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Chris Cross

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Everything posted by Chris Cross

  1. Worst case, get out the cutting torch. Try lots of heat on the hitch part not the reciever part. Or just cut it off! CX
  2. Yep! It's a yammy prop. If you look on the forward surface of the prop blade, you'll see the prop size in metric and also imperial. From the photo it looks close to 13 x 19. The paint should not have peeled off.
  3. I'm wondering which depth sounder is best and why. I have both types. The old flasher is ..........well......old. All the others are digital. Fishin' Buddy, Hummingbird Pirana Max 10 portable,Lowance X45 dash mount. The digitals all work and I understand easily what is on the display. The flasher works, but unless you watch it consantly, you got no idea of whats under you. I'm just wondering which is best? CX I'm hoping some of you diehard flasher guys can enlighten me!
  4. My new unit has a depth alarm, saved hitting bottom more than once. Maybe a depth window. Where you get an alarm if you go to deep or too shallow. CX
  5. Sorry no photo, but me first fishin' boat was a well used 62 sangstercraft. I got it for free put on an old old old johnson sea horse 18. I don't know how many times me and friends road around Orr Lake. We never locked it up. just beached her and tied to a tree. Oh the good old days. CX
  6. I've had a few portable units. The Fish'n Buddy and fish'n' Buddy 2 are crap. I made a dash mount unit portable and used it for a few seasons. It was not easily setup and the battery is a pain to drag around. Now, I have the Hummingbird Pirana Max 10. It's the best I've used so far. It is very easy to carry and set up. I get over 10 hours of use on ice with 8 rechargable "aa". I hard wire it to the electric troll motor for the summer. I even use it in the canoe. I got it at a trade show for $125. The retail is probly $200 Any questions PM me. CX
  7. The physical size does not matter. The power rating is what makes the difference. Low power transducers are good for portable units, they will use up less power i.e batteries. The high power units will read bottom to a greater depth and more detail and acurate. Plus high power tends to read bottom up to faster boat speed. CX
  8. You should change the washer everytime. Some O.M.C. motors came with plastic washers. There are reusable, but they don,t seal as well as the other. Some units have O ring built in to the screw.They are reusable but you got to put on really tight. I prefer the single use fiber type. They seal the best are the cheapest. CX
  9. Most outboards have a drain hole right at the seam between the upper leg and lower unit. This allows water to drain out. And in for that matter. The water pump is self draining and self priming(small drain hole in pump housing as well) Some outboards have the drain hole on lower unit just above the nose cone on one side. If you ever run outboard on water muffs and garden hose you will see the drain hole( water will pee out when running and after for a minute or so) Any question about this? Just ask. CX
  10. Are the gears and bearings ok? If so we could just change the case. CX
  11. What is wrong with old unit? Can it be repaired? CX
  12. Scuttlebutt lodge and Red Fisher was my first and still is a faverate. Back in the day it was about good guys, fishin' and good stories.(I think they may have drank beer more openly than) CX
  13. Can you post a photo. I have a few old lower units kicking around, might have what you want. CX
  14. The weather was nice, no need for gloves. Hope we can get out nextweekend too. Pockets and i both have are real fishin' boats put to bed. The canoe was a last minute thing. CX
  15. Pockets and I launched the old coleman canoe from Tiffin ramp and fished most of the day. About dozen boat all around one spot. The perch were hungry. We used minnows, it was nonstop all day. We got 8 jumbos for the fry pan. The fishing from shore looked slow, but from 200' off shore if was good. The perch seemed to be just off bottom. About 2:00 the perch seemed to move up amd we got loads from about 6-8' down. Than by 5;00 they were on bottom again. Lots of boats came and left, eveyone seemed to be catchin. If weather is good we'll try again next weekend. CX
  16. Some people have away to much time! CX
  17. Most outboards are self draining. The water pump has a small hole in the housing. This lets water up to prime pump at first submersion, and drain the system on haulout. You really should never run you outboard without water. Even 5 seconds can melt down your waterpump. Spin your car tires on dry road and then wet road, you"l see what I mean! Seadoos and jet boats should always be started after haulout, but not anything with a rubber waterpump. Just a thought. CX
  18. Call me at the office 705 549 8920. I'll talk you thru it. CX
  19. Pour a little plumber antifreeze (pink stuff) in livewell to keep lines and pump from freeze up. CX
  20. Hook, line, sinker, and a worm. CX
  21. My name is Chris Cross, and i'm a fishaholic. Been a member since 04.Marine Mechanic by trade.Weekend fisherman by choice. CX
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