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Everything posted by solopaddler

  1. Wow Drew what a report! You've had quite the summer dude, can't wait to read about your NWT trip .
  2. Yes, from early spring 'till say mid June, then Mid Aug-mid Oct roughly. The summer heat will kill the nematodes if applied then... Make sure you're lawn is well watered before applying and spray them either early morning or on an overcast day.
  3. Congratulations! I'm replacing my fridge and gas stove this week, you're welcome to have them no charge. They're old but both work fine...
  4. Yes they work like a charm. You need a sprayer to apply them though... As Lou mentioned don't expect instant results but long term they're great. I cleaned up the grub problem at my place in Dundas using nematodes.
  5. Read all 3 parts, thanks for taking the time to do that. Just outstanding, and the photograhy is incredible!
  6. That's exactly what I meant, no discussion, just informative posts or articles posted. Submissions could be sent to the mod's for acceptance then posted by them... As mentioned it was just a thought. It'd be a great resource of info to have at your fingertips.
  7. No, you guys don't get it. Keep this board exactly the same, don't change it, there's no need to obviously. To be more specific, have the sub board in the "extra resources" section where photography, hook ups and computer help already exist. Call it, I don't know, "tackle and techniques", or "fishing how to". Anyhow it was just a thought.
  8. Don't get me wrong I love the board the way it is, but had a thought. I was thinking that a sub board dedicated to informative, "how to" based fishing reports, or "articles" if you will would be cool. Perhaps even subdividing it further by species.. I believe there's a huge amount of angling talent amongst the members and most have something to offer in the tip department. I know there's a search function, but most of the very best info usually get's lost in the day to board shuffle. What'ya think?
  9. Yeah bud you're right of course, things are better than they've ever been. Still, sometimes I look back fondly on the happy go lucky existence of our previous lives. There's something to be said to being able to pack up and take off wherever and whenever you want. Like I said take advantage of it now...
  10. Yep, take advantage of it now buddy. Joanne and I did one, sometimes two fly in's every year from the time we started dating and the first couple years of marriage........then we had kids .
  11. Right now you can get all the free skein you want at pretty much any cleaning station along Lake Ontario's north shore right now. The charter guys will generally clean the days catch and throw out the skeins along with the rest of the guts. My bud grabbed me some from the cleaning station in Port Credit earlier this week... Beyond that, go down to your local pier and throw a few spoons around. You might get lucky and catch a female salmon.
  12. Marko, somebody better chime in here or you'll be trying to use a disgusting blob of mucous on your hook as bait . When guys talk about using "skein" for salmon, they're NOT referring literally to the membrane that holds the immature eggs together. They're using chunks of SKEINED EGGS. That is, immature eggs encased in a membrane. You take the skein (eggs encased by membrane), butterfly it open, cure it (Pro Cure is good), then cut it into chunks and use as bait. The immature eggs are softer than loose mature eggs and "milk" more scent into the water. The membrane helps hold the egg chunk together so it stays on the hook better. Some guys will open the skein up and carefully scrape the eggs out so they're all loose and membrane free then tie them up with spawn net. That works good and is very effective as well although not necessary for estuary salmon fishing IMO.
  13. Great story Jason, sounds like you guys had one heck of a honeymoon trip! I've encountered bears on at least 4 occasions at fly in outposts over the years, so it's not that uncommon. They're generally more afraid of you though....no big deal. I would've been po'd about the bbq though . A couple years back north of Armstrong we had a big (300lb plus) bear in our camp almost every night lapping up the gray water from the kitchen sink. When I mentioned it to the outfitter midweek he laughed and said "Oh so you met Fred? If he gives you any trouble just swat him on the butt with a 2X4." (The chipmunk is for sure a red squirrel, and I have no idea what the spider is. I've got huge dock spiders on my dock up north and they're more gray/black, and the legs aren't as mottled. I don't think that's what it is...)
  14. I use 8-10lb test fluoro for early salmon and have no problems landing fish. You're a bit undergunned with that rod though, it simply doesn't have enough backbone to be able to use heavier tippets and turn fish easily. If you're not concerned about killing the fish, you can still land them with your rod/reel though,just be patient and take your time. In these warm flows the fish will most likely die after a prolonged fight due to lactic acid build up and shock. Anyhow, when you're fighting the fish with your long rod and pin, contrary to popular wisdom, don't hold the rod high overhead. Hold it mostly sideways. Lock your pin down completely only giving the fish an inch when it's absolutely necessary and apply SIDE PRESSURE. It's simple physics, holding the rod down low as opposed to high overhead it's much easier to turn the fishes head and lead them where you want them to go.
  15. I think Van Koeverden could have used some of that wheelie power in the 1000m race last week eh? That would've been classic: "Strapping a kicker motor onto his kayak and firing it up shortly after the starting gun, Canadian olympian Adam Van Koeeverden stuns the world by winning the 1000m race in bizarre fashion!!" (Excellent report btw!)
  16. I was looking forward to the report Dan, glad to see it was banner trip. Those are some gorgeous trout!
  17. Wow, amazing buddy. (I'll have to put Rainy on my short list ).
  18. Beautiful Jason, just beautiful! Congrat's to the both of you!
  19. Well done my friends! Is it safe to assume you've caught the Musky bug?
  20. Some of your pic's are amazing Mike! Looks like a fabulous trip!
  21. Congratulations all around bud, the wedding, your beautiful new wife and your new wheels. (You're right that was quite a gesture on Dave's part)
  22. Very sorry to hear Bucktail, sincere condoloences.
  23. Pachone, Pachone, why did you ask the question then on a public forum then if your mind was already made up? You seem like a nice kid, listen to some of the advice given (especially the police officers) and stay away.
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