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About Aaron`

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    Thornhill, Ontario
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Minnow (2/10)



  1. Haha wow, please tell me that is fake.
  2. Caught a nice flashlight ice fishing, great part is, it still works.
  3. http://www.strikezonetournamentbaits.com/tips&techniques.html Hope this helps.
  4. I can tell you my uncle Mark puts alot of work into his baits, and they do work, nice fish dude.
  5. Smelts can't be used as live bait according to regs, but what about dead bait? Anyone?
  6. Wait, isn't it against the law to use smelts in ontario? Or am I getting mixed up???
  7. Nice looking cats dude, good job
  8. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6f5ByjQgU4o&feature=PlayList&p=D3E5D6137FDC8F95&playnext_from=PL&playnext=1&index=19 These guys might of had a few too many beers
  9. Luongo gets the start vs Germany http://www.ctvolympics.ca/hockey/news/news...html?cid=rsstsn
  10. USA played a good game, we definitely did more then the USA on the offensive, Brodeur was a bit disappointing to say the least.
  11. Hello everyone, I'm going down to Ecuador in a couple days, I've never really fished salt water before so I'm looking for help. What sorts of tackle would I need to bring down with me? Do I need some sort of license to fish in Ecuador? I appreciate all the help Thanks! Aaron
  12. That was really close! Oh well still a silver
  13. Sad news, sorry for your loss.
  14. Went out with Tim hale's huts a couple days ago, he put us on a new spot on the Ice and instantly started catching monster perch, Had about 50 fish between me and my dad or so, we fished about half a day and most the bites were early in the morning.
  15. Nice healthy looking fish, looked like a pretty good day out.
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