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Posts posted by walleyejigger

  1. forums would be a much friendlier place if ppl didn't try to impose their ethics on others


    if ppl follow laws n regulations others should be happy with that and any negative comments or "u should have" or " i would have" should be kept to yourself or posted in your own thread, instead of highjacking others

  2. Well like I said before you obviously have a bias against europeans and apparently small players as well.


    i think u hit the nail on the head there u named 5 of the 6 top scorers for the team


    Hamrlik has been very good

    Markov one of the best D man in the league right now and all season for that matter 3rd in team pts

    Plekanec also having a great year 2nd on team pts

    Kosteatsin same thing/chose pareille great young gun that i'm sure any team would love to have 6th team pts


    numbers don't lie i guess u don't think ovechkin is any good either or malkin


    by the way the "other name" tsn is reporting to interest the habs is non other but the god himself :blahblah1: sundin :blahblah1:




    not that it would ever happen but can u imagine leafs nation after a trade like that


    edit: i almost forgot GO HABS GO

  3. i don't have ALOT of tackle but i have quite a bit, and some of it i'll probably never use because i like my go to's too much and am afraid to try something different,


    my favorites are


    white jigs, (although i probably carry around a couple pounds worth of different ones) with live bait or pumpkinseed powergrubs


    tenessee shad husky jerk


    firetiger rap (i call it the clownfish)


    a bomber (the color escapes me) white with dark green almost camo like


    yellow go-getter



    i'll try these things first and probably retry them before anything else

  4. i find insurance is one of those things where u have to do the work and call around, no one company is perfect for everyone, i did the whole "re-shop" last year and came out with a new company for myself


    TD Meloche Monnex were my best rates and significant savings from my previous company


    good luck

  5. depends on ur needs, under 30K maybe a previously enjoyed vehicle


    toyotas are a beaut and would be my choice but come with a hefty price, in my price range i stuck with a new ford ranger, 20/20 hindsight should of went with a used full size, live n learn, nother year or two and i'll be in the market again


    good luck on your search

  6. most of those videos (except for the cop on the hood shooting) are missing key parts of what may have happened so it's hard to judge,


    i did like one of his lines though, it's one i use on almost a daily basis at work


    kid: i'm calling my mom

    me: good, come into my office and u can use my phone, i'd like to talk to your mom as well



    some people say that they(the parents) are the only ones who should talk to their kids in a certain manner,

    and i tell them that if they did, i wouldn't have to, i'm not here to babysit your child, but i have no problems yelling at them for doing something wrong in a public place without direct adult supervision



    there are certain places for kids to hang out and to do certain activities, just because a place is public doesn't mean u can skateboard there or play hockey there or even hang out there,

    we have large no loitering signs at work and enforce them


    i always tell parents that rules are there for the safety of you're child n the public, and we all know that if ur child was hurt "playing" in public places the first thing most people think of is law suit


    anyways good discussion

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