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Posts posted by TC1OZ

  1. "This fellow had a suspended licence and was driving a borrowed vehicle or one not in his name anyway but apparently, not stolen according to the OPP."


    Here it is illegal to let some one that doesn`t have a license drive your vehicle. If it wasn`t stolen? It sounds like you need to get the owners insurance info and maybe a lawyer?


    Only in the USA! A lawyer would be a huge waste of money up here...

  2. I always tip my spinners with those gulp alive minnows, rather than a curly tail grub. I figure its going to add sent along with that extra motion that fish love so much.



    Just when you start off using the secrete weapon and can't produce a fish it gets you thinking... hahaha


    Thanks for the report, looks like an excellent day out!

  3. John, be sure to take care of yourself. Blood clots are major health issues. Follow the instructions of your plumber.


    We need to begin easing up on blood thinners as our period comes up. Don't want any of us bleeding to death.


    Don't worry TennesseeGuy I think "MANOPAUSE" has taken care of that already!

  4. Not so much the mud as the rising waters.The rain washes mud and along with the mud comes worms,grubs and other bugs.The cats can get up along shore and root around in spots they could not reach before the rain.Art and I cleaned some cats one year that were full of Soy beans.It was after a tropical storm that flooded the soybean fields up river.The cats must have been rooting around in the fields eating anything they could find.Rising water almost always brings out the cats.



    I'm hoping all this rain will get me a nice sized kitty today! Thanks for the quick report, looks like an awesome outing!


    I also love your john boat!

  5. Ya old fart :tease:


    your blow up doll is in the mail :whistling:


    hahaha! Thanks skeeter! I missed the post, and I have a feeling the wife toss the blow up doll! She was getting jealous of her figure!


    And you are only as old as you feel.... man did 40 come quick~!


    Where's the air valve?


    Happy BD!


    Thanks Roy!


    Happy Birthday Bud, hope you have a super day!




    It was a great day thanks Joey!


    Happy birthday TC1OZ :thumbsup_anim:

    You have yourself a great evening!!!



    A great evening was had!



    I appreciate the post and was away from the computer for those few days as I had a friend up from down south. Hopefully I get into some fish today and I can followup with a report!



    .... I forgot I put my birthday into this thing lol.

  6. Being able to trace a # online has come in pretty handy for me. One of my sons ex-friends gave our # to bunch of punk kids on Xbox Live and convinced them to crank call my home. I just *69, punched the # in google, and I managed to find who the # belongs to, the city and street they live.....


    Was pretty funny, I called one of the punks back and gave the kid an earful, never called back again, especially since I mentioned his last name, city and street he lived on....haha, was pretty funny.


    As long as you don't come across any crazy stalkers in your time, not that there's such thing as a normal stalker, but you should be fine.


    Sounds like you back traced them! :worthy:



  7. Sorry this is no help to you but...


    One of the guys at work got a phone call... "Hi, I drove by your house and did a reverse look-up to get your number. We were wondering if you were interested in selling your house..."

    Long story short, these people liked the house (that wasn't listed for sale) looked at it and made an offer. My co-worker didn't mention numbers but he said it was an offer they couldn't refuse.


    The downside is; theives can do the same, call the house and when there is no answer they arrange their own 'showing'.


    Not all thieves are dumb thugs... those are the ones who get caught.


    Crazy world we live in, the real criminals get into politics!

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