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Everything posted by vinnimon

  1. I caught a scabby rotten female at st kits a few years back,full of roe but some greenish ooze coming out of it.
  2. My rule of thumb is if i KEEP THE EGGS THE FISH IS KEPT, AND ,AND CONSUMED.NOT THROWN OUT.9 out of 10 times the fish goes home to their youngins.
  3. Im not a newbie at all,I was implying about guys that dont see the signs that the fish is not going to make it.2 summers ago fishing a live release tourney at conestogo lake, I got second place in a pike tourney pending live release.1/2hr in the rain to let it go with confidence.It will breed again.
  4. Nice one cheif.My first muskie was at pigeon lake 1/2 short for a keeper though.What a rush I tellya.24 yrs ago.
  5. Thanks again for all the inputs.vinnimon.To the niagara I will go need some roe and someting on the barbie(BBQ) Well maybe ill bring barbie
  6. So if your a newbie and you catch a fish not knowing,you keep the eggs and let the fish go,it swims away,but later is found a float by another angler.Then what?It would be wasted in my mind.and discarded?Where can you draw the line.I take my girls out and when in doubt do the humane thing regardless.report it.
  7. no brook trout roe and not a farm,but is licenced to sell bait.a shop.It really threw me off though.
  8. From what I understand you cant strip a fish of its roe and let it go.What I used to do is take a handfull,that is if the fish is not stressed,and she is letting the eggs go on her own terms.Too often I see shopping bags full of eggs and no fish in hand to show for.But in the same manner I can walk the shore and take my pick for lunch.
  9. Thanks guys,I think aweight limit on roe should be applied,counted as a fish caught and kept.And as for brook trout roe,is it legal to sell? Some were offered a few weeks back,I hesitated on it.Since there are not many in my neck of the woods.
  10. That I know,you cant strip the fish and let it go.What I was wondering,if there is an actuall amount of roe a person can keep for personal use in there possesion at one time.just something that came across my mind.
  11. Im not sure but there must a stipulation somewhere.Is there a limit on how much roe a person can posses without a vendors permit.We can catch our limit per day and keep the roe for personal use,but is there a limit?and to add on are brook roe trout legal to sell by a vendor in ont?from stocked fish or not?This is just a general question,and not directed towards anyone at all.Looking to fill the fridge if the bows are willing.cheers.
  12. and the dewies can roam all they want.
  13. just threw out 20 doz worth of loose roe last night.my better half at one time decided to clean out the freezer,and moved things around.guess what,you got it bye bye roe,all freezer burnt.any one selling a bar fridge/freezer with an anti better half security system on it,Ill out bid the highest price.
  14. Ice fishing derby at binbrook in feb,I just hope the ice can make an apperence.I think its goin to iffy for the jiffy.
  15. my bloods boiling.Im sweating.I think its ice fishing fever .Going toget some ice cubes to throw into the lake,the sooner the better.
  16. My first muskie was on pigeon lake,1/2inch short to keep,as much as I wanted to I let it go.If hes still around he would pull the boat under.What a fighter.That was 23 yrs ago,I think ive caught his grand fishies.
  17. There are many rebuilders in my area for the same price,an extra one would be ideal for me.thanks again
  18. prices were great,and thank you,I was hoping for a used spare in the area that I can pick up for next weekends outing.and i would love a spare so I can keep going on the water.Thanks again for the input.happy fishing.V
  19. Thanks,but I was looking for agood spare in the area while mine is being rebuilt.I meant to buy a spare just in case,in the localarea.thanks V
  20. If any one has a starter for a 140 mercruiser around mid to late 1970,let me know.thanks and good fishing,cheersV
  21. of course we did.and lost a couple.
  22. my stikemaster 2 stroke works great lots of torque.miixing is a pain butI wouldnt trade it in.had it 4 years now and no issues yet.
  23. years ago there was a bait shop in hamilton by the tracks,the owner couldnt see a thing but when he tied roe not one egg was missed,and all were tied well.no contraptions needed.
  24. I prefer to tie by hand,my average is 65 to 72 an hour, including prep time.after three hours.what i find at bait shops is they tie them too loose and cure quick.They make the kids tie them,seen that too often.
  25. seriously now ive seen one years ago and didnt know what it was for.are they still available.
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