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Posts posted by skinny

  1. well bright and early I get up 4am boat and truck is loaded. off to Timmies here in Delhi and the lot is full can't get my truck and boat in lot dut to eeryone else with trucks and boats I get coffee and stop for fuel for boat . I'm off it's not that far to the ponds I hoping to be on the water by shortly after 4:30. I get to the pond and there is 4 trailers there a guy unloading in the ramp and a truck full of kyacks waiting to go. so i get all unhooked and in water by 5am. My buddy calls as planed he is just pulling in (he thought I might have gotten out ).So I wait get him loaded and we are off. I find out h has never fished for Bass. So I rig him up a frog to hope for him to get a good hit and be hooked but that never happened. we went all over the pond I caught 5 nice ones . My buddy missed 2 but never got to fight one or land one. We came off the pond at 11:30 . I had a ok day slow but ok . As for my buddy he said when is next. I Spoke to a few guys i have seen out there before and they all said it was way slow for normal


    I was going to do the long point thing but my shallow hull 14 and being kinda new at the bay thing I thought it better to just do the pond.

  2. my current hull is one of older design and shallow. I also believe my motor to be long shaft. it seems to me there is alot of motor stuff below the transom. I'm looking for different hull and for mean time was thinking maybe I would build a jack plate for the one I curently have. this made me think how mch should be below the transom. can anyone help

  3. I have been invited to go fish in Dunville this is for some family bass derby. My cousin has asked me to go he pays we use my boat. So I'm all in but I have never fished down there so i have no clue about the area. I'm not sure I will be able to get down to fish before the derby. any pointers

  4. #1 I want to bulid a mount for my transom mout trolling motor to mount it on the bow looking for Ideas

    #2 has anyone built a live well out of a old cooler looking for ideas should it have flowing water or is standing fine

    #3 how tall is a long shaft transom compared to short shaft. I have a long shaft motor now and looking for different hull

    #4 what time is sunrise on the 26th is it bad to fish for bass in dark or rea low light I have lots going on this weekend and to get out it will be early sat morn and done by noon.

  5. hey Dan i think I saw you guys out there. I was out in my 14 tinner with my cousin fishing mostly just out of old cut

    like you said lots of small one with few keepers in too. we had good day but I lost my hat and the sunscreen was forgotten so I'm paying greatly still today.

  6. Yesterday I had a out of town friend come to town to fish. I gave him some ideas where to try (I'm not much into trout yet) so he was off fish through the day Iget few reports of getting few and missing stuff like that. Around 430 after we get a down pour i decide to go find him as he was going to wait out the rain . I couldn't find him but I found a guy doing the float fishing thing I have never seen it done . He was a good guy talked to me lots and showed me how it is done. just up the river were two young guys fishing when wam and lts of splashing goes on the one guy has a fish .His bddy heads over witha net and the guy with the fish hand the pole over takes the net pulls his shoes and socks off and heads into the water. So the guy that hooks the fish is now in the water with the net while his buddy is dry and having the fight of life time. Well they land the fish. I would have never in 1000 years had tought there was fish this big in the stream. but I guess it's Big Creek and it's known.

    here is a picture of what they caught.



  7. I talked to a guy that does boat repair (rivets ) told him I had filled my tinny up to check for leaks .He said that is comon to do but bad as it stresses the boat in the opposite direction than it was designed. and it could cause more leaks. I thought about this and it does make sense

  8. ok I got my hands on a older harbourcraft 14ft alum it needs a bit of tlc but it will work for me

    I would like to add 2 things to the boat I think maybe a wood floor and for sure a small casting deck in the front.

    I forgot to take pictures of the boat before i flipped it back over. My thoughts were to go from the nose back about 1/2 way between the first seat and the second

    I'm just not sure how to attach all this into the boat


    any one know of any good links for this type of stuff

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