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Posts posted by TC1OZ

  1. So I'm talking to my dad last night to see how things are going.

    Him and my mother have been up at the camp for the last few days.


    Even with the low water there are no rock hazzards in my lake. Apparantly though 2 days ago my dad smashed into a huge one and screwed up the lower end on my almost new 40hp Yamaha.


    "Where did it happen?" I asked.


    "It was those rocks in front of the cabin" he says.


    "What, you mean the small island? You hit the island?" I ask in disbelief.


    "Yes the island!" he sputters.


    "Okaaaay", says I, "What's wrong with the motor, how badly is it damaged?".


    "Well the forward and neutral gear doesn't work anymore, so I had to backtroll the boat back to the marina!"


    (This is about 8km away :lol: )


    "Did you get the boat to a mechanic?" I ask.


    "I was going to, but then I realized I left my trailer hitch at home!"


    "So what did you do?"


    "I grabbed one of Perry's extra boats then left a message on his cel asking if he could tow the boat into town for me. (Perry owns/runs the slips where my boat is moored and is a friend).



    "Okay then" says I, "I'll keep my fingers crossed".

    "So beyond that how has everything else been going?"


    "Not good" says my dad.


    "What do you mean? What else has happened?"


    (By this time I'm starting to get nervous).


    "Well yesterday I had a huge leech on my big toe!"


    "So what?!" I say laughing.


    "Well we couldn't get the damn thing off and it inflamed my gout!"

    He practically yells.


    "It got so bad your mother had to drive me to the hospital in Kirkland Lake!" (Picture George Castanza's dad yelling now :lol: )


    By this time I'm laughing at him, and that made him angrier.


    "On the way back from the hospital the front left tire blew out on my van!!"


    "OMG, really?!", I say.






    "Okay, okay calm down. How did you get the tire fixed?"


    "I called CAA. They came, but it took hours. We just got back to the camp 15 mins ago. I've got to go, I need a drink! I'll call you tomorrow!!".



    (I hope my motor is okay, guess I'll find out today. :P )



    Story of my life! When it rains, it pours. At least when good things happen they happen to me this way as well!



  2. I was told by another tourny angler that instead of putting the clips through the gillplate, to punch them through the skin in the lower jaw right beside the tongue. sounded kinda mean but I tried it and no reaction at all from the fish and it pierces the skin very easily.I think that a small hole in the lower jaw would be way less stressful or damaging than having there gills damaged we use a BPS set and a beam works good I will be looking at a good scale in the near future would hate to lose by a ounce or 2 and question your own culling at the end of the day. it is tough keeping track especially when your talking about 3-4 fish that weigh and look identical but like was said earlier culling is good and means your putting more weight in the well.


    haha yet you don't feel bad about jamming a hook into its mouth?

  3. anyone know of any decent spots to fish for pike from shore in the gta aside from lake o, or even an hour out? my buddy and i wanna go tomorrow but don't plan on making it a full day so we would like to keep it closer to home.


    I've seen many epic reports fishing off of Toronto Island.


    Good luck.



  4. u can never have too many fishing buddies :rolleyes:


    I have an awesome fishing buddy @ work... but we work a rotation schedule and of course our shifts are opposite! Thankfully my cousins fish up at the cottage and now a couple of my friends are getting the bug!


    Thanks for the read slash!

  5. Im in Toronto... all grocery stores charge for bags around here.



    But not to take away from this thread..My haircuts went from 12 to 14 also.. :glare:


    My wife works at a chain hair salon and their cuts went up the but the employees hourly pay/bonus structure stayed the same. Gotta love big business! The HST does work out for them :clapping:

  6. Oh, yeah...the sailboat was on autopilot, looked like they were sleeping on board...heading right towards us, Lloyd had them just miss our planer boards, then blasted the air horn...I jumped, Juli jumped...and the sleepers on the sailboat probably did need a change of undies, LOL. Blows me away how people can be that unsafe.


    Some people think its a private lake :dunno:

  7. I went to my cottage in the Parry Sound area as well, and the Smallies were definitely off. Normally I have the lake to myself, but 4 other boats were on (I'm assuming they were campers), and all reported slow fishing over the 3 days I was there. Very disappointing to hear its the case elsewhere, but I'm sure it will pick up soon.


    I'm worried, the cribs left by the old boat house on the front of my island had ZERO rock bass and usually you are trying to reel in fast over the crib to avoid them.... And there were only a few smallies around the island and not too many in a smaller back bay that usually has 100's... I just hope it was the weather :dunno: There were about 20 big spawning smallies around my island on the May 24 weekend, I saw them when I took the kid around in the canoe. And I was getting decent sized pike then.... Probably just a bad week for fishing!

  8. looks like a good time to me

    even if your "friend" doesn't buy you some new spinner baits


    hahaha, my buddy Eugene didn't even make the pictures as he couldn't land a fish! You'd think being from north bay he would know how to fish, but I guess I re-ignited his passion from when he was a little kid for fishing. He can't wait to be invited back to the cottage (really soon) for some more fishing. When I took him back to the marina he insisted on taking me into town to buy me some gear! But it was a good time and I told him next time to bring his own :clapping:

  9. Thanks for the report....weather looks ominous. And yup, family and friends is where it's at.


    Thanks for the read Roy!


    And your right it was on and off all day for the weather. And the night before was torrential for rain, I was up listening to the rain debating on weather or not to beach the little john boat I had at the dock.

  10. I was up at my cottage in Parry Sound for 2 days of lack luster fishing. It was my first time at the cottage without using live bait. I'm starting to think it was a mistake, but then again the weather wasn't the greatest. Despite the lack of fish and my stories of the cottage turning out to be just that stories...I was able to pass on the fishing bug to two of my best friends who had ZERO interest in fishing before the cottage. To save myself the hassle I advised both of them to buy fishing licenses so I didn't have any issues with the MNR... I mean since I saved them so much on a cottage trip. And my one buddy lost about 30$ worth of MY spinner baits.... At least two of them were in fishes mouths...


    Most of our time was spent trolling the shores with spinner baits. I figured if I could get them into some decent sized large mouth I will have no issues finding a fishing partner in the future.


    Sure enough I was able to find a few for them. (not myself)






    Second one is slightly larger at 4.2 Lbs versus my cousins which was spot on 4 Lbs. Both caught on double willow tipped white spinner baits rigged with curly tail grubs.


    So onto my fish porn :rofl2: :




    I was impressed that tiny pike was able to get his mouth around the hook... and he actually put up a fight, I thought it was a bass at first.




    Pretty standard size for my cottages bay, caught several of these on spinner baits. I also landed two my first ever time jigging with those gulp alive minnows and an unpainted jig head! Very cool fight!


    Most of my other fish just went right in the water with no pictures as I was spending the entire time trying to top my friends fish...with no such luck.


    The most important part of the trip was spending time with family and friends. And nothings better than passing on the addiction of fishing to a good friend!


    Tight lines everyone; hope you had a happy Canada Day!




    Thanks for reading!

  11. I don't think anyone was getting wound up about it


    and I don't see the problem with stating our opinion


    so relax no one was gathering with pitchforks to run him out of town


    Stating opinions, which is what was clearly done in the news paper. I wonder if anyone checked it for lead weights in the belly. And why has no one commented on the carp hitting a rapala dive-to lure? Did they actually take it to an official scale and more than one person verify it?


    Sounds like a fishing story that made the local paper if you ask me.

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