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Everything posted by PERCHER

  1. I am glad to hear your little baby girl is doing fine.I know at times things can be tough,Myself I treat my dogs as they were my kids.Were I go they go and if they cant go I stay home.
  2. Welcome to the board.
  3. Lund.Double rivited ,IPS hull,NOT WELDED.
  4. Nice rig Pete .But its missing one thing.The big blue oval.
  5. I second Christmas Vacation.
  6. Maybe if I had that at Quinte only the bottom of my boat would have got dented and I would never ever have seen it.And then it wouldn't bother me so much.
  7. Well guys it looks like it may end up being Jan 13 2008.Were the heck is the cold weather?
  8. I watched my brother catch a human head with a Rapala.But it was his own.
  9. Nice fish guys.And think I just put my boat away on Saturday.DANG!!!!!!
  10. Thanks for the offer Wayne.I might just take you up on that in the spring.And maybe when we are done we can hit the lake and do some fishing?
  11. Yes Wayne you can get to it from inside.And I believe you are right about the dock.
  12. Any body have any ideas on how to remove these dents or know anyone who can remove them.When I got home from the Quinte get together I noticed this huge crease in the side of the boat.I don't know how it got there but its there.I try to keep the boat in as new condition as possible and now this .Can anybody help?
  13. Also a Tiller fan.More floor space.I need all the floor space I can get for all those monster fish we catch
  14. Its a sad thing to see any animal suffer.
  15. Every time I was in a hut with a kerosene heater I ended up tired with a headache .I really dont care for the odor of a kerosene heater.I would spend the extra and buy a Mr Buddy.Just my 2 cents.
  16. I have tried many heaters in my portable hut.And the best one by far is the mr buddy.No need for a fan and the extra expense of batteries.The mr buddy heater is one of the safest units on the market.It is rated to heat up to 800 sq feet.
  17. There you go .wasnt that hard was it?Biteme will love you for that.
  18. Glen its not are a far walk at all 10 maybe 15 minutes at the most.I always walk out.
  19. It is now set Jan 13th 2007..If there is ice.As time draws closer we will decide were and when.I am thinking the end of Gilford rd.Pick up our bait from Peter at Ice Cabins and go.Peter has a party hut he leaves open for people to warm up in for those who maybe open air fishing.I will make arrangements with him.Any other suggestions let us know.Dan
  20. Mike use the info i gave you.It should work.
  21. Just the day on Saturday.
  22. Any more votes for Jan 13th? Any more votes for the 13th of Jan?
  23. How about jan 13th or 20th depending on ice conditions.
  24. We will have to keep an eye open for ice conditions and when its starts getting at least 8"we can then pick our date.For those who own portables bring them and others can rent if they wish.But if it turns out to be a real nice day huts won't be required.I might be able to set up a deal with Peter at Ice Cabins out of Gilford.I know he has a mobile restaurant service that would come in handy.We could also hire him for transportation services.
  25. I was just wondering if anyone would be interested in a one day get together on Simcoe for a day of perching .It would be nice if we could bring our family's.Maybe Cooks Bay it usually has the first SAFE ice.Any body up for it maybe in January.Dan
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