of the way places to ice fish.
  10. Sorry to hear that Ciceri... but a good thing that didn't happen while "puddle" jumping....
  11. Of his wife TJ?? Pretty forward of you isn't it....
  12. Many seem to say the flasher is "real" time and the graph lags.... but anyone that has watched Ron fish Whities on his graph.... knows that's a fable !!
  13. I got to do what you're supposed to do on Boxing Day.... slept in 'till 11am ! lol
  14. Or skip the expensive adapter hose and just buy the one that screws into a normal tank.
  15. Paul... pretty sure she got the grills in Walmart and then built the cedar "box" to suit their width. I'll ask her tomorrow when she's home. She's gone for the rest of the night. It doesn't really show well sitting on that carpet... but in the bottom.. that's a piece of "cement" board, that you would use behind shower tiles. There to take the heat from a burner or similar. She's not really happy with the end product.. but she never is, even with every screw hole counterbored and plugged etc. I can never get my head wrapped around that kind of detail... lol
  16. Yep... 10 C for Saturday Terry. I'm gonna use that warmth to get my floats off and my skis on ! Good to hear you got out Tapout... and tomorrow looks good to, but Saturday.....
  17. Nope.. dead center between Midland and Penetang Harbour Mouths. His window looks straight across at Present. Green ship channel marker is straight out from his dock. Looked like a good 8 inches deep of slush. Not sure if it got the total melt down before the temps returned below 0C
  18. Hell.. sounds like my childhood.. shy of the internet access ! lol
  19. SHE.. has all the tools herself Matonnes! Some of mine creep to her end of my shop from time to time.... but generally she's asked for power tools for the last 4 or 5 years for Christmas/birthdays. Has her own table saw, router table, mitre saw.. etc. She's a strange one it seems.... in third year Architectural Engineering and been building stuff from wood since grade 7 or 8. Built her Mother a roll top desk for Christmas about 4 years ago.
  20. Merry Christmas Chris !!! Hope you have a great day with the extended family !
  21. Coast Guard is supposed to break a channel today. Sounds like both the grain ship and the stone ship are coming in.
  22. Thanks Doug, all she had was a page from a mag showing a picture, no plans..... and yah.. he needs her anyhow, someone has to fillet his fish ! lol
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