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  1. Agree with Garnet, stay on the break of the channel and keep your bait slow and near bottom. Not sure how far you are from the mouth, but I have done extremely well there drifting Lindy rigs with a floating jig head and minnow/worm. Good numbers of walters will be staging off the mouth around this time of year.
  2. Its a Pike...definitely a large mouth Pike.
  3. That fish hasn't run the river, but the next good rain will probably push it up. The only way they come back down river is floating upside down. It all depends when the fish will push up river. In early August, if you get a good cold rain, you can see good numbers of silver fish push up river with very few anglers around. In most cases, the fish will start turning colour as early as mid to late July out in the lake. Its not uncommon to catch a darkening fish in July downrigging in 100 to 150 ft of water. Most fish are aready a nice bronze color once they make it to the piers - although, as I mentioned in a prior post, there's always exceptions to the rule with fish that mature later. Nice fish for sure.
  4. I think Bill M was talking generally. It's fairly rare to see such a silver fish such as the one in the picture, even at the pier. Maybe one in 10 fish have a silvery appearance and probably 99.9 percent of these silver fish will be females. These fish, for whatever reason, don't seem to get as dark. I've caught fairly silver fish in the river (when I used to fish the rivers), that were very ripe and spitting eggs. In the northern tribs (Bighead, Owen Sound etc.), they used to have the odd spring run chinook come through in April/May. These were pure chrome fish and would be fully ripe. If anybody has info on this strain, I would be very interested in hearing about it. I have only seen three caught in 25 years of fishing the rivers. Another interesting note - the eggs of these fish were very fragile, would break extremely easy, and couldn't be water cured like a typical chinny egg.
  5. Great report and some nice fish. I'm heading up to the upper french for 4 days on Wednesday looking for the elusive walleye and Musky. If nothing else, it will be relaxing!
  6. Too busy and too many drunk drivers.....
  7. Surprisingly silver for this time of year. Nice going.
  8. Justin Bieber . Daughter is with me.
  9. Does anybody remember the small tablets called Worm-Up. You put them in the bottom of a bucket, put the hose in the bucket, and let the water overflow. You would have worms come up everywhere...big and small. it was an amazing product...just cant find it anymore.
  10. That fish is a little channel cat...isnt it? It has a forked tail.
  11. This is very interesting. By no means am I an expert, however, I do know there is a breed of Blue Walleye which excrete a blue mucous, but never have I seen anything to this degree. Typically fish will excrete excessive mucous if water quality is poor, overcrowding, or if the fish is stressed. I'm not sure when this fish was caught, but typically you will see more mucous on walleye during the latter summer months. The University of Wisconsin completed a study on blue walleye. See link below - I'm sure you will see similarities in pigment color. http://wayneschaefer.blogspot.com/
  12. Well Done! I noticed the tail on that fish is very worn down...seems there is some spawing going on already.
  13. She has my vote!
  14. Good job! Nice to see your time in finally paid off!
  15. Wow...this takes me way back...back to the days of bouncy little Erica Em on Much Music.....Anybody know what she's doing these days?
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