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Posts posted by walleyejigger

  1. i'm also a "meat hunter" wether it be a buck a doe or fawn we take what our tags allow us, in the area we hunt i've been told that in the 80's was one of the largest and strongest deer herds in the province, but with heavy hunting pressure and some very hard winters one after the other the herd dwindled down significantly,


    with that so did the hunters, we started hunting the area in the early 90's and for the 10 first years it was common for us to have a 0% success rate and some years not even seeing a deer, (were at least 4 guys for 2 weeks) for the last seven years the hunting been getting better and better, with the past 2 years being the best (lots of numbers seen, and harvesting decent bucks and large does), then came this year where the 6 in our group all got antlerless tags (we've never had more than 3) all this pointed to a rebound in population for the herde but we actually had another tough year, (compared to the last few) we were successful in taking 2 button heads and seeing a few more,


    reasons for this i cannot be certain but i believe poor weather conditions and fewer hunters than others years affected our hunt, we hunt an area where deer "move south" for winter to their winter yards, they are driven by cold weather and snow, which we have not had, and also by hunting pressure pushing them which was significantly less this year, as also said the success of previous years may have been a downfall to this season


    are these some reasons for our tough year? or are there just less deer to "push south",


    was a great time anyhow and will continue to do so in seasons to come

  2. succesfull or not, rain and warmth, is still better than not getting out at all, better luck bow hunting


    we also hunt area 47, as of yesterday the 4 other guys havent seen anything but a bunch of moose, one buck walked right in front of the camp on sunday afternoon and all they can do is stare at it,


    i'll be heading there monday till thursday


    good luck

  3. i can't see myself personnaly paying too much for either, now don't get me wrong, i understand why people do, but personally, IF I were to pay hundreds of dollars to stay somewhere for a week (i can't see myself doing it) but if I were, it would definately be a cottage, a prospectors tent is very nice but i can and have set myself up in "panel camps" i've built myself, the one i have now is 12'x20' plywood walls w/ foil insulation wood stove, propane stove BBQ fridge, 4 bunks etc 3 layers of vent tubing for a roof, only cost approx 300$ to build will last at least 15 years and i can set it up on any piece of crown land i want for FREE, in about 2 hours, and use it for fishing and hunting, all fits on one trailer


    but that's just me


    if i wanted to do what i think you want do irish, i would build a small but cozy cottage, maybe 2, if im a gonna pay for something i want as nice as i can get

  4. for the life of me i cannot use em unless necessary, like downriggers, while trolling i can put my rod in the holder and within half a minute i half to pick it back up again. I hate to put a rod in a holder, we used to fish back lakes for lake trout with "gang troll"/ "christmas trees" and it would kill your arms but i just couldn't put it down, now we find just a plain silver williams wabler as a flasher a couple feet up your line works just as well and isn't nearly as hard on your arms

  5. Ok,so how did you make out?



    wellll..... i got there monday, met some guys out there who had just seen a big bull a few minutes before i walked by, no biggie i got no tag, only calf for me, but in the 10+ yrs. of hunting i've never seen a calf so told the guy my goal for the week was just to see a moose, anything,


    i had some very good luck in my goal, followed by some immediate very bad luck,


    on the way out wednesday night just as it was getting dark i came up on a cow and calf (YES A CALF :clapping: ) about 40 yds from me i managed to get a shot off, but they ran off, <_< in my search of where they were i found the classic "broken twig" but searched a little more anyhow and found a small splatter of blood about 50ft away, WOO HOO :clapping: , so headed back to camp for flashlights and to round up a search party, searched for 2 hours in the dark found no calf and no other blood other than the original spot :wallbash: next morning the 5 of us spent 4 hrs combing the area and came up blank :wallbash:


    now i cant get the scenario out of my head

  6. was about 50kms south of timmins for the week, just got back, started snowing yesterday around 6pm on n off all night, was about an inch when i left this morn. snow on the ground all the way to halfway park, only time of the year i love snow.....hunting

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