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Posts posted by walleyejigger

  1. moslty what i read here is jealousy, nothing other, "your" team didn't make it so cheer for the furthest thing from it,(not distance, but style) so many "alfie is european" blah blah, so is sundin, so is koivu, but we still cheer for them, am i the only one that sees this as a form of racism?, surprised it hasn't been flagged down yet


    anyway habs are my team, for these palyoffs i cheered for the sens and still am, and when/if they lose will think to myself "that sucks", i don't bleed blue or green or bleu blanc rouge, i love hockey, love the habs, but in the end is just a game, all you "haters" out there are just jealous your team didn't make it,


    this board was pretty quiet hockey wise until the best in the east started to lose, like a cat waiting to pounce on the mouse, big shocker nobody voiced their hatred when they were winning,


    even though i'm a habs fan i'm very proud of the sens, the sens fans out there should be proud, and the team should be proud (yes alfie too)


    very few ppl cheered for the ducks when the playoffs began, to those of you who did congrats, (more than likely),



    ps, unless pronger and kunitz combine for 26 points in the remaining games i win 600 bucks in a pool

  2. only advice i have for you is to call the lodge before you leave, mnr is currently evacuating all camps on onaping due to a forest fire in the area, started yesterday afternoon near halway lake park, crossed the highway (was closed for a while) and was quickly heading to onaping, last report on the news at 6PM was that all campers are forced to leave the area, with the high winds of today and yesterday they say it'll be awhile before they have it under control, supposed to rain tonight so that may help

  3. well wolves goalie Dahm got peppered tonight but they still managed to take it to overtime, despite their efforts they came up with a loss after being outshot 81-35,they combined for 56 penalty minutes, it's gonna be a long flight home,


    now they gotta win the 2 last games to make it to the big show, the barn's gonna be loud on sunday



  4. first, GO WOLVES GO


    second, who knows, i'd think money, i would think franchises are bought, these teams probably couldn't join a league in their own state because the league's were not expanding at the time and the ohl was, to which they applied, or perhaps the ohl is the closest league (distance wise) for that level of play, i don't know how plymouth or erie originated but saginaw was moved from north bay, i'm sure the league would rather have the team move to the states than lose it all together,


    third, why does the ohl get so little respect, hardly any mention of it on TSN or sportsnet until the finals and even then it's scarce, 1 televised game, which was last sunday afternoon in plymouth, where we saw a small arena (3000 seater i would say) with wayyyy to many empty seats especially for the finals,


    forth, you need connections to get seats here in sudbury, our rink holds approx. 5700 seats, aprrox. 3000 season ticket holders, tickets go on sale to these ppl. 24 hrs before the public, (which it should, they've been paying big bucks for years and should get first dibs) but they are also allowed to buy 4 extra tickets at that time ( for a potential of approx.15000 seats) soooo, the geneal public gets nothing but standing room only, so unless you're connected you're SOL (which i also think is OK)



    anyways i'm rambling on, i've listened to all playoff games on the radio, and listen to most of regular season games at work, i think more games should be televised, there's plnety of coverage of AHL, WHL, and i'd bet more QMJHL than OHL on TV, it's a forgotten league even though 20% of current nhl'ers come from the OHL



    fifth, GO WOLVES GO


    the city's buzzing, 31 years in the making, 2 games away

  5. i've caught 2 and witthout being specific, they were both caught in lakes less than 2 hours north of sudbury, accessible from a highway, and both caught on jigs fishing for pickeral, so.... if someone were to actually try for it i'd think they'd be fairly easy to catch without paying an arm or a leg

  6. i like that one, id be afraid what the "others" would do to my vehicle


    i saw another i liked today, unrelated


    "My sheltie is smarter than your honor student"


    i think if i saw one with "my jack russell" instead, id definately smack it on my bumper



    also an old favorite, "If you're against logging, try whipping your @ss with plastic toilet paper"

  7. but ended up having spagetti n meatballs, that's right.... el skunko, went to algoma got there around 10pm, the half moon out was bright enough to read a book on the shoreline of the crick, only a few people there with the same stories of "i heard the were running a bit the last couple of nights," left at 3am with 8 smelts for bait (called in sick today lol, cough cough) , don't know if it's over or a slow week long start, i think it's over,


    oh well, maybe next year, ahh who knows i may head down again on the weekend,


    sure was a beautiful peaceful night though

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