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Posts posted by walleyejigger

  1. i understand how you felt Brian. i've been scarred chittless may times in the woods even if most of the time others might think it is unwarranted to be afraid, it's different when ur alone in the quietness of the wilderness and u hear some ruckess comin along, ur heart and adrenaline starts pumpin


    if i'd a been in ur position i would without a doubt try and take some of them out if i had the opportunity, these animals have no good purpose, sure they MIGHT not harm u but they can wreak havoc on livestock and other animals,


    just because there's no concrete evidence of animals attakcing humans doesn't mean it hasn't and never will happen, if something as "harmless" as a coyote or fox or even household pet can attack you (and these things have happened) i don't see why wolves, cougars or wild dogs wouldn't,


    maybe it's because these animals are feared more, that there's no attacks, i find bigger animals smarter than small ones and the old addage goes "they fear you more than you fear them" but put em in a corner and see what happens, i've never seen anyone try to hand feed a wolf or cougar, but i have seen yotes, fox and household pets, and have also seen the consequences that can sometimes come from that,


    a healthy fear of an animal is a good thing, puts you in check

  2. can't go wrong with bud or canadian, my "cheap beer" of choice is bohemian


    if i'm in the mood for octane it's got to be some jose cuervo gold, (no salt no lemon) and on those hot summer days some coconut rum and pineapple juice are refreshing and addictive

  3. this a great trade for the leafs, actually kind of a robbery, stempniak has much more potential than steen and carlo combined, no healthy team in their right mind would have done that deal, but alas st.louis is hurting, and were at the mercy of other teams, i'm surprised they didn't get better offers out there for him,



  4. yes i've got the 3 year fishing with the 3 year small game,


    Irish, too bad they won't tweak the system for something so simple as an apostrophy, guess they're just lazy



    GCD, as much as a lifetime licence sounds good i'm not ready to get to the point where i'm eligible for that perk yet, LOL i guess paying isn't so bad

  5. Just a heads up to those like me who's outdoors card expires at the the end of this year, time to get renewed,


    just did it online and actually managed to print out the "e licence" this time, site says it may take up to 20 days to get a new card, so i SHOULD have some wiggle room before the new year


    $142.50 ouch

  6. once you go satelitte you'll wonder why you hadn't done it sooner.


    i have sirius and have listened to xm a few times. for music they're pretty much the same, it's the other programming you have to way on, like Howard Stern, or Nhl and the like,


    as for merging i noticed some of the channels now say both companies, ( "you're listening to sirius xm 20 octane")


    for me Howard Stern got old fast, maybe i bombarded myself with too much of him when i first got the radio (i have one of the first models) I am now addicted to Jason Ellis he plays on faction (i think 28) at 3pm, some of his bits are "Worlds greatest wednesdays" "Dude is it gay" "Dude am i a sl^&t" quite childish for some but i can't get enough of it


    you can pay monthly, yearly, or even lifetime


    for 2 radios i pay i think 26.40 a month, worth every penny

  7. My hunting season has come to an end. Started with some bear hunting. Man was there a lot of bears.(and wolves too) I took the eleventh one i saw, approx, 250lbs sow.


    Grouse hunting was unbelievable this year as well. They must of had a double hatch this spring as a lot of the bird we seen were small and didn't even have tail feathers.


    Moose hunting we didn't have any tags. We did manage to see 4 cows and a massive bull. There were alot of ppl hunting in the same area as us and all those who had tags, filled them out in no time. Not one calf was seen by anyone I spoke to. Not surprised with all the bears and wolves seen. But let the mnr keep telling you that these animals are not a problem in the north.


    Deer hunting was our best season yet. We were 5 guys (not all hunting at the same time). We filled all our tags with plenty of time to spare. Best we'd ever done previously was 3.Some years we considered ourselves lucky to even see a deer. We got 2 does, a 10pt. an 8pt. and a 5pt. We seen quite a few more. First morning in my stand a nice cow with twin calves walked right by me. Got a surprisingly good video with my digi cam.


    Can't wait till next year. Thinkin of buying a crossbow so i can have more time out there.

