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Everything posted by ffej

  1. Correction to the above post. I am not sure if there is any connection between the two butchers. The link below is the correct link for the location I am refereing to. There is no product listing, but there is a phone # if you want to call them. Again, I have purchased venison peppperttes from them in the past. http://www.thornhilltowncentre.com/thebutchers/index.html
  2. There is a butcher shop right around the coner from me, in thornhill. I have purchased venison pepperettes there before, and they were quite tasty. They are located at on Disera Drive at the Bathurst / Centre St area. I could not find a website for them, but I am pretty sure this is a website for their other location. http://www.butchershoppe.com/products.asp?...=141&pid=42
  3. Not going to get it. Also has nothing to do with needles, as I give blood regularly and get allergy shots each year. I am just more scarred of the vacination that than the flu itself. When my father was sick in the hosptial with West Nile Virus, before they knew what he had for sure, they thought he had an auto-immune disorder called Gillean-Bare Syndrome (not sure of exact spelling). Doing some research on it, I found the effects on the nervous system were devasting, and one of the possible (although very, very rare) causes was an adverse reaction to the flu shot. I am by no means a medical expert so I have no idea how accurate what I read was. What I do know is this. I do not spend a lot of time around children or in schools or medical facilities, so my risk of exposure is on the low side and am reasonably healthy most flu seasons. Finally, I recall a few years ago there were a bunch of paremedics (I think in the GTA) that refused to get the flu shot due to unknown, long term, side effect studies. All of the above combined is more than enough for me to take my chances. Jeff
  4. I have not gone through all replies yet, so I am not sure if someone else has posted this info. I do not download all that much from Torrents, and when I do, its mainly TV shows I have missed. The main site I use, the first thing you see when you enter the site is ..."UNLESS YOU LIVE IN CANADA, DOWNLOADING TORRENTS MAY BE ILLEGAL...." I have always thought that there is nothing under Canadian law that makes downloading a movie illegal. Maybe I am just naive.
  5. Heard a funny story on the radio yesterday about this. As you may or may not know, there are many, many websites out there that have theories on what each line of this song means. (Just to a google search of "intrepretation of the lyrics to American Pie" if you have any interest). But according to the story, when Don Maclean was asked at some point (I dont know when) to explain what the song means, his reply was "IT MEANS I NEVER HAVE TO WORK AGAIN".
  6. The main thing I like about the bills is this. Without actually looking at the official rankings for top defence, offence etc, it seems the Bills are playing very well on all fronts. I dont think they are top 3 in any one category, but their offence, defence and special teams are all very good, making them seem, at this point, as a very strong team. Yes, they should not have struggled against poor teams like Oakland and St Louis, but they are playing like a very mature team. When it counts, the defence got the big stops, and Edwards has shown he can bring the team back from a late game defecit.
  7. To steal a line quoted in the paper yesterday. One trader, when asking another trader what he though about a certain stock / fund, replied to the effect of "not sure, but I am long on ZANTEC". Seriously though, I heard a report that said a poll of Canadians recently asked "Give the current economic crisis etc, what are the top 3 things you ARE NOT willing to cut back on. Most said they were willing to cut back on meals out, try and use less gasoline, no vacations etc etc. The top 3 we are not willing to give up no matter what. 1. Internet 2. Cable TV 3. Cell phone So even though most of my money is in energy stocks, this poll certainly shows Rogers, Telus, etc as interesting plays.
  8. Thanks for the tips. Is the small lake you can fish from in same area that you drive down to for swimming (ie near the beaver pond trail) ? Or is this spot you are talking of somewhere else on the grounds? Thanks again for any more info
  9. Hi All I may be going up to Awenda PP later this week for a few days. I have not been there in several years now, and cannot recall if there is anywhere to fish within the park grounds or not to far from it. I do not have a boat so I am just really looking for a place to throw a line in from shore. Thanks
  10. Star Trasmission on Ossington. My 95 Sunfire had the transmission die a few years back. Was quoted approx $3000 by Roy Foss Pontiac. my local (and trusted) mechanic does not do transmissions, but the place they farm out to wanted approx $1900. Then a friend of the family told me about this place. $1250 got me a used transmission but with a full 3 year warranty.
  11. I made the trip a few years back. You may want to start out by taking the Manitoulin ferry across to hook up with the transcanada. that should be fun for the kids. Spend some time in Lake Superior Provincial park as well.
  12. I am a die hard bills fan, and I am against the bills playing in toronto. For several reasons. Examples are 1. A proper NFL game experience (in my opinion) involves a tail gate party. In an open field, where you can have a beer or two, throw the ball around, etc etc. This is obviously not possible by the skydome. 2. A ticket to the bills is, for a top seat if I recall is only about $70. Moving the game here with AVERAGE price being $180 is absurd. I just have a big problem with the attitue of "lets be as absurd as possible with the pricing and see what kind of demand we still get", even thought it makes sense from a business perspective. I have no intention of attempting to go to one of these games. I would rather make the trip down to buffalo 2-3 times / year for the same cost.
  13. This ones in my top 5 of all time list.
  14. Someone I work with just told me today that she handed in her passport info about two weeks ago. Normally its a 10 day period to process but she said today she heard on radio that anyone who was submitted the passport application in the last two - three weeks should add 10-15 days to the original estimate they were given.
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