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Everything posted by bassman87

  1. Good job man, awesome scenery.
  2. I've never tried the perch and bluegills from Wendy's...any good?
  3. Get some Gojo, awesome product to remove smell and grease from hands. Leaves a nice orangey smell.
  4. You say you have lots of time on your hands, why not get out there and try instead of waiting for others to do your dirty work for you. You have 6 posts in just under a year....all asking for help and not giving any.
  5. Sounds YUMS, probably boiled them with a pinch of salt like lobsters lol. Were the ones you caught really bronzish or did they still have a quite bit of silver to them?
  6. ^^ Lol Great job StoneFly you helped feed his family.
  7. Good job StoneFly, but I don't think the leader-touch rule applies here.
  8. Earplugs are a good enticer bait. Try purple or yellow, orange is killer when they aren't willing.
  9. This was the only pod I seen though, sucks.
  10. Hehehe, all of a sudden I'm getting PMs from friends I never knew I had. =)
  11. Awesome report. Looks like you guys had an amazing time, congrats.
  12. Why not try some creeks in Waterloo and give some info about those creeks.
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