  8. as an avid hunter all my life i read this post in its entirety and feel no need to add any comments on the subject,


    but as its a "fishing" board i didn't want to start up a new thread so heres a question for the hunters out there,


    i was grouse hunting this week near timmins when i met 3 men in a trail from the kitchener area, after awhile one man asked me "when do you have to wear orange?" i said "pretty much anytime your gun hunting unless bear hunting in which you can remove the orange in your stand, other than that only bowhunters in a bowhunting only season can wear no orange" and he said i was wrong and that you dont have to wear orange while small game hunting, unless during big game seasons, so i checked the regulation book and thats what it mentions,


    is he right? just wondering, even if he is i will continue to wear it, it common sense, if someone can find the rule in the book could you please post a page #


    btw we were all wearing orange, these men said they put on orange to be safe after they saw other hunters wearing it, and when they hunt near home they dont wear orange

  9. back from another great summer and trying to catch up on a few things, hope yours were awesome aswell, thought id share atory with y'all


    2 thursdays ago our outboard was stolen from the docks we were at in gogama, 9 motors 1 boat 1 collapsable tongue and 2 rods were taken overnight, ours was a 30hp yamaha, there was also 30hp honda among others, noticed around 8:15am phoned the opp right away and within 15 mins they were there, about a dozen of us saw a suspicious vehicle come around 8pm the previous night and between all of us had a great description of the truck and driver. By 1pm forensic unit was on hand taking fingerprints and prints from the tracks left by the vehicle backing up to hook the boat, by 2:30 the opp phoned to say they had caught the culprits near Point au baril thanks to the description of the vehicle we had given them. All equipment was recovered few things with minor damage and was tagged and catalogued and ready to be picked up by their rightful owners within 2 days


    Huge thank you to the OPP, job well done


    remember to keep ur eyes peeled for anyone who is not familiar to you,


    BTW our motor was bolted with double nuts and bolt ends were bent and also had the rectangular "motor locks" that cover the clamps and is locked by key from the bottom, stopped in at a dealer yesterday and he said the locks are for looks and thats about it, he set one up on one of his boats then pried it off with a bit of pressure from a crow bar to show me,



    anyway thats my story for now when i get caught with a few things at home and work i can start catching up with OFC and posting pics and strories from my summer,

  10. thanks for the link, i've been eating buckets of false morrels every year for as long as i can remember, and now see they are considered poisinous....somewhat


    gonna have to send that limk to a bunch of friends and family

  11. good stuff Dan, checked out some other videos,


    "Quelle course" is a great laugh, aven't laughed that hard in a while


    "Peche magnifique" is pretty neat too although unlawful (commentary is awesome if you understand french)

  12. sorry bout ur bad luck Stoty, hope u get to one in another series


    i figured out now how to get montreal to win their games, in the sporting news pool i had price as my goalie and still 8 trades to fart around with so yesterday figured i'd put fleury in net, bag a few points then put price back in net, well i'm sure you know how that worked out for me,


    soooooo. now i'm thinkin of takin biron as my goalie LOL

  13. as a habs fan this series is totally devastating to watch, for the most part they can outplay the flyers but goalie for goalie biron is a machine right now and habs goalies are stinkin it up, over all though a good series to watch unlike the SJ Dal game last night, what a snorefest


    as much as i hate to admit it they need to bench kovalev, he's paid to shoot not pass, and his passes are not connecting at all and once he brings the puck over the blue line he just gives it away, i think the "C" they put on is jersey when koivu was out got to his head




    hope u get to the game Stoty

  14. i've had a few "woods" for years, about 4 years back I bought a kitchen/screen tent, i don't remeber off hand the name but it has the "swiss army" logo, it's red black and grey, awesome quality product and if i'm ever in need of another tent i will be looking into their "sleepers"

  15. in Sudbury we have a little known by-law that states dogs cannot bark, an anonymous call to the spca and they get a phone call of a complaint, if it happens again they investigate and they can be fined, it doesn't have to be a neighbor to complain could simply be someone walkin thru the neighbourhood that heard ur dog, even if it's in ur house

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