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Posts posted by TC1OZ

  1. but you understand that most people go nuts here when anyone takes a photo of an OOS bass


    that muskie was not a legal fish and he would have lost his boat and equipment if the MNR caught him


    why is this OK

    have I missed something as compared to the OOS outrage


    I have no OOS outrage, take a pic and put it back! I don't care what the season is.....


    People who rage on people for OOS pictures are hypocrites, if you really cared about the fish why are you trying to catch them on a hook or even capture them for that matter. let alone catch and release...


    If you really wanted them to flourish you wouldn't be out there catching them, you'd be telling people to stop fishing in general.


    Obviously there's a huge difference if people are fishing and keeping out of season fish (who posts that on the internet), but come on now he just wanted a picture of a fish that 98% of people will never get in their life.


    People get off your freaking high horses..... and lecture the people who aren't aware you need a fishing license to participate in the act of fishing.


    Or if you really really really are on that horse, send the man a PM!

  2. My father has been a diehard Mopar fan since the fifties. He has never bought anything but Mopar products. I have asked him numerous times why he continues to buy them, I think they are junk. He has a Dakota truck that needed new brakes all the way around after 4000km. The reason for this from the dealer was he doesn't drive it enough. He has a new top of the line mini van that needed a new rear end after only one week of ownership. The dealers response was the rearend was missing a part on inspection. Maybe his vans rearend was put together by the guy puffing on the lefty at lunch. I can't wait to show him this video clip. He's an ex military man that has no use for people that abuse drugs and alcohol. This is not an isolated case in the manufacturing industry. Society has gotten pretty pathetic hasn't it.


    Just because someones high they forget to put a part on.... I'm sure it wouldn't happen to someone who's just bored doing the same repetitive task over and over again.... that couldn't happen eh?


    Has to be the drugs.


    Also... what about Quality Assurance? They don't ask the guy screwing nut A on bolt B to make sure the car is 100% at the end of the line...


    come on...

  3. Because its a huge brain buster working like a monkey on an assembly line...


    Give it a break guys.


    Talk to anyone you know @ GM and they'll tell you the guys who do coke on the line get the over time shifts...... because when you are high/drunk that boring crap is fun....



    Don't get me started on construction workers.... and I mean we all trust our lives daily to things built by construction workers...


    Everyone's just mad that their job sucks more and they get paid less.... I know I am!!!!!

  4. /ignore all release comments.



    Awesome fish dude, I hope people don't ruin your report.


    I have a cottage on the menominee channel and I'm just getting good at getting pike on the troll. There's tons of dink pike, haven't gotten into anything above 2 1/2 feet.


    Do I need to head out on the bay to get into musky? or are they hiding in any of the channels? Like south channel or something... Send me a PM if you want to fish sometime, I'm sure you could teach me tons about the area, just started fishing it a year or so ago.

  5. Thinking of finally getting a small hp outboard for trolling, looking at the honda 2hp pricey for a 2hp but its super light and air cooled. Boat is a 16ft with a 85" beam and fully loaded with gear 2 ppl should be around 1700#s would a 2hp be enough? or should I get a 3.5hp? 4-5hp?




    Where do you plan on fishing? Any big water?


    Any size motor would be good for trolling (unless you plan on doing some high speed trolling) but if you are fishing out in the big water you may want to think about your trolling motor as a backup for getting to shore if the main motor has problems.... and the bigger the HP the better in that case.

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