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Posts posted by TC1OZ

  1. Oh I agree 100% that these kids needs a rude awakening, BUT, thumping a 13 or 14 year old unconscious doesn't solve the problem, just someone's anger or ego at the time. If that floats your boat and satisfies your manhood then what can I say..


    Well not to push any stereo types... but his name is Lunatic and he has a Harley symbol for his picture.... enough said.

  2. i dont care about laws,or ages,if someone does any damage to my family or property i dont call cops.


    my buddy was driving up the sherman cut and two 13-14 yr old kids were throwing rocks off the bridge onto cars,striking his 3 day old freshly painted car. he parked the car further up the hill,ran around thru the bush up onto the train bridge where they were,they ran,one got away, the other was grabbed and while he begged for mercy and pleaded that it wasnt him (of course) my friend punched his face several times knocking the kid out cold. i bet he threw his last rocks.


    i dont care who agree with this or not. id have done the same.


    Because the cops get called after you try to resolve the situation is my guess on why you never call the cops.....

  3. Root kit Trojans are almost impossible to remove, unless you created it and know how it attacks.


    Backup your data and format.


    As for your router being attacked, I have a good feeling you never changed the default admin password? Do that in the future to avoid that.


    My wife got a lovely root kit trojan last week by downloading this program to play one of her facebook games for her.... After spending 3 hours using all the above mentioned removal tools/antivirus programs after doing a windows restore and booting into safemode. I realized its all a waste of time as a complete re-install takes less than 40 mins.


    Now our network is back to full operation. Both my routers are safe as they have non-default passwords to access them.


    Hackers are so smart these days! I can barely keep up!

  4. Did a lot of work around the house yesterday... so the wife let me out to go fishing! We only had an hour to fish but it was a very productive hour.


    We took my little tin boat down to the local creek and ended up hooking into a couple bass and some pike.


    Choice bait for the evening was chartreuse spinner baits with a chartreuse blade.


    My buddy was a little camera shy, but here are my highlight fish.




    The wife thought I lost my smile when we got married.... I told her I just need a decent fish in my hands!




    Now, I am pretty new to fishing, and don't claim to know very much... but from what I remember reading you should try to match your lure choice to the water conditions correct?


    So dark stained water go with darker lures? and clear water on bright days use more colorful lures correct?


    I pretty much just toss whatever I have in my bag, but would love to actually make some sort of real lure choice when fishing different waters... Am I understanding this correctly? or does someone want to break it down!

  5. No not directed at anyone in particular. Just quoting the "$2 fish" for effect. I don't know the particular situation either, but I do know a thing or two about people from some parts of Canada, such as country folk or east coasters that have a hate-on for natives, and that clouds judgement. Not pointing any fingers and saying that is what happened here, but I think it can easily happen and we get into an "us vs them" mentality. All I can say to that is that they lived here for thousands of years and there was still fish when we got here. In the last maybe 100 years, we have managed to screw up just about everything.


    And my original point was that taken at face value, the article is a positive one, and the plant should have a positive effect on the fishery, all things being equal.


    Did they have gas motors and fish finders? I'll just stop now.

  6. Time to start having Gobie fillets, u need to catch about 50 to have a decent plate. Who wants to go Gobie fishing? We can even start up Gobie derby'sunsure.giftease.gif


    I'll just wait for the asian carp with a bow!

  7. Hey All,

    You will have to wait a few more weeks the draw has taken place but due to all the legal stuff they have to do it will be two weeks before they let the winner know. I don't even know who won yet! Stay tuned I will let you know the info as soon as I can. Good Luck to you all!


    Thanks for the update Dave.


    Awesome to see the featured celebrity in the corporate contest is actually involved!


    What you guys are doing @ facts of fishing is truly cutting edge and I love the show.


    I'm starting to suck up now, I'll just stop.

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