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Everything posted by hoot33

  1. nothing really with a decent selection......
  2. awesome, exactly what i was looking for, thanks fellas. Btw, hows the lake bottom?? weedy? rocky? sand? lots of reeds? hope so
  3. Ive been trying to order some tackle online but any decent tackle site is located in te states and wants an arm and a leg for shipping. Anyone know of any websites based in canada we can order from that have a decent selection??
  4. Looking for a new bass hole, was hoping someone on this forum had fished these waters and could let me know the species and how the shore fishing is.... Thanks all
  5. sweet ride
  6. heading out again tonight to give it another shot.
  7. ya lol, he was a good little fight
  8. I fished it about a month ago in a 10 footer with a 9.9, water was extremely choppy but we found a nice little bay that was absolutely calm. fished for about 3 hours, i got skunked, my buddy got a small rocky. I know there is bass walleye pike and lakers in there, just have to find them lol.
  9. ya, Im a slave to top waters as well. Makes me feel like Im missing alot of fish, but when one hits, its so worth it. lol, ya I need to start bringing a scale with me. I think Im going to start poppong out of the woods at random parts in the river, try fishing the shallows where there are some more weeds, I want another topwater bass really bad. lol
  10. It's a terrible thing. I'm sure she was a great woman.
  11. what was your favorite lure and your replacement if you dont mind me asking?
  12. Its probably pretty inaccurate lol I couldnt see a damn thing.
  13. I was out at the local river tonight (Ottawa River), haven't done my research on it yet but I had to get out of the house so I grabbed my gear and went for a walk. I arrived at a nice opening in the river, all rock with a fairly steep drop off about 10 ft into the water. Like I said I haven't done m homework on this area, but knowing there are bass here I started with a scumfrog, tossing it into the thin weeds popping stopping popping reeling, one gentle hit later I decide to change up to a texas rigged senko. The sun was disappearing fast and I was having zero luck with this too, tried a weedless craw, slowly dragging the bottom, nothing. All of a sudden a huge splash to my right, fish started jumping for all the bugs on the surface, I ran and grabbed a large black hula popper. Tossed my popper, pop, pop, pop, pop pause, pop pop pop pop WHAM! big hit. Fought hard, I originally thought it was a pike, couldnt even see the waters edge at this point. Dragged the fish out and held it to the ground while I grabbed my cellphone from my pocket (poor planning) Turned the light on it and was presently suprised. This is my first ever walleye. Taking a hook out with one hand on your cell phone one hand on your pliers and zero hands on the fish is not easy. Got the hook out and took a few pics, keep in mind it was night and they are from my cell. The first pic is him flopping away while i try to snap a shot. I would estimate it at about 22" 5 lbs, but that is an uneducated guess as this is my first. Im pleased with the day though will be going back tomorrow a little earlier for some more action.
  14. with all the fishing Ive done I can honestly say Ive never fished a tube, Im a sucker or "old faitful" for me thats a top water frog or popper, when water gets choppy I try new things, maybe Ill pick some tubes up this weekend. What tubes does everyone recommend? what have you worked effectively in the past?
  15. lol I have about $85 in swim baits Ive never used lol.
  16. lots and lots of pictures, Im living through everyone on this forum right now til I can get back out there.
  17. I hope your still talking about fish.........
  18. right now I use the uni for everything, slipped for the first time 2 weeks ago, lost my frog
  19. are you looking for shore fishing or will you have/rent a boat?
  20. wow, palomar knot seems to be pretty popular. I'll give it a shot next time Im out.
  21. lol, Now Im completely confused lol. Im taking hydromorphone for the pain after the surgery, its not doing me any favors lol maybe I should leave the comp alone for a little while lol. Dylan p.s. Knot
  22. I just realized I spelled know wrong in the title. Layed up in bed I dont have much to do but post here and practice knots Thanks guys.
  23. I realize that but which one do you find yourself using most frequently?
  24. Usually Ive been know to tie an improved clinch knot, but I was just surfing google and found the trilene and rapala knots, will give them a try next time Im out, whats your preference??
  25. tried the craw today at my local spot, lots of rocks and felled trees, got nothing, tossed out a 5" senko and hooked into 2 smalls right away
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