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Posts posted by walleyejigger

  1. it's funny u bring that up, i buy all my gas at a certain gas bar and always charge the purchase, when i first had my card i signed it but within a month the signature rubbed/smeared off and now u can't even tell i had signed it, but everytime i buy gas the teller always "checks" the back of my card and my receipt but has never said anything about there being no sig. on the card, just going thru the moitions i guess

  2. go on take that veeeest and run




    like said maybe this was his good karma



    call me what u want, i'd keep it and have no trouble admitting it,


    and that i believe is living in a big boys world, being able to tell the truth without worrying about popularity



    edit: for my "karma" of the week


    recieved my tyler auction item in the mail today, i had bid $60 for a $50 bps gift card, recieved the full $60 i had bid in gift cards, for that i am thankful to BPS and hope it brings them great karma

  3. Love Price, i think he can be #1 in the futur but not right now


    Huet for a 2nd rounder in '09, probbly be a crappy pick, washington will proably better again next year


    i hope they needed the secon rounder for anohter trade

    ex: Hossa Lehtonen vs. Ryder 2nd pick & ?????? (prospect or another pick possibly 1st)



    how bout leafs tradin belak

    nobody bled bluer than him

    sad day in leafs nation



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