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Posts posted by walleyejigger

  1. i've always gotten the flu shot and i've gotten the flu and many colds (docs always say "different strain of flu") this year i didn't get one by accident i kept missing the clinics, so far i've only had one minor cold that lasted less than a week, which is really wierd as i work with the public and am in contact with alot of ppl in a days work,


    fingers crossed the rest of the season goes well


    i usually always get a cold a couple of days before the long weekend of may


    hope u all feel better

  2. Hey WalleyeJigger, don't hatchet your counts before they chicken. We've seen this scenario more than once. Whatever happens, most will have done their best.



    ur right, i think, i've never hatcheted any counts,


    just need to get some ribbing in while i can because the tables will turn evetually, hopefully later than sooner

  3. just thought of something,


    maybe the mods could pin these threads so they stay at the top of the page, cause it will always be relevant, and we wont have to repost year after year after year after year after year........................... after year after year..... u get the point






    sooo which western conference bandwagon r u leafs fans gonna jump on now, lemme guess detroit? san jose?


    or will u stick to east and the old "who ever plays montreal" or "who ever play ottawa"






    i'm sure saturdays game will be very entertaining, last chance for the leafs to go out with a little dignity



  5. 'nother oldie but goodie



    > Two guys from Canada die and wake up in hell.


    > The next day the devil stops in to check on them and sees them

    > dressed in parkas, mittens and toques warming themselves around the fire.


    > The devil asks them, "What are you doing? Isn't it hot enough for you?"


    > The two guys reply, "Well, you know, we're from Canada, the land

    > of snow and ice and cold. We're just happy for a chance to warm up a

    > little bit, eh."


    > The devil decides that these two aren't miserable enough and turns up the

    > heat.


    > The next morning he stops in again and there they are, still dressed in

    > parkas, toques and mittens. The devil asks them again, "It's awfully hot

    > down here, can't you guys feel it?"


    > Again the two guys reply, "Well, like we told ya yesterday, we're from

    > Canada, the land of snow and ice and cold. We're just happy for a chance to

    > warm up a little bit, eh."


    > This gets the devil a little steamed up and he decides to fix these two

    > guys. He cranks the heat up as high as it will go. The people

    > are wailing and screaming everywhere.


    > He stops by the room with the two guys from Canada and finds them in light

    > jackets and bucket hats, grilling sausage and drinking beer. The devil is

    > astonished, "Everyone down here is in abject misery, and you two seem to be

    > enjoying yourselves."


    > The two Canadians reply, "Well, ya know, we don't get too much warm weather

    > up there in Canada so we've just got to have a cook-out when the weather's

    > THIS nice."


    > The devil is absolutely furious, he can hardly see straight. Finally he

    > comes up with the answer. The two guys love the heat because they have been

    > cold all their lives. The devil decides to turn all the heat off in hell.


    > The next morning, the temperature is below zero, icicles are hanging

    > everywhere; people are shivering so bad that they are unable to do anything

    > but wail, moan, and gnash their teeth.


    > The devil smiles and heads for the room with the two Canadians.

    > He gets there and finds them back in their parkas, toques, and mittens.

    > NOW they are jumping up and down, cheering, yelling and screaming like mad

    > men!!!


    > The devil is dumbfounded, "I don't understand, when I turn up the heat

    > you're happy. Now it's freezing cold and you're still happy. What is wrong

    > with you two???"


    > The two Canadians look at the devil in surprise, "Well, don't you know? If

    > hell freezes over, it must mean the Leafs have won the Stanley Cup!!!"





    > GO MONTREAL GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  6. i dont remember the last time i saw a hockey post :P


    and all these rantings are entertaining, so just thought it was good time to bring up a sore subject AGAIN :devil:


    but really, not meant to stir anything up, just a good read with a good point




